Chapter Ten

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Flavia pushed passed anyone on her way. Her expression remained as cold as it was when she returned to her house after having ice-cream with Julian. Adam was the one to greet her and it was far from friendly, his eyes dimmed becoming cold and filled with disgust. She couldn't get rid of the image in her head or the awful words he said to her. Some part of her tried to convince her that he didn't mean it, but she knew he did. He always did and she accepted it, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt, after all, she was still his sister even if she was a Rider.

Flavia shook her head and unlocked her locker, Should've known he would take their side. She grumbled grabbing the materials she would need for her first class.

"Ok," María appeared once Flavia closed her locker. "Spill it. What is going on between you and Julian?"

Yay. People.

Flavia frowned at her friend's tone, "I expected this from Paula, not you." She crossed her arms the best she could with her books in hand. "And nothing. We are just friends. Am I not allowed to be friends with boys?"

María flushed, "It's not that! It's just–he sat at our table on science."

"Yeah? We were talking and class began–"

"But you have been also hanging out with him more than us! Nalia doesn't mind, and Paula is shipping you two, even more, but... what happened to us? We are your best friends, you tell us everything, of course, Nalia knows more, but that's the norm!" María frowned near the end before shaking herself, "It's as if Julian knows more about you than your best friends!"

Flavia frowned and shuffled her books closer to her, "There is nothing going on, María. We are friends."

"Fine, you are 'friends'. Then why go to him instead of us?"

"María, he was just there–"

"So were we!"

Flavia closed her eyes, "Can we not do this? I just want to go to Art, do whatever Ms. asks us to do today, and continue on with my day. I didn't ask for an interrogation, ok."

"I am not interrogating you–"

"Yes, you are!" Flavia snapped. "You are questioning my answers, trying to dig deeper. Last time I checked that was interrogating someone!"


"Just. Leave me alone. I am not in the mood for this," she walked away not looking behind her.

She ignored her other friends' waves as she entered the classroom and dragged her chair towards a lone desk on the far corner of the classroom. She wanted to be alone right now and the spot she chose was perfect for it, opening her sketchbook Flavia took out her pencil and began to doodle mindlessly. She didn't pay attention to her surroundings. If she had she would have noticed the chair being dragged towards the table she chose or the worried glances of her friends or the stiff and cold posture of María.

She would have noticed it all, but her mind was wandering far away from the place around her. Drake would have a fit if he found out about this, but Flavia didn't care. All she wanted was to be flying high among the clouds on Fawn's back. A croon echoed on her mind.

I wish I could talk to you, Flavia sighed finishing up the little heart she was drawing. But this will do for now, I guess.


Flavia dropped her pencil in surprise and almost knocked her pencil case off the desk too. "What?" She turned to look at Julian who was sitting on the side of the desk for one, "When did you get here?"

"Just a few moments ago." He grinned, but Flavia noticed it was forced. "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She lied, "Just... tired."

"Uhu," Julian nodded. "I have seen you tired. You threatened me with a dagger, remember? So what's going on?"

Flavia grinned at the memory, "Yeah. Ok, I'm not tired, but I'm fine." Their eyes met and Julian's green eyes searched her brown ones. She could tell he didn't believe her but he nodded anyway.

"Are you going to stay here?"

"You see, I want the silence and being with my friends means no silence."

"Ok then. Think there is enough space for another?"

"Don't you want to be with our other friends?"

"Yes, but there is this girl who is also my friend sitting all alone, and even if she told me that's what she wanted. I want to give her company." Julian gave her another grin and she returned it with a roll of her eyes but didn't object as he moved his things towards the desk.

"Paula is going to have a fit," she chuckled not needing to turn around to know her words were true.

Julian looked over his shoulder and saw Paula staring at them with a wide grin while shaking Nico. "I think she is already having one."

"Who is she shaking?"


Flavia chuckled, "Poor boy. He never had to deal with one of her moments."


"She likes shipping people."

"Shipping...? Wait. So she–"

"Ships us?" Flavia rose an eyebrow with an amused smile, "Yup. I'm just surprised she hasn't scream it to the class just yet."

He watched her with wide eyes and a gaping mouth, a blush spreading around his nose letting Flavia see his freckles even more. "She... ships us."

