Chapter 2

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Anika's POV: 

It had been three days since I found out that my little sister was pregnant. She started going back to college but I was still really concerned for her. My parents haven't suspected anything about pregnancy yet. They just assumed that it was a bad stomach bug....if they knew that Gauri was pregnant before marriage, they would kill her. 

I was busy on my laptop with all these numbers....why the hell did I become a chartered accountant? Looking at numbers all day is tiring and day these numbers will kill me. 

I needed some dalgona coffee made by my amazing mama.

Me: mum? Mum, please can you make me some dalgona coffee?

No reply.

Me: mum?

I didn't get a reply from her, instead I heard my chachi and Gauri talking to each other. Why was Gauri here? I groaned and kept my laptop now so that I could go downstairs to check on those two and so that I could make myself some coffee if mum wasn't going to make it!

When I was downstairs, my chachi was doing all the talking and Gauri was busy rolling her eyes countless of times. 

Chachi: Gauri, go back to college! You already missed enough days. 

Gauri: my college ended early today chachi, try to understand!

Chachi: go back to college, I don't want a headache from you. 

Gauri: then go back to your house! Didn't chachu buy a grand house for you? Why are you in this small medium sized house? If you go back to your house, you won't get a headache. 

Chachi was about to speak....

Me: chachi, Gauri stop arguing! Chachi, your show is on air so go check that out.

Chachi: finally!

She went and Gauri looked at me with a smile, an innocent smile but also an excited smile. 

Gauri: thank you for sending her away. 

Me: you shouldn't argue with her. 

Gauri: she argues with me.

Me: but she is elder.

Gauri: my perfect di, I don't care! Anyway I have big news!

Me: big news? What big news?

Gauri: I can't say here, chachi might come and eavesdrop with her big bat ears.

Me: Gauri....

Gauri: let's go to the kitchen, I'm hungry. 

She walked to the kitchen, a smile still on her face and I followed her. How come she was all smiley today?

Once I entered the kitchen, she closed the door and went into the fridge to get a slice of chocolate cake.

Me: Gauri, you are pregnant, you shouldn't eat sugary things.

Gauri: kya yaar di? I'm not eating this cake, my baby wants to eat this cake. 

Me: your baby?

Gauri nodded as she got a spoon and took a spoonful of cake in her mouth. 

Me: Gauri, don't use my future niece or nephew as an excuse to eat your favourite treats. 

Gauri: I'm not, is it my fault that your nephew has his mother's taste buds?

Me: nephew?

Gauri: me and Om were talking about it....I think the baby will be a boy but Om thinks it will be a girl. 

Me: I think it will be a girl. 

Gauri: don't support your hone wala brother in law! Support your sister after all, we share the same blood. 

Me: don't be so dramatic....what do you mean by brother in law?

Gauri: that's my big news. 

She kept the cake plate and spoon down then said: Om proposed to me di!!!

Me: really? Did you accept?

Gauri: would I be happy if I didn't? Let me tell you how it went....

She went on one knee and kept a hand out. 

Gauri: so he stopped me in front of the whole college and went down on one knee, bringing his hand out with a box! 

Then she stood up and acted surprised.

Gauri: and I was so surprised because my Om will never do romantic gestures in front of everyone. Then.....

She went back on her knee and kept an hand out. 

Me: Gauri, please be careful.

Gauri: chill di, anyway as I was saying, then Om said to me that 'Gauri, you are everything to me, I want to marry you because you are the first person I wanna look up at when I wake up in the morning and the only person I wanna kiss goodnight....' Then I was too busy gushing and he held my hands to continue his speech 'because the first time I saw these hands, I couldn't imagine not being able to hold them but mainly when you love someone like I love you, getting married is the only thing left to will you marry me?

She got up and kept her left hand out.

Gauri: I was like really teary and I said yes, he kept the ring on my hand then kissed me in front of the entire college. The whole college was cheering and congratulating us...thanks god the teachers didn't find out. 

I smiled...I was always happy to know that my little sister was happy. I don't think I have ever seen her this happy before. Om and my future niece had really made her happy, she was glowing with love and happiness. I hugged my baby sister tightly and said: congratulations meri jaan. Where is the ring? I don't see it on your ring finger.

Gauri broke the hug then went into her purse, taking the ring out.

Gauri: just in case chachi saw or some society lady. Look how beautiful it is. 

