Dare#43: Dark Sonic Brawl and Battle with infinite

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Good 21: Hey Sonic!

Sonic: What up 21!

Good 21: dared his OC to fight you in your dark Sonic form.

Me: *snaps and Hando appears*

Hando:Hi guys, do I have another dare today?

Good 21: Yup. You've been dared to fight Sonic in his dark form.

Sonic: How will I go dark Sonic? Please don't tell me you're going to hurt Tails just to trigger it.

Good 21: No we're using the other method. Dr.Mcfatass! Is that his name Sonic?

Sonic: Nah but you can call him that he won't mind.

Dr.Eggman: HEY!!!!!!

Good 21: Oh you're here Dr.Mcfatass

Dr.Eggman: It's Dr.Eggman you pink bitch!!!

Sonic: Watch your mouth eggie!!

Good 21: 😡.........nevermind, do you have the fake emeralds?

Dr.Eggman: oh yes.....Hehehe....

At a lab......................

Sonic: Can I ask why I'm strapped to the wall?

Dr.Eggman: You're strapped to the wall because I'm going to shoot you with this machine I spent the past few days making. It's going to infuse the power of the fake emeralds into you. These fake emeralds only contain negative energy. I've not tested it before though so I'm not sure what'll happen.

Sonic: Wait so you mean this is your first time?!!!!

Dr.Eggman: Yup. But don't worry there's a 95% chance you won't die.

Sonic: *sarcastically* yeah that's really reassuring.

Dr.Eggman:* presses some buttons* Fine you want the truth?, there's a 98.9% chance of death.

Sonic: WHAT?!!

Dr.Eggman: But nevermind that, you're Sonic, the positive guy.

Sonic: Yeah positive when I know things will be alright. But I'm positive I might die thanks to your stupidity.

Dr.Eggman: ok. * switches on the machine*..........sorry but this is gonna hurt a little. * puts it on 500 mark*


Dr.Eggman:*turns it off*

Sonic: You said it'll hurt I little!!

Dr.Eggman: Yeah I lied.

Sonic: Are you done?

Dr.Eggman: Yup. But it'll take time before the effect of the emeralds take action.

At a large battle field.. .

Hando:* relaxing waiting for Sonic*
You're here. But you're not in your dark form.

Sonic: Wait for it......*kneels down*

Hando watches Sonic as his fur changed from Blue to black. his green pupils vanished leaving a pool of white oval eyes which glowed white as Sonic now in his dark form.

Hando:  ok let's get started.

Hando blocked a rapid punch from dark Sonic.He blocked a kick from him too but got knocked down by a serious spin kick Sending him Sliding backwards. Hando regained his senses and looks as Dark Sonic took a step forward and vanished leaving Hando confused as he appeared behind him and kicks him hard sending him to the ground. Hando gets up and performs a combo attack on Dark Sonic before sending him to the air and slams him hard with his his dream hammer. Dark Sonic lands on his feet as he launched himself back into the air and kicked Hando causing a large shockwave to spread out sending Hando flying to the other side of the field he lands on his feet.

Hando: Wow you're a formidable opponent.

Dark Sonic:............

Hando: oh I forgot you don't talk in this form.

Dark Sonic runs towards Hando and with swift speed tries to punch him but he dodges and sends Dark Sonic flying with a powerful blow from his dream sword. Dark Sonic regains his stance and runs towards him the two exchanging blows here and there. Hando slashes Dark Sonic repeatedly ending the combo with an upper slash then a charged sword slam sending him crashing to the ground.


Dark Sonic was lying on the ground. Hando watched as his fur changed from black to cobalt blue.

Me: Hando is the winner!! Ok let's get on with the second dare. You must fight Infinite.

Hando: ok

Sonic: What?!

Me: You'll fight him after a few hours so get ready.

Me: ok guys are you ready?

Hando: Yup.

Sonic: Yeah.

Me: ok  infinite you're up!

A dark figure soon descended slowly to the ground. he wore a silver mask with one eye hole covered and the other one revealing his right yellow eye. he had silver metallic boots, black gloves, a black bushy tail with white fur at the end. It was the ultimate mercenary the controller of the Phantom ruby prototype. Infinite.

Infinite: So I'm fighting the little blue saviour, but what's that I smell?

Hando : Defeat!

Infinite: haha......very funny.

Me: You may begin now fight!

The battle started  and Sonic boosted towards infinite  who easily dodges and pinned him to the ground with ease and dashed flies  Hando and tries to punch him. Hando barely dodges and falls down. Infinite lazily aims at Hando and fires a powerful laser at him but Hando dodges at the last moment. Hando brought out his dream sword and jumps up high to try and slash infinite but he dodges and kicks him sending him flying to the far side of the arena.

Sonic: Hey! Didn't  forget about me did you? * dashes towards infinite and attacks him*

Infinite* dodges and kicks him to the wall*

Infinite now focuses on Hando and creates two red spheres of energy and hurls it at him. Hando dodges the first one and reflects the other one sending it back to infinite but he shoots a lazer through it. Hando then create a Cannon.

Hando: Take this! Dream cannon!

Hando shoots a yellow orb from the cannon and it goes full speed towards infinite sending him sliding backwards due to the force of the blast.

Infinite: aaargh!! grr! You'll pay for that!

Infinite then creates numerous  red cubes that could destroy buildings and warp anybody to a virtual world. With one hand aimed towards Hando the numerous red cubes rushes towards him. He quickly creates so many sword beams it destroys the cubes and he leaps towards infinite  and performs a combo attack on him and finishes him with a powerful blow from his dream sword sending infinite crashing into the ground.

Me: The winner is Hando once again. Ok that all* creates portal*Bye Hando!* waves*

Hando: Bye and see you next time! * goes into the portal and goes to his dinension*

Infinite:This isn't over Hando! next time I'll defeat you! *leaves *

Me: *helps Sonic up* need an ice pack? He seriously slammed you to the wall.

Sonic: yup

Me: ok that's all see you in the next dare  which is our very first singing dare.

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