Coming Home

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Peach's POV

"It's just this way!" I said as we ran down the streets of New York City. We were going to the secret portal to the Mushroom Kingdom. Daisy and Luigi followed behind as I dragged my husband, Mario. We were going to have a wedding in the Mushroom Kingdom tomorrow. We finally got to the magical portal, the last door in the subway station. It will only appear when I am there, or Daisy.

"Let's go!" I yelled as we got to the end of the walkway in the subway station.

"Where are you taking us?" Luigi asked and we finally got to where the door would appear. I touched where the door would be and the wall opened, like a sliding door. Ooo! Toadsworth must have made this door more secure! I pulled everyone in and we all fell into the doorway.

We all landed on the floor in the throne room. We were right behind my throne. I got up and brushed myself off, noticing that my clothes changed back to my usual princess attire. Daisy was back in her usual princess attire, and the boys were in their plumber outfits they wore so much in the Mushroom Kingdom.

"I can't-a believe it! We are-a back in the Mushroom Kingdom again!" Luigi said as he helped Daisy up and held her close.

"Home sweet home, everyone!" I yelled and suddenly Toadsworth appeared.

"Princess Peach! You came back! I see you brought back Master Mario, Master Luigi, and even Princess Daisy." He said with his scepter in his hand.

"It's wonderful to see you again, Toadsworth. Was the kingdom okay?"

"Of course, your majesty. But we really did miss you." I nodded and took a hold of Mario's hand.

"The marriage preparations are in order, right?"

"Of course, Princess. As soon as we got word that both of the princesses were getting married, we had to make the best ceremony for you and Princess Daisy. Which, by the way, you need to see Toadette about your dresses. I'll take care of the Mario Brothers." Toadsworth said as he got the Mario Brothers to follow him, until he stopped and turned around.

"It's time for the tradition. Mario, you are not allowed to see Princess Peach until tomorrow. Luigi, you are not allowed to see Princess Daisy until tomorrow. And vice versa for the Princesses. Did I make myself clear?"

We all nodded and went our separate ways. A whole day without Mario, that will be definitely be different. This was all tradition, the bride or groom can't see one another until their wedding day. Well, one plus, I get to spend this day with Daisy!

"Welcome back Peach and Daisy!" Toadette curtsied and then gave us a hug.

"I have your dresses finished, hopefully they fit!" She said as she took us to her sewing room, two wedding dresses were on mannequins. One dress was more plain with a thick yellow ribbon around the waist, sleeves that were off the shoulder. The dres was white with hints of yellow  flowers, hardly able to realize because they were so faint. The veil crown was lined with crystal daisys. That must have been Daisy's. I looked at the other one, white with faint pink roses, off the shoulder, and had a veil crown lined crystal roses. The dresses seemed to match, the only differences were the crowns and the faint colors.

"These are so beautiful Toadette!" I said as I ran to my  dress, taking it off the mannequin. I ran behind the changing blind and got the dress on. It fit like a glove. I walked from behind there in my wedding dress, and looked at Daisy in her's.

Her's fit like a glove too, she looked absolutely beautiful. Toadette then ran over with heels and gloves. She gave Daisy white heels with short gloves that had white lace on the cuffs. I received white heels with longer gloves that came up to my elbows.

"This is so beautiful! I can't believe I am going to be married tomorrow, again!" I said as I did a princess twirl in my new dress.

"Yeah, we are finally  going to have our fairytale wedding." Daisy said as she looked at herself in the mirror. Tomorrow was going to be wonderful!

~The Next Day~

Toads were running around with flowers, vases, and even flower garlands. They were running trying to get things done. Yesterday was a little bit uneventful, but now the palace was bustling. Of course because of tradition, we can't see our fiancees until we walk down the aisle and say the words "I do".

Daisy was doing my hair, making sure it was on point, placing my new crown on my head, with my veil connected to it.

Daisy's hair looked incredible, her hair was beautiful and shiny with her crown veil on. She looked so beautiful. Though her makeup was plain, she still looked beautiful.

"And there you are, Peachy. You look beautiful." She said as she gave me a hug.

"You do too!" I yelled as I hugged her. Now it was time for us to get married!

We both walked down the aisle, together, hand in hand. We looked at our boys up there, stunned. We got up there and both boys had to shake themselves out of that trance of looking at us.

"We are all gathered here today to witness the marriages of both Princess Peach and Princess Daisy." Toadsworth began and blabbered on a bit.

"Now, Princess Daisy, do you take Luigi Mario as your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do!"

"And do you Luigi Mario take Princess Daisy as your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I-a do!"

Then Toadsworth scooted over a bit.

"Alrighty, Princess Peach Toadstool. Do you take Mario Mario as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do!"

"And do you, Mario Mario, take Princess Peach Toadstool as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I-a do!"

Then Toadsworth, all out of breath it seemed like, scooter over a bit.

"Now by the power vested in me in the Mushroom Kingdom, I now pronounce you pairs husbands and wives. Husbands, you may kiss your bride." And Mario leaned in for a beautiful kiss. It felt like fire works all over again. Marriage was going to be a blast. What's next?

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