She showed me the ring, a beautiful rose gold solitaire round diamond infinity ring.

Me: wow...

Gauri: I know right so now here is our plan...Om is talking to his brother because his brother is the one who makes the decisions then once he agrees and tells his family, I will tell our family that I want to marry and you know how chachi is, she wants me to marry. Even dad thinks I should marry because according to him, I am a handful and I should be married off. Then after a month, we will announce that I am excepting and no one bothers to do the maths so it will all go smoothly.

Me: of course it will go all smoothly. I hope you and Om will have endless happiness in your life.

She smiled and went back to eating her chocolate cake....I tried to tell her not to eat it but she didn't listen so I gave up, rolled my eyes and went to make my dalgona coffee since mum wasn't here to make it for me :(

But as I was making my coffee, I was thinking about what Gauri said about Om's brother making decisions...I hope Om's brother agreed to this marriage, I know him well he is a stingy stupid man but from what Gauri had blabbered about Om in the last three days, I was relieved to know that Om wasn't like his brother. 

I didn't want to see sadness on Gauri's face, she was already so happy and if Om's brother decided to be the wrecking ball to her happiness, then Anika Kumari Sharma would sort him out. 

Gauri: you know di, I hope one day you will find someone who makes you super happy! I want to steal my jiju's shoes and demand him to take care of my sister also to make him bankrupt on his wedding. 

I laughed hearing her talking like a child...dream on Gauri! Your sister will forever remain single and happily unmarried. 

I started to drink my coffee when Gauri got a text.

Gauri: di, Om called me to the café, if anyone asks I am studying with friends at the library. 

Me: okay meri behen!

Gauri smiled and went out of the kitchen. I hope Om was calling her to the cafe to tell her that his brother had agreed for Om to marry Gauri.


Me: okay chachi!

Anika's POV ends. 

After giving chai to her chachi, Anika had to go to the company she worked at to sort out some stuff regarding accounting. She came back after two hours with her parents, dadu, chachu and chachi talking on the sofa. Sahil, her cousin, was studying or pretending to study on the table. He lifted his head up and signaled Anika to come up to him.

Anika whispering: what are they talking about?

Sahil whispering: Gauri didi came home crying, she won't open the door so now they are wondering why she is crying. 

Anika whispering: Gauri's crying?

Sahil nodded.

Anika whispering: I will go check on her, you stay here and do real study.

Sahil whispering: I was Anika didi. 

Anika gave him a look and he gulped, keeping his head down to do real study. Anika walked up the stairs then knocked on Gauri's door.

Gauri: GO AWAY!

Anika: Gauri, it's me Anika. Open the door. 

The door opened revealing Gauri with red eyes and her face was tear stained. Anika went in and closed the door, looking at Gauri. Gauri looked at her big sister then broke down once again, hugging her tightly.

Anika: baba, what happened? 

Gauri: Om's brother is the worst! He said that he doesn't want Om to marry a middle class girl! 

Anika: what?

Gauri: yes di, Om's brother wants Om to marry a rich girl. Om pleaded so much but he wouldn't listen. Om even begged on the knees. 

Anika was angry...Gauri was happy just two hours ago and now she was crying, she was upset.

Gauri: di, I love Om a know, I once dated a guy who was very possessive of me and he would control me, remember when I was 16 and some days I'd come home with bruises?

Anika: I remember.

Gauri: that guy hit me if I ever spoke to another boy in school and Om saved me from him. That's how we met and soon I came to love him. Di....di, I will kill myself if I can't marry Om and if my baby can't have their father! I will kill myself di!

Anika: NO! 

There was no way in hell would she let her sister take her own life. 

Gauri: why no di? What's the point of living?

Anika: there is a point....Om's brother won't listen to Om, fine but he will have to listen to Anika Kumari Sharma. 

Gauri: what do you mean?

Anika broke the hug and went out of the room. Gauri's heart started beating fast...what was her sister going to do?

The elders and Sahil noticed Anika walking fast and she was about to leave the house when her dad, Balraj said: where are you going Anika and that too when you are angry?

Anika turned to face him and said: I have some important work to do. I will be back soon!

She turned and walked out of the house, then she went into her car and started driving. 

Anika: Shivay Singh Oberoi, time to sort you out!

Precap: the deal

So you guys wondering about the deal?

Will Gauri marry Om?

Why does Anika want to stay unmarried?

Excited for Shivika's meet?

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