Chapter 10

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Anika's POV:

The engagement was finally over. I was so grateful that Gauri managed to keep well during the rest of the event. Being the amazing big sister that I am, I made sure that she stayed hydrated and Om also made sure that she did. It was so sweet that Gauri had someone who cared for her like I did for her.

After the engagement, the Oberois stayed for some chai and coffee. Me and Gauri were in the kitchen, making the drinks for them.

Me: Gauri, you go rest. I'll do it.

Gauri: didi, let me help na. I'm not disabled.

Me: but who was not keeping well earlier?

Gauri: arre didi, chill. Besides Om only drinks my chai.

Me: oh no! Don't tell me he likes glucose biscuit chai.

Gauri looked at me weirdly as she broke a biscuit. That girl was so addicted to that kind of chai. She wasn't drinking chai at this moment in time because of the caffeine and yeah but I bet you after giving birth, she will be back to drinking this kind of chai.

Gauri: of course he does didi.

Me: how can you like that chai? It tastes so weird.

Gauri: you're weird.

I rolled my eyes as she finished making the glucose chai and the other chais. I was making the coffee. Once we were done, I kept the cups on the tray and we went out giving the cups to everyone. Gauri gave Om his chai and then sat next to him.

Dad: I hope today's function was enjoyable.

Shakti uncle: yes it was, thank you.

Mum: I know we are looking forward for the sangeet but I want to say that is it okay if we can delay it?

Did she just say delay it?

Pinky aunty: whys?

Mum: today Gauri wasn't keeping well. She was earlier really pale then she was sick.

Dad: Gauri was sick?

Mum nodded.

Dad: Gauri, you didn't tell me.

Gauri just looked down, avoiding eye contact with dad.

Dadi: if Gauri isn't keeping well, then we can delay the events.

Last I checked, Om and Gauri wanted a quick wedding. Why were these elders trying to intervene with their plan? Shivay looked at me with panic. I looked at him with panic as well. We didn't want the shaadi to be slow.

See, if there wasn't a baby in all this matter then Om and Gauri would have waited to marry and maybe I wouldn't have to marry Shivay.

Gauri: Dadi, I am feeling well. I was sick because of the bad laddoo an aunty gave me. I am really feeling well.

Mum: if you were feeling well, you wouldn't have been sick.

Gauri: like I said, the laddoo was bad. If the laddoo wasn't bad, I wouldn't have been sick and I was pale because of decreased blood supply.

Me: exactly. I told you earlier Mum and Chachi.

Dadaji: if Gauri says that she is fine then we should continue with the shaadi. After all meri dil ki rani wants a quick wedding.

My parents and Pinky aunty and Shakti uncle looked at one another. I crossed my fingers, Om and Gauri were looking at each other in stress and Shivay..Shivay looked like he was praying deep inside.

Pinky: whats do you say?

Dad: theek hai, let's do the sangeet but Gauri, if you are not well after sangeet then we are delaying the events.

Gauri just gave a nod then a big smile at Dadaji. She then smiled at Om. I guess now everything will go smoothly.

Shakti: when should we do the sangeet?

Dad: a sangeet takes a little bit of preparation because of dance practices. A week and a half will be fine right?

Shakti uncle: a week and a half seems like enough.

Pinky aunty: is its okay if we cans host the sangeet at a hall?

Mum: let's ask the couple. Om, Gauri? Is a week and a half enough and is the hall okay?

Om and Gauri whispered to one another then focused their attention to the elders. I think a week and a half would suffice after all I know that me and my dance friends are fast learners.

Om: yeah a week and a half is fine.

Gauri: but is it okay if after the sangeet, we can just go through the other functions really quickly?

The elders nodded.

Om: also we think having the sangeet at the hall is a good idea.

Mum: great.

Dadi: we should go now. Thank you for a great event.

Dadaji: your welcome.

The Oberois left but before they did, Shivay whispered something to me: I can't wait to beat you in the sangeet dance.

I whispered back: dream on!

He left along with his family.

Chachi: so the marriage is happening at fast pace then?

Mum: apparently so.

Thanks god it was happening at fast pace. Memories were still being made and I just wanted my sister to be happy. I hope my niece didn't have to suffer anymore. The baby isn't even born and still is suffering.

Me: come on Gauri, let's go change.

She nodded as we went upstairs. Once we were upstairs, I said: are you feeling okay? Do you need any water or rest?

Gauri: I'm fine didi relax.

I gave a nod as we went to change. Once we were in something comfy, we went downstairs. It was all fine until....

Dad: Gauri, why do you want a quick wedding?

Gauri: I just want a quick wedding dad.

Chachu: but why?

Gauri: chachu, you had a quick wedding with chachi na.

