Chapter 9

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Anika's POV:

I really didn't like how the decorators were decorating one area of the house. The lights were all crooked and the flowers....don't get me started on how they were being arranged. I had to intervene.

Me: excuse me, I will sort these decorations out. 

The decorators was about to speak so that they could debate with me but I gave him a stern look. They were probably that scared with my stern look that they left that area so that I could sort it out. 

To be very honest, they are not the first people to be scared with my stern look. Gauri, my darling sister who never listens, gets scared with my stern look and then she will listen. Sahil listens when I make my stern look. Even a cat used to get scared with my stern look, and no! Not a real cat! I am using a cat as a metaphor for a person.

I got myself a stool and started to sort the lights out. Sometimes in life, you have to do things yourself. 

After sorting out the lights then the flowers in that area of the house, I decided to sort out the other decorations because they were just crooked. As I was sorting them out, I heard Gauri's voice.

Gauri: didi, do you need some help? Also why are you doing this? We have the decorators na. 

Me: I know but they didn't do a good job so I am sorting it out.

Gauri: do you want some help?

Me: you stay sitting down.

Gauri: pakka?

Me: haan baba pakka, now go.

Gauri nodded as she went back to the family. I continued to sort out everything. Afterwards, I was done decorating the house and at that moment in time, the guests came. I wonder where the groom family was at. No engagement can't happen without the groom and his family. 

Before I went up to my family and the guests, a decorator came up to me.

Decorator: mam, is it okay if you can check how the fairylights are like outside please?

Me: yeah sure.

I went outside with the decorator and saw the fairylights on the house.

Me: hmm they could be better. I'll sort it out. Please may you hold the ladder for me?

The decorator nodded as he got a ladder for me and kept it near the surface of the house, I went on the ladder and started to sort these fairylights out. Honestly I always have to sort everything out don't I? Already I had to sort out my sister's marriage saga and now these decorations...I am going to tell dad just to let me decorate the venue for the next marriage functions. It will save us a lot of money and time. 

As I was doing these lights, the ladder suddenly started to shake. Had that useless decorator just left me to die? Oh god, I was going to die if this ladder fell. I didn't want to die too soon. I wanted to see my niece's face. 

Suddenly I felt the ladder tilting backwards, if the ladder was tilting backwards that meant I was also tilting backwards. 

I was going to die.

I grabbed hold of the fairylights but that was no help; the ladder was tilting and I was titling too and I was still grabbing hold onto the fairylights but when I was tilting backwards, the fairylights got off the house....

Well this was the end of my life.

I actually saw my entire life flashing before my eyes.

Bittersweet moments, sweet moments and just bitter moments...I saw all of them as I gave a little shriek for help. 

The ladder fell to the floor, I thought I did too.

My eyes were closed as I landed but it didn't feel like the ground. 

I was still breathing.

My heart was still beating.

Did I not die?

I opened my was blur at first but seconds later, my vision became clear and I saw a face in front of me....Shivay.

Shivay: are you okay?

Me: I think so...

I looked at my surroundings...I was in Shivay's arms so Shivay caught me when I was about to meet my end. I then looked at Shivay, I looked at his eyes.

I always loved his stunning eyes. You could say they were blue but that would be an understatement....his eyes reminded you of a fragile piece of blue china, the lightest shade of teal, the sea floor in which you could be swimming in right this second. His eyes reminded you of something...extravagant. I knew, in that moment and in that moment only, that the twinkle in his eyes was the most beautiful thing you could witness in your short-long lifetime.

I was so enhanced by his eyes and he was also looking at me, that I didn't even notice the fairylights coming on us. 

Voice: Anika? Shivay?

Oh shit! That was my mum! 

Shivay quickly kept me back on my feet and tried to get us out of the fairylights. I also tried getting us out of the fairylights but no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't get out.

Me: you stop trying. Let me do this by myself. 

I tried getting us both of the lights...

Shivay: you stop trying to get us out of here. Let me do it. You are taking forever. At this rate, we will miss Gauri and Om's wedding. 

Me: oh hello Mr Bagad Billa, stop complaining. 

I bite my tongue. I hadn't called him Bagad Billa in ages. It was a slip of the tongue. He looked at me as I looked down at the ground. 

Shivay: let's just get ourselves out of these lights.

I nodded in agreement as we both worked together to untangle ourselves from the lights. Finally we got ourselves out. As we walked out, Shivay nearly tripped but I caught him.

It doesn't always have to be the guy catching the girl before she falls...sometimes the girl can catch the guy before he falls. 

Shivay: thanks.

He said as he went back on his feet and continued to walk. He went to his parents and my mum came to me.

Mum: finally you are here. The ring exchange is about to begin.

Me: okay. 