"Yes, if you don't like it just tell her. I'm used to it so I don't care."

"No!" He covered his mouth the moment everyone turned to face him.

"Julian, please refrain from yelling or I will give the class an assignment today." Their art teacher scolded before going back to her painting.

"Wait, Ms. didn't give us an assignment?"

"No," Julian shook his head blushing. "It just caught me off guard...? I don't mind, really."

Flavia hummed ignoring the question rather than a statement. She fixed her eyes on her sketchbook once more and continued doing what she was doing before. Julian watched her doodle on the paper before taking out his own and trying his best to not make it look like a blob. Their friends watched them from the table they sat at, Nalia was smiling, Markus, Nico, and Will were looking at each other every now and then. Paula was grinning widely, and María rolled her eyes. Flavia was ignoring them once again and this time she couldn't deny it. María crossed her arms and glared at the desk below her.


"PE sucked." Flavia groaned as their large group headed to Spanish. "Can we just skip jumping?"

"But it's fun!" Nico grinned, "Don't you agree, Will?"

"Of course!" The blond grinned at his twin, "Super fun!"

"You two are delusional!" Flavia pointed a finger at them, "Utterly delusional!"

Nalia shook her, "I have to agree with Flav, here. The beginning of this unit is horrible." Flavia gave her friend a thankful smile as she opened the door to their class.

"Buenos días, Ms." They greeted at the sight of their teacher.


Flavia sat on her table with María, Paula and Nalia while the boys went to other side of the room to sit on theirs. Their Spanish teacher had assigned sitting and nobody went against their teacher when it came to her class' rules. Once the rest of the class filed in the teacher stood up and explained what they would be doing. Flavia opened her notebook and her computer opening the link the teacher sent them.

"Are there English subtitles?" She asked her friend, "Because if there aren't I'm going to need more than an hour to understand this."

María chuckled, "It's not that hard."

Paula rolled her eyes, "Says the one who is fluent in Spanish."

"Not my fault it's my first language."

"Yes!" Flavia cheered causing everyone to turn to her, "There are English subtitles!"

"Flavia, as silencio."

"Perdón, Ms."

The teacher nodded and Flavia went back to work pleased that there were English subtitles so she could actually do it, instead of constantly asking María for a translation. The four girls worked in silence as their teacher visited every table to make sure they were doing the assignment correctly. It was when the teacher said they were needed on another class, leaving shortly after that the silence was broken.

"Who is going on the field trip tomorrow?" One of the guys, Tristian, asked the class.

A chorus of 'I am' and 'Not me' went around the classroom, all ignored by Flavia, the assignment, forgotten. Flavia looked up to a sight of expecting classmate, her eyes darted to her friends who were looking at her the same way. She blinked confused as to why everyone was staring at her. She tugged her sleeves out of habit and of fear that her marks were exposed. They kept on staring at her.

"Are you going to the field trip?"

She looked over at Emily, "The one for Computers?" She got a nod of affirmation, "Yeah."

"Of course she is!" María scoffed good naturally, "Her family are the biggest supporters of Anti-Riders!"

"But didn't she went to the side of Pro-Riders during History?" Tiffany asked, closing her computer. "Weren't you on the side of Pro-Riders?"

María frowned at the remainder and turned to look at her friend expectantly. Flavia didn't meet her eyes. Nalia shifted on her chair while Paula crossed her arms glaring at María. The rest of the class stayed quiet waiting for her response. Julian and Flavia met eyes, Nalia turned to look at Julian with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"My parents want to make sure we are on their side," she grumbled. "They don't know of the debate."

"But do you wanna go?" Julian asked, his voice laced with concern causing Nalia to smile.

Flavia forced her smirk down as she unpaused the video, "That's one way to put it." The class waited for her to elaborate, but she continued on with her work and the rest of the class soon followed her example.

The teacher came back to a silent classroom, something she did not expect but welcomed it as she sat down on her chair to continue grading the tests of her previous class. Nalia and Julian looked over at Flavia who had remained quiet after her response, not even participating on the chatter between Nalia, and Paula. María kept her eyes on her work, but her thoughts mulled over the words Flavia said.

"That's one way to put it."


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