Dinner in The Big City

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Luigi's POV

I was really nervous... I didn't know what was going to happen. Daisy held my hand, her hand in mine.

We walked into a Italian restaurant, the smell of pasta, tomato sauce and garlic filled the air. "I can't believe you took me here!" Daisy said happily, " This is the same restaurant you took me on our first date!"

I smiled and we went in the door and waited to be seated. "Hello, only 2?" The waitress said and I nodded and she took us to our table. "I will be with you in a moment." She said as she ran off.

Mario's POV

Peach ran into Daisy's room and came out in a pink nightgown, pink high heeled slippers, and her pink sleepmask on her forehead.
She looked adoreable, her hair tied with a pink bow.

"So, do you want to watch a movie?" I asked, looking through all the movies I had, many of Daisy and Luigi's Favorites, and my favorites too. There was a lot of action movies, romance movies, supernatural movies, superhero movies, fantasy movies... a lot of different movies.

"Sure, what movie? I don't know which ones you have." Peach said, as she walked to the kitchen and put on the tea kettle.

"Well... there is superhero movies, like the X-Men movies, Spider-Man, and so on... Action movies like The Fast and Furious movies, Supernatural movies like Vampire movies..." and Peach had a smile on her face.

"Let's watch one of my favorites, you might like it too!" And she brought out a movie I haven't seen, Phantom Of The Opera.

"This is one of Daisy's favorites, it's mine too! I thought Daisy would want her DVD back... it was in my room." And I nodded and she put it in the DVD player.

She went to pop popcorn and brought in two cups, one with Earl Grey tea bag and the other one has nothing in it but had tea bags next to it. "I didn't remember if you drink tea, but I have hot chocolate packets too." And I took a green tea bag and placed it in my cup. She smiled and poured the hot water from the kettle. "Lets watch this movie!!" She said as she started the movie.

Daisy's POV

I watched Luigi be all nervous, he needed to talk to get whatever off his mind. "Luigi, are you ok? You seem a little tense." I said, worrying about him a little. "Oh! Nothing, Daisy... I am fine, it's just that... oh nothing!" He said, seeming like he had a secret. "Ok, so how was work?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "Oh, it was fine I guess. Miss Randa had us come to her house to help find her ring she accidently dropped down the drain, then a call from Mrs. Habert, her cat's tail got stuck in the bathroom drain. I never understood that... So a very weird day at work." Luigi said, and I kinda chuckled, the cat stuck in the drain? Funny...

We then got our order. I had clams and pasta with white sauce, so did Luigi. He also got a sweet red wine for us.

"I wonder what Peach and Mario are doing. I hope they are fine, not trashing the place." I said, which made us both laugh. "I think they will be fine." He said and he placed his hand on mine. "There is something I want to ask you." He said as he got up from his chair and started to kneel.

Peach's POV

We were watching Phantom Of The Opera, such a beautiful movie and musical. Christine, the Phantom... such a wonderful couple, if they ever were! Like Mario and I...

"Well, that was not actually a bad movie." And Mario took my hand, I had tears in my eyes, that movie always made me tear up.

"Peach, I have saved you so many times... This might be crazy but..." then he pulled me in, closer to him.

Luigi's POV

"Daisy, will you marry me?" I asked her, showing her a sapphire engagement ring.She didn't say anything. She had a shocked look on her face. "Yes, I will! I love you, Luigi!" She said and I slipped the ring on her finger. Other tables of people clapped as we kissed.

Once the check came we were out of the restaurant, we walked hand in hand. We walked into the apartment building and were greeted by our doorman. We waved and went to the elevator, pushed the button and walked into the elevator. We were still holding hands, she looked at me and I smiled. "I can't believe we are now engaged! I can't wait to tell Peach!" She said and she was all happy and excited. "And now I will be with you till the end of time." She said and she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

We got off the elevator, went to the door and opened it. Then we saw a sight that I though at some point would see, but not once I walked in. There was Peach and Mario, kissing and Peach with a diamond ring on her finger.

"Oh! Daisy! Sorry you had to walk in on that. I have some fabulous news!" Peach said, jumping off the couch.

"I have some exciting news too, Peach."

"Alright,you first!"

"Luigi purposed, and now we are engaged!"

"Oh!!!! Mario purposed to me too! Now we are engaged too!!!"

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