Dadaji and Shivay's Dadi were with the soon to be engaged couple. I have never seen my sister this in love with someone. Growing up, she had a lot of crushes but she never looked at them the way she was looking at Om at this moment in time. 

I never really had crushes growing up, I only ever crushed on film stars but in London, there was one guy I would look at in the same way Gauri was looking at Om. I would look at him with so much love in my face and he would look back at me with the same amount of love in his face.

Before London, I thought love was magic but after London, I learnt that magic can sometimes be an illusion. I learnt that was basically an illusion that clouds our judgement and I guess it is the perfect magic trick that can control our hearts. 

Once a heart breaks, it bleeds tears and you don't know how to make it stop bleeding. You can either let it just bleed or you can move on with your life. I guess it's important to move on after someone leaves you because you are left with this fire inside of you and you are also left with two choices - you can either find someone to share the fire with or you can burn alive.

Choice is yours. 

Why was I thinking about this and that too during my sister's engagement? I shouldn't be thinking these thoughts right now or ever. 

Anika's POV ends.

(A/N: This scene is inspired from 2016 YRKKH before it become all about separation, more leaps and reconciliation)

Dadaji: Kalayniji, in our family we have a tradition where the bride and groom make each other wear the rings with the use of thread. 

Dadi: really? 

Dadaji nodded and said: this tradition came to life when it was my engagement with my wife.

Dadi: then we have to do this tradition.

Pinky: hows can you makes people wear a ring by a thread?

Balraj: you'll see. Devraj, get the thread.

Devraj nodded as he went to get the thread. Once he got the thread, he spoke: now Om will make Gauri wear the ring by this thread. Om I want you to tie this bit of thread to Gauri's ring finger.

Om nodded as the two got up. Before Om tied the thread, Shivay spoke: before we begin, I got a gift from the bride. 

Anika in mind: gift? Kaunsa gift?

Shivay went up to Gauri with his hand behind his back. He then revealed a rose gold chain.

Gauri: yeh?

Shivay: you wanted to turn your proposal ring to a pendant so I brought you this chain.

Gauri: you didn't have to do this.

Shivay: you are going to be part of our family soon. It's the least I can do.

Gauri: thank you so much but you really didn't have to do this. 

Shivay: it's a tradition to give gifts to the bride. Om, help her wear it.

Om: I was going to do that.

All laughed as Gauri took her proposal ring off then kept it in the chain. Om took the chain and then kept it around Gauri's neck. Anika smiled seeing Gauri giving Shivay a hug for the chain. It was nice to see Shivay being nice to her sister. 

Once that was done, it was time for the Sharma family engagement tradition. He kept the thread around Gauri's ring finger then was told to go upstairs. 

Sakshi: it should reach Gauri's finger in one go. You keep the ring via the thread and it will reach Gauri's finger.

Om nodded as he kept the ring through the thread. Before he let go of the ring...

Rudy, Sahil and Shivay: THREE TWO ONE...

He let go of the ring and within seconds, the beautiful silver ring landed around Gauri's ring finger. It was really stunning...a silver ring that featured a round brilliant-cut cluster with a halo of diamonds crafted around the band. 

Gauri: wow! Look didi, this ring is so beautiful.

Anika came up to Gauri to see the ring.

Anika: wow! The perfect ring for you! Now time to give Om his ring.

Gauri smiled as Om went downstairs. She tied the thread around his ring finger then went upstairs. Before she could do anything else, she smelt a strong scent of lilies She normally loved the smell of lilies but for some reason she was feeling nauseous because of the lily smell.

Gauri in mind: are these pregnancy hormones making me hate this smell? I really feel sick...relax Gauri. After keeping the ring on Om's finger, just take some sips of water.

Manju: oh Gauri, don't keep us waiting!

Gauri gave a small smile as she kept the ring via the thread.

Anika and Priyanka: THREE TWO ONE...

She let go on the ring and the ring reached Om's finger. He smiled seeing the ring then at Gauri. Gauri smiled at him as she went down the stairs. The moment she reached downstairs, Sakshi noticed something.

Sakshi: Gauri, why do you suddenly look so pale?

Gauri bit her could she tell her mother that the smell of lilies were troubling her because of her pregnancy? 

Om, Anika and Shivay heard Sakshi ask that question to Gauri and went up to them.

Om: Gauri, are you okay?

Anika: you really do look pale Gauri, come with us.

Sakshi: where are you taking her?

Anika: to give her some water.

Sakshi: it doesn't take three people to give one girl water. 

Anika was about to speak when an aunty came up to Sakshi. Sakshi got so engaged with talking to that aunty. Anika, Shivay, Om and Gauri left them and went to where the drinks were kept. Gauri was given a glass of water and started taking small sips.

Om: is everything okay? (in a low voice) is the baby troubling you?