Chachu: only because your Chachi's mother wanted to see her daughter married before she passed.

That was true. Gauri wanted their wedding to be slow since she didn't like chachi at all. They always bicker and Gauri is after her gold bangles.

Chachi: that was our reason. What is yours Gauri?

Gauri: why do I need to answer all your questions? If I say that me and Om want a quick wedding, then what's your problem?

Dad: Gauri, don't raise your voice. Speak with some respect we are your elders.

Gauri: then why are you all after me? Dad, you are the one who wants to get rid of me since I was born! You should be grateful that I am getting married at a quick pace. You wanted to get rid of me because you wanted a boy but instead you got another girl!

Dad: Gauri that is not the case.

Gauri: it is! You always wanted me out. You are so happy when I am not in the house! You didn't mind didi since you wanted one girl! I'm sorry that instead of having a son, you had another daughter and I'm sorry if I was the twin who survived!

That was it. Dad got so angry that his hand connected with Gauri's cheek. She looked down, mad at him.

Me: Gauri, are you okay?

I went up to her and hugged her tight.

Dad: Anika, take Sahil with you.

Me: but dad...

Dad: now Anika.

Hesitantly I took Sahil with me. Dadaji gave me a reassuring look that he would sort this out. Though I knew Dadaji had some magic, I still wanted to listen and I could since everyone's voices were loud.

I guess I should talk about what Gauri just said. Dad wanted one boy and one girl so he doesn't mind me. Gauri is actually a twin, mum gave birth to twins, one boy and one girl a.k.a Gauri. The boy was very weak at birth so he didn't survive one day on planet earth. Gauri knew this and dad used to make it out as her fault out of his grief and devastation. It angers dad if this matter is spoken about and Gauri was angry so she didn't know what went out of her mouth but I was scared now. Scared for her more than ever.

Sahil: will Gauri didi be okay?

Me: of course she will.

Deep inside I was hoping that she would be.

"Balraj! You know perfectly well that it wasn't Gauri's fault that day. She was only a newborn baby! I know he died but that was to health issues!"

"She knows she shouldn't talk about it."

"And you shouldn't have slapped her! If she wanted a quick wedding, let her have it!"

"Dad, I know she is your favourite but stop supporting her!"

"You don't get to tell me what to do! This is Gauri's wedding, let her have her way!"

I didn't hear anything after that. I couldn't hear Gauri's voice at all. It was all quiet till I heard Dadaji speak.

"See what you did? I told you Balraj to control your anger! Now because of you, Gauri stormed out!"

Gauri stormed out?! Oh god, where did she go? I knew she had her phone with her so I called her but she cut my call. I tried calling her again but this time her phone was off. Did she just turned her phone to avoid getting any more calls?

Fear started to fill my brain. I was getting scared for her. I tried calling her a couple more times. My mum entered my room and said: if you are wondering about Gauri, she will be back soon.

Me: how do you know?

Mum: she always comes back. Everyone are in their rooms. Sahil, let me take you to your parents.

He nodded and went with my mum. I don't know if Gauri would come back that quickly. She stormed out many times before but this time was different. This time, she was with a baby and I hope she didn't do anything stupid that would endanger her and the baby.

Ek Was she with her baby's father Om?

I picked up my phone and called Shivay since I didn't have Om's number. He picked up.

Shivay: did you miss me?

Me: oh shut up! Is Gauri at your house?

Shivay: no she isn't, why?

Me: is Om in the house?

Shivay: let me check.

A minute passed and he spoke again: no he isn't in the house. He was here earlier.

Me: Gauri must be with him.

Shivay: what do you mean?

Me: she stormed out. Shivay, please can you pick me up?

Shivay: sure Anika.

Anika's POV ends

Anika cut the call and went to get her shoes. She then quickly told her parents that she needed to sort some things out for work. Her parents were too tired to ask her anything. She went out of the house and waited for Shivay to come. A couple minutes later, Shivay came and she ran into the car. He started driving.

Shivay: so what happened exactly?

Anika: dad asked Gauri why she wanted a quick wedding and things were getting tense. Gauri mentioned something and he slapped her so she stormed out.

Shivay: oh my god...what did she mention exactly?

Anika: I don't really want to talk about it.

Shivay nodded, he understood that maybe it was something personal to her family so he didn't ask any further questions about what happened in their house. Shivay: where do you think she went?

Anika: let me think....

She started thinking about the places she found Gauri in after she stormed out.

Anika: try Nighttime Dhaba.

Shivay nodded as he started to drive there. Once they reached there, Anika went out and showed Gauri's picture on the phone to the man who ran the dhaba. He shook his head and Anika went back to Shivay.

Anika: can you go to the children's playground?

Shivay: why would a 20 year old woman be at a playground?

