Peach is Coming to Town

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Daisy's POV

I walked to the apartment, groceries in my hand. I walked into the building, the Door man greeted me as I went to the elevator. I pushed the button to the top floor suite.

I was greeted to the sound of 80's rock and roll music, my boyfriend rocking out on the Wii, on Rockband.

"I'm home! I got the groceries!" I said and my boyfriend ended the song with a embarrassing power slide.

"Oh! Hey Daisy! I am so glad you are home!" He said, blushing.

"Aw! You are so cute!" I said and he took off the controller and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you Daisy..." he said and I blushed. "I love you too, Luigi..." I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Then Mario came in, he had a box of some sort in his hands. "Hey Daisy! Hey brother mio!" Mario greeted me and Luigi. Then a knock came at the door.

"I'll get it boys!" I said and I ran to the door and opened it.

There was a blond about my height wearing a pink dress, high heels, and her tiara. "Peach!!!" "Daisy!!!" And we hugged. "Come on in, Peach, I can put on the kettle." and Peach entered the room.

I went and found the tea kettle, got water, and placed it on the burner.

"You remember Peach, don't you, Mario?" I asked and he didn't pay attention, he was just staring at Peach.

"He should remember me!" Peach said, laughing lightly and walking to the counter. Luigi came into the kitchen with Mario, and Mario was still staring at Peach, he could never keep eyes off of her.

"Daisy, remember we have dinner tonight..." Luigi said and I smiled. "I know, do you think you two will be ok here by yourselves?" I said and Mario and Peach nodded.

All of a sudden, the kettle whistled and I poured the brewed tea into coffee cups. I set out the gallon of milk and the sugar container and we fixed our tea. "So, what made you come here?" I asked, curious all of a sudden.

"Oh! Yes! I wanted to see what you have been talking about in the big city. I have left Toadsworth in charge until I return." Peach said then she sipped her tea.

"Wow! You left the Mushroom Kingdom to come here?! You know I left because I didn't have a castle to rule and I wanted to be with Luigi in the city." I said and she smiled. "Maybe I can be with Mario! Then we will be one happy family!" She said as she jumped off the stool and twirled, her dress poofing out.

"Well, I don't see why not, but why now?! What will happen to the kingdom of you don't return?" I said and Peach didn't seem phased by it. "The kingdom will be fine, Daisy, they have been fine for a long time before I grew up and became the ruler." She said and I remembered the day she finally became the crowned ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, the same day I started to live with her because Sasarland was just not the place for me.

"Alright, it is your kingdom." I said and she smiled a little smile. "Yeah, I know..."

Then Luigi and I were getting ready for our dinner night. I got into my  yellow dress that went down below my knees, yellow heels (that might kill my feet later...) and my yellow flower clip. My dress resembled mine from the Mushroom Kingdom. I then walked out into the living room to see my boyfriend Luigi in a nice green dress shirt with black dress pants. He also had a little green bowtie.

He looked so cute and handsome at the same time. So cute!

We waved goodbye and went out the door.

Mario's POV

I was now all alone with Peach, the most beautiful princess I have ever laid eyes on... ah... this will be so awesome!

Luigi's POV

I hope everything goes to plan. If this doesn't work, I don't know what I will do... I love Daisy.

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