Gauri: the lily scent was giving me trouble.

Anika: but you love lilies and you love their smell.

Gauri: I know. I don't want to feel nauseous...I don't like feeling sick.  

Shivay: hey Gauri, don't stress about it. Every pregnant woman feels sick during the initial days. Do you want me to make some ginger ale? 

Gauri: no it's fine, I'll be fine. 

One of the three was about to speak when Balraj came up to them. Why did Balraj come up to them and why did he look worried?

Balraj: Gauri, your mother told me that you looked pale. Is everything okay? Do you feel sick?

Gauri shook her head, she knew she was lying but if she told her father or her mother that she felt sick then lord knows what they would assume. 

Balraj: you really do look pale. 

Gauri: I really am fine. Don't worry.

Balraj didn't look convinced but he still went leaving the four alone. Just as they thought that they weren't going to be disturbed by anyone, an aunty came with a box of laddoos.

Aunty: congratulations Omkara and Gauri.

She fed Om a bit of laddoo then made Gauri have a bite. The moment Gauri took a bite, she was feeling sick in her throat, she was feeling more nauseous than before. She forced a smile at the aunty then the aunty left. Gauri quickly went along from Om, Shivay and Anika as she went upstairs to her room. Anika, Shivay and Om ran after her.

Sakshi and Manju saw this happening.

Manju: what is going on?

Sakshi: Manju, can you offer these snacks to the Oberois? I will check on this.

Sahil: chachi, I'll do it. 

Sakshi: where did you come from?

Sahil: doesn't matter. I'll do it chachi, don't worry.

Sakshi gave the snack plate to Sahil and then Sahil gave the plate to a helper telling him to give it to the Oberois. Sakshi and Manju rolled their eyes as they went upstairs.

Om and Shivay were in Gauri's bedroom whilst Anika and Gauri were in her bathroom. Anika had told the two to stay in the bedroom and kept a lookout in case anyone opens the bedroom door.

Just then the doors opened revealing Sakshi and Manju.

Om and Shivay: hi....

Sakshi: why did I see Gauri going up the stairs and then you three running up?

Oh shit! They were dead.

Manju: where are Gauri and Anika?

In the bathroom, Gauri was done throwing up. Anika was cleaning the sink as Gauri was made to rinse her mouth out and then she had to have sips of water. 

As that was happening, they heard Manju and Sakshi outside.

Anika in a low voice: did you really have to get pregnant before marriage? 

Gauri in a low voice: this was unplanned!

Anika in a low voice: still! Instead of having protected sex, I would have appreciated it if you and Om didn't do it at all till after shaadi! 

Gauri in a low voice: sorry yaar.

Anika in a low voice: it's fine. Now let's get out and help out the guys.

Gauri nodded as Anika and her went out of the bathroom. Manju and Sakshi saw them come out.

Manju: there you two are.

Sakshi: Gauri, Anika, what's going on?

Gauri: voh...

She looked at Anika making Om and Shivay look at her too. Did she really have to be the one to make the excuse that will save everyone's ass?

Yes. Yes she had to be the savior. 

Anika: Gauri was made to have a laddoo and I don't think it was a good kind of laddoo so she threw up. Bass aise. Maybe it was food poisoning. 

Sakshi and Manju: accha....

They actually sounded convinced. The four thought that they were saved but...

Sakshi: that doesn't explain why Gauri looked pale earlier.

Anika: decreased blood supply to the skin right Gauri?

Gauri nodded.

Sakshi: I understand that being a doctor. Gauri, you need more water intake. I keep telling you to drink more water. Honestly! 

Manju: now come before everyone wonders about your disappearances.

The four nodded as they went out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Once they were downstairs, Om and Gauri were made to sit down at a sofa since now they were being given gifts. As they were being given gifts, Pinky saw the rose gold ring that was now a pendant around Gauri's neck.

Pinky in mind: I needs to talks to Om about jethanji's ring. I kepts the ring away years agos.

Anika was next to Shivay. As they were witnessing their siblings being showered with gifts, Shivay whispered to Anika: thanks for being the hero of the day.

Anika whispered back: it's no problem. The baby shouldn't suffer during these functions. We all need a non-chaotic shaadi.

Shivay whispering: I agree.

The scene moved to Sakshi and Manju.

Manju whispered to Sakshi: do you believe what Anika said earlier?

Sakshi whispered back: I don't know really but I know one thing.

Manju whispering: kya?

Sakshi whispering back: I think we need to delay some functions.

Precap: dance practice with Billu and Billi

Sorry for the wait.

I had writer's block.

I hoped you all liked it.

Who broke Anika's heart?

Will Rikara marry without any chaos?

Everyone excited for the dance practice?

Do check out my new book Housing Society Wala Love!

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