Weeks Later

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Peach's POV

It was few weeks later and Daisy was looking through the paper. I was trying to make lunch, a standard pizza. I asked Daisy for cooking lessons and she happily accepted. She thought it was time I really did learn to cook. And it was not because she was pregnant. She just thought it was a useful skill people should learn to feed themselves.

We were waiting for the pizza to cook, so that's when she started looking through the paper. Myself, I was looking at the pizza and would occasionally look up at Daisy.

"What are you looking at, Peach?"

"The pizza and then I look up at you." I answered her and she smiled.

"Just sit down and relax, the pizza isn't going anywhere." Daisy said as went back to her paper. She then sadly smiled at the paper.

"What's wrong, Daisy?"

"There is a dance competition this weekend..."

"So? You can still dance. You aren't even a month along. You don't even have a bump. They aren't going to know you are going to have a baby." I said, trying to convince Daisy she can still dance.

"I guess we could still, but Luigi will have to refrain from throwing me in the air." Daisy said as she kept thinking.

"You two can still show off amazing moves without throwing you in the air. It's just a nice added touch. But you can still blow them away." I said, giving Daisy some confidence.

"Thanks, Peach, I appreciate you trying and cheering me up."

"It's my job."

Soon after the pizza came out, the Mario Brothers were there. It was like they knew we were making pizza. Luigi was again soaked and Mario was dry.

"What did Mario do this time?" Daisy asked Luigi.

"We had-a little miscommunication. I was working on a fire hose down at the fire department, I asked Mario for something and he just turns on the water."

"And Luigi was riding on that hose like a bucking bull in a rodeo!" Mario laughed and Luigi rolled his eyes.

"So, Luigi, what do you say if we do the dance competition this weekend?"

"You mean, your not afraid that something will happen?"

"Well, you aren't going to throw me in the air anymore. Just be gentle with me." Daisy said as she walked up to Luigi, which caused Luigi gently hold her in his soaked arms.

"Are you sure?" He said, placing his hand on her stomach.

"Yes. I want to do this last competition. This is the last one of the year, until the the summer, which I wouldn't be able to do at all. I am so going to have dancing withdrawals when the summer comes..." Daisy said as she looked up at Luigi.

"Alright... we will. But we need a plan now, the competition is in two days."

"I already thought of it." Daisy said as she pulled out her phone and she started playing a song.

Two days later we were at the competition, Daisy and Luigi's last competition until Daisy has her baby. Many people have already danced and it was finally Daisy and Luigi's turn.

"And last but not least our wonderful pair from Brooklyn, here they are, Luigi and Daisy!" The announcer said as Luigi and Daisy came out. Daisy in a beautiful yellow dress and Luigi in a green tux. Then the music started to play.


And she was lying in the grass
And she could hear the highway breathing
And she could see a nearby factory
She's making sure she is not dreaming
See the lights of a neighbor's house
Now she's starting to rise
Take a minute to concentrate
And she opens up her eyes

The world was moving and she was right there with it (and she was)
The world was moving she was floating above it (and she was) and she was

And she was drifting through the backyard
And she was taking off her dress
And she was moving very slowly
Rising up above the earth
Moving into the universe
Drifting this way and that
Not touching ground at all
Up above the yard


She was glad about it... no doubt about it
She isn't sure where she's gone
No time to think about what to tell them
No time to think about what she's done
And she was

And she was looking at herself
And things were looking like a movie
She had a pleasant elevation
She's moving out in all directions


Joining the world of missing persons (and she was)
Missing enough to feel alright (and she was)

They finished beautifully and the crowd roared in amazement. They loved it! Both Mario and I were excited for Daisy and Luigi. We crossed our fingers, hoping Luigi and Daisy took first place.

As we listened, we heard other names for 3rd and 2nd, then we heard Daisy and Luigi for 1st place!

They got 1st place! The dance champions of Brooklyn just got first again!

All the couples who placed went in the back, changed, then came back out for the last dance.


They all ended and they got a standing ovation, our friends cheering wildly

Their love was definitely crazy, especially now that they have a baby on the way.

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