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Peach's POV

"Aren't we going to plan the wedding?" I said as I laid on the couch after Momma Mario left to go shopping after we got back home.

"Peach, we haven't even chosen a date yet." Daisy said as she walked out of her room in her more comfortable clothes.

"Besides, we don't have a ton of money, remember, we just got $200 dollars from that bake sale." Daisy said as she set down a tea tray on the coffee table.

"Still, you must have some money, especially from all of those bake sales like that and dancing competitions."

"Peach, we still have to pay bills and taxes! Money doesn't simply grow on trees! Its not like the Mushroom Kingdom where gold coins came from everywhere you would go!" Daisy got upset and went into the kitchen. I got up, sat on one of the kitchen stools by the counter and looked at my goldfish.

"Daisy, please don't stress yourself out, it's not healthy for you."

"Oh! So let me guess, you're going to tell me I shouldn't have ever came here, is that it?! Are you going to just keep telling how my life was so much better in the Mushroom Kingdom, no worry in the world except Bowser?! I wanted to persue a different life. I life being with Luigi."

I sighed, "But you could be with Luigi in the Mushroom Kingdom-"

"I know it very well, Peach! I know it!" Daisy said as kept looking around the kitchen.

"This hasn't been the first time I have thought about going back to the Mushroom Kingdom... " She mumbled as she kept searching around the kitchen.

"We're home! How's-a everyone?" Luigi walks in with Mario right behind him.

"I got Daisy thinking about the Mushroom Kingdom again..." I said, which made Luigi stop right there. He took in a deep breath and exhaled.

"Where is she?"

"The kitchen..."

"Right, why don't you and Mario go out somewhere. Daisy and I will need to be alone." Luigi said, so plainly.

"Right, Peach, we should go." Mario took my hand and led me out the door. We took the elevator down.

"What did I cause, Mario?" I said, he put his arms around me and said not a word. He just held me and stood in silence. What did I truly cause?

We walked down the sidewalk, taking our time and taking in the sights. It was still as busy as ever at night. The night seemed more alive than in the day. Mario kept leading me, I didn't know where we were going.

"Mario? Are you going to talk to me?" I asked, he still didn't answer,just led me.

We then got to a park, he sat me down on a park bench. He looked off in the distance, taking in a deep breath and exhaling.

"I know you're - a wondering why we had to leave..." Mario tried to clear things up.

"What did I do?" I asked again.

"... Daisy... she sometimes has those times where she asks herself if she made the right choice to come here. She gets those moments where she questions what she chose by coming here. She sometimes thinks she made the wrong decision. You just triggered one of those moments." Mario said, which made me feel bad.

I started tearing up, the tears running down my cheeks. Mario held me close. He whispered that everything would be alright. Suddenly, Mario's pocket vibrated. He looked and nodded.

"Daisy is alright now." Mario smiled slightly toward me. He grabbed my hand and got me to stand up.

"Now why don't we go back home." Mario said and I nodded. "But first... we need to get something first." I said and Mario smiled again, knowing I had a plan of some sort.

We got back up to the apartment, I could hear Daisy and Luigi playing a video game, Rockband to be exact. Daisy turned off the vocal track and it was nothing but backing vocals and her own voice. Luigi was playing the guitar, both of them having a good time. I waited until they were done before I walked in. Once the song was done I knocked on the door.

"I'll get it, Luigi!" Daisy yelled as she opened the door. My hands full of a pizza box, two tubs of ice cream and bouquet of daisys. She looked at me and stared at me.

"I'm sorry, Daisy." I said and she started smiling.

"You definitely know how to try to cheer me up, Peach." Daisy said as she took the bouquet of daisys from my hands and took the bag of ice cream into the kitchen.

"That was so nice of you, Peach."

"That wasn't the only thing I got for her. Tomorrow, is a girls night." I said as I showed him tickets to a rock concert.

Hello Readers!

Sorry it's been such a long time since I have been updating this. Hopefully I will update this more often. I've been having writer's block with this story. If anyone had any ideas or any question, put it down in comments.

Thank you for your patience,


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