Anika: sometimes she goes there, sits on a swing and thinks.

Shivay: okay let's go.

He drove her there and Anika went out to see if she was there. Gauri wasn't there. Anika sighed and sat on the swing. She started thinking about Gauri for a minute...she was thinking how she wished everyone was just chill and calm. She was thinking about Shivay....out of all people, why did she go to Shivay for help? She could have just asked if Gauri was in the mansion then cut the call but something inside of her made her want Shivay to help her out. She had a bunch of other friends who she could have asked for help but she chose Shivay.

Shivay: you thinking about something?

Anika looked at Shivay who sat on the swing next to her. She didn't say anything but she did give a nod.

Shivay: you used to think a lot back in London...remember when once we went on the London Eye and you started thinking about something.

Anika: yeah I did.

Shivay: and like your sister, you used to go to a children's playground and sit on a swing to think.

Anika: and then you used to push the swing.

Shivay: yeah.

Anika: I wasn't the only one who did a lot of thinking. You used to think when we went on long walks.

Shivay: I was thinking how blessed I was.

Anika: did you really?

Shivay: yes.

They just looked at each other then they looked down. It was quiet but it was kinda the good kind of quiet.

Shivay: do you want me to push you?

Anika: maybe some other day, we got to find two people.

Shivay nodded. The moment they got up, the phone rang.

Shivay: it's Om.

Anika: pick it up jaldi!

Shivay picked up the call.

Shivay: Om, where are you? Gauri is with you right?

Om: yeah bro, she's with me. We just went on a small drive in Marine Drive. She's sleeping now.

Shivay: you two still in the car?

Om: yeah still in the car.

Anika signed Shivay to give the phone to her. Shivay gave her the phone so that her mind could be put at peace.

Anika: Om, how is Gauri? Is she okay?

Om: Anika, how come you are with Shivay?

Anika: I was worried for Gauri and I thought she was with you in the mansion so I asked Shivay for help.

Om: accha. Anika, Gauri is with me, we were in Marine Drive and she is now curled up in the car seat sleeping.

Anika: how cute. Om, me and Shivay are coming to my house soon. Please can you bring Gauri as well?

Om: are you sure? Gauri told me about the fight.

Anika: please?

Om: theek hai. We're coming now then.

Anika: great thanks.

She cut the call and gave the phone back to Shivay.

Shivay: where is our next destination?

Anika: my house, let's go.

Shivay and Anika went back in the car. As the car was moving, a violin and piano song came on the radio.

Anika: urgh such a backwass song!

She switched the radio station.

Shivay: I was enjoying that.

He changed the radio station back to classical music.

Anika: you and your backwass taste. Let me listen to Neha's music!

She switched it back to this song.

Anika singing: aye do you know tu jo chaahe main kar doon tere hawaale Odhani ude ude re Akhiyaan mude mude re!

Shivay switched the music back to his classical music.

Anika: Shivay! You know I hate this!

Shivay: why do you think I am playing it?

Anika switched the music back to her Neha Kakkar song.

Anika: Kem cho? Maza ma? Ki odhani, ki odhani. Ki Odhani odhu odhu par udi jaaye. Odhani odhu odhu par udi jaaye.

Shivay changed the song once again. Anika changed it again. They kept changing the songs till they reached Anika's house.

Anika: before I leave, I thought to let you know that you have such bad taste in music!

Shivay: aur kuch?

Anika: thanks. Thanks for being there and thanks for helping me out.

Shivay: your welcome. Bye.

Anika: bye.

She went out and saw Om's car just coming. Anika went to the passenger seat and opened the door where Gauri was still sleeping.

Anika: Gauri?

Om: Gauri, we're back.

Gauri: let me sleep.

She kept her head on Om's shoulder.

Anika: wouldn't you much rather sleep on a bed?

Gauri: no.

Om: babe, I'll come tomorrow. You know I will.

Gauri: kya yaar? Let me sleep. Stop troubling a pregnant woman.

Anika: Gauri, please. If you don't come, I will never talk to you again.

Om: me too.

Gauri opened her eyes and made a face. She gave Om a hug then went out of the car. Anika noticed that Shivay was still there. Maybe he was waiting for his brother.

Anika: chalo Gauri.

Gauri unwillingly started to walk to the house. Anika opened the door and soon Gauri was on her bed sleeping. Anika laid down next to Gauri and stroked her hair.

Anika: I was so worried for you.

Gauri: hmmm.

Anika: I love you.

Gauri didn't mumble anything. Anika just smiled, kissed her forehead and then closed her own eyes to sleep.

Precap: dance practise with Billu and Billi

So I know this chapter was supposed to be the dance chapter but once I started writing, this all happened. I hope you guys liked it though. 

I might give another update today depending on how busy I am at school.

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