Chapter 1

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Anika's POV:

My name is Anika...Anika Kumari Sharma, a chartered accountant. Oh you are wondering why you are seeing a picture of two girls and hearing grown woman is talking? Sorry, actually I was just looking through the photo album and found this picture. Guess where I am?

Okay I will tell you, I am the taller girl, the one in red, white and black. The little girl in a white top and blue jeans is none other than my baby sister Gauri Kumari Sharma. 

Gauri...she is a sweetheart, really well when she was little, in her teenage years she started to sneak out, stay out till late, get into thousand of arguments with our parents, thankfully her grades were fine and thankfully she never did any bad habits. I didn't exactly know why she started acting like this, I guess it was because she had reached her teens so she decided to be rebellious. 

Now Gauri is 20 and I am 25, she doesn't rebel anymore but she still argues with our parents....yes a five years difference and yes I know that I should marry by now but marriage means nothing to me and love especially means nothing to me. 

Anika's POV ends.

She closed the photo album and went upstairs in it in her hands so that she could keep it in the cupboard of her room.

When Anika reached her room, she kept the photo album in her cupboard then went to Gauri's room to check on her sister. 

Anika: Gauri?

She seemed to be in her bed. Anika went up to Gauri and noticed that her sister was once again looking pale. From the last week, Gauri had magically gotten unwell so she had been staying at home, missing out on college. 

Anika: Gauri, what happened? 

Gauri: voh di...I need to tell you something. Is it okay if you can close my room door?

Anika nodded and went to close Gauri's door. Once that was done, she sat on the bed next to Gauri. 

Anika: what happened? Why did you needed me to close your door? Are you feeling sick again?

Gauri: would mum and dad react if you had a boyfriend?

Anika: they wouldn't mind because I am settled with a career and I make good money. 

Gauri: and how would they react if I had a boyfriend?

Anika: I think they would be against it because you are still studying once you have done your studies and got a good job, settled in life then they wouldn't. Why? What happened?

Gauri bit her lips. How could she tell her sister some big news? Something lifechanging? She took a deep breath and grabbed her sister's hand.

Anika was confused but her confusion cleared away when Gauri kept her hand on her stomach. 

Anika: Gauri, you're...

Gauri in a low voice: I'm pregnant. 

Anika: what?

Gauri got up from the bed and went into her en suite to get something small. She showed it to Anika...a positive pregnancy test. 

Anika: Gauri...please tell me you know who the father is? Please tell me you didn't have a one night stand.

Gauri: I know who the father is. I didn't have a one night stand. Di, I am not only pregnant, I have a boyfriend. 

Anika: what? Gauri, if you wanted to do stuff with your boyfriend, you could have used protection!

Gauri: di, I swear we used protection, I was even on the pill. 

Anika: how did you manage to get the birth control pills? The pharmacist would have been all judgmental! 

Gauri: my boyfriend got me them because we knew the pharmacist would judge me if I took them. He even got me a pregnancy test. 

Anika: so does he know already about the baby?

Gauri nodded.

Gauri: I did the test two days ago and we spoke yesterday. 

Anika sighed....her sister couldn't wait till marriage to get pregnant? How would society act? What would people say? OMG what would their parents say?

Gauri: di, I want to keep the baby, he is ready to take responsibility for the baby as well. 

Anika: so you both want the baby?

Gauri nodded.

Anika: so abortion, adoption...did you go through these options?

Gauri nodded and said: yes di, we did. Di, we couldn't live with ourselves if we got the baby aborted and...adoption, I know there are couples who can't become parents so they opt for adoption but di, it's my baby and I want to be a mother to my baby. 

'I want to be a mother to my baby'

'I want to be a mother to my baby'

'I want to be a mother to my baby'

This line echoed in Anika's head a thousand times until she heard her own voice saying it. 

Gauri: I want to be there when he or she says their first word. I want to be there when he or she takes their first step. I want to be there when he or she starts school. I want to be there when he or she gets their first tooth. I want to be there for all those moments. 

'I want to be there for all those moments'

'I want to be there for all those moments'

'I want to be there for all those moments'

Once again, another line was echoing in Anika's head until she heard her own voice saying it. 

Gauri: Om wants to be there for those moments too.

Anika: Om?

Gauri: that's his name.

Anika in mind: that name sounds so familiar. (talking) what's his full name?

Gauri: Omkara Singh Oberoi.

Anika: Oberoi? Gauri, you are in a relationship with an Oberoi?!

Gauri: yeah why?

Anika: what was you thinking when you got into a relationship with a member of the richest family in India?

Gauri: that money doesn't matter and I love him because he is a sweetheart. Why?

Anika: Oberois are not sweethearts, they are devils.

Gauri: what do you know? You're just judging them based on the news but Om is really the sweetest person ever and he is not a devil. Would a devil accept responsibility of a child? If he was a devil, he could have left me when I told him the news but he didn't! I know now for a fact that he is going to be by my side. 

Anika: so now? 

Gauri: now I need to figure out a way to tell mum and dad...without getting killed. 

Precap: 'Mr Shivay Singh Oberoi'

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