Chapter 8

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Anika's POV:

I loved looking at the rings. I loved jewellery. I loved how the jewellery makers managed to create these delicate patterns and designs. When I was 19, I went to London to study a year of jewellery making. My parents thought I went to London for a gap year but....I guess sometimes it's necessary to keep a secret from your parents. That's the only secret I have kept from my parents and maybe two more, you all know about Gauri's pregnancy secret but there is another secret no one knows and we are not going into detail about it.

Gauri: didi, this is a good ring for Om right?

She showed me a silver sterling ring with simulated diamonds. 

Me: it's nice. Ooo, see this collection?

I showed Gauri one of the cases and we looked through the rings there. We both gasped when we saw a silver titanium ring, sleek, modern and inside the ring it said in cursive writing 'always and forever'. 

Gauri: this is the ring. 

Me: I agree. 

Om: did you guys pick out the ring already?

Gauri: yup and before you ask, no you can not see the ring before the engagement. 

Om: how did you know I was going to ask to see it?

Gauri: I know you too well.

Everyone: awwww.

Gauri and Om were blushing when everyone went awww. I was going to have so much fun teasing them. Speaking of which, I need to get Gauri's photo album and show Om her baby pictures. Gauri is going to hate me so much and yes I am doing an evil laugh in my head. 

The Oberois were still looking through the rings for Gauri. Shivay looked up and said: just out of curiosity Gauri, what are you going to do with the proposal ring?

Gauri: I was thinking to get a chain then keep the ring on the chain to make it into a pendant. 

Shivay: good idea then you can have your proposal ring and engagement ring on you all the time.

Gauri smiled at him. I feel like Gauri and Shivay would get along which is great. 

Om: Shivay, this is a good ring right?

Me and Gauri couldn't see the ring but Shivay nodded with a smile. He tapped Om on the shoulder, making him look at me and Gauri. Om gave us a smile saying: sorry girls, wait for the engagement to know what the ring looks like.

Gauri made a face at him but Om just made a face back at him. After too much talking from the family members, it was soon time for the Oberois to leave. As they were leaving, Pinky aunty said bye to Gauri, giving her a hug...I noticed that during the entire time that Pinky aunty was here, she had been eyeing Gauri's proposal ring. I don't know why I kept getting the feeling that maybe there is a story behind that ring but I couldn't figure out what story was behind the ring. Maybe Shivay knew...yes I didn't want to talk to him but if I was going to have to marry him,  I did have to start talking to him just to make sure things weren't too awkward.

Gauri made Om bend down to her height so that she could whisper something in his ear. Om looked at the families and said: me and Gauri are just going to go to a friend's house to study, right Gauri?

Gauri nodded with a smile. 

Dad: yeah sure, if it is for studying then go.

Gauri and Om smiled as they walked out. I knew Gauri well enough to know that she wasn't going to do any study. Dad probably thinks that and I know that dad is always in peace when Gauri isn't in the house. 

These two idiots, Gauri and my soon to be brother-in-law, better not do any stupid. Already their stupidity has lead to so much.

The Oberois soon left so I didn't get a chance to talk to Shivay about the ring.

But life is weird right?

Later on in the day, I was busy watching Netflix since I was on a break and whilst watching Netflix on my laptop, I got a text message from someone. Without looking at who messaged me, I picked the phone to see the message 'want to go out and have some chaat?'

Now who messaged me this? I looked at the contact id to see that it was Shivay who messaged me for chaat.

First of all, since when did Shivay Singh Oberoi like chaat? And second of all, I didn't want to go and have chaat with Shivay since I was too engrossed in Netflix but I managed to lift my lazy ass from the bed and leave the house for chaat. 

Would you guys believe me if I said that Shivay was actually waiting outside my house in his car?

I went up to Shivay and said: why was you waiting outside for me?

Shivay: girls hate it when men are late. 

I rolled my eyes at him.

Me: let's just go. 

Shivay: that desperate to go out with me?

Me: no! I just want chaat.

He rolled his eyes as I went in the car. He started driving and soon we reached the chaat stall. We went out and I smiled happily seeing the person making these delicious chaats. I haven't had chaat in ages. 

Shivay: remember in London, we went to an Indian restaurant and you ordered 3 plates of chaat? You didn't even share with me.

He still remembered? I am actually surprised that he knew I was still in love with chaat. 

Me: let's not talk about London right now. 

Shivay: okay sure. You order your chaat.

I nodded as I turned my head to the chaat person.

Me: please may I have aloo paneer chaat?

The person nodded and then Shivay made his order.

Shivay: I just want idli chaat.

Again the person nodded and then started to make chaat. As that person was making chaat. I looked at Shivay and he looked at me. We didn't know what to say to one another. We started looking around the area and my eye caught something.

My sister and my soon to be brother-in-law were in the same area as us. Om had his arm around Gauri and Gauri was blabbering about something as they walked. Shivay saw the same thing as me then said: I thought they were actually going to study. 

He did? That was too funny that I started laughing and I was laughing like mad. This kanji-eyed billu really thought that our siblings, these two lovebirds, the two darling idiots, were actually studying? Even I knew that Gauri and Om were going to do anything but studying. 

Shivay: why are you laughing?

Me in a low voice: do you think that this couple who has a baby on board would actually be studying?

Shivay: I had some hope....

Me: I knew when Om said that they were going to study, that they weren't. 

Shivay: oh those two are so dead. 

He started walking and was about to go up to them when I grabbed him by the shoulder and told him: let them be happy for now. We can tell them that we saw them when they come home.

Shivay: I want to confront them now.

Me: stop acting like a kid and have chaat.

Yes our chaats was ready. My aloo paneer chaat smelt amazingly amazing. It was so divine and each bite of my chaat was like heaven. I relished every bite of my chaat...I really need to learn how to make chaat. Does Gauri know how to make chaat? If she does, I will pester her for the recipe.

Anika's POV ends.

As Anika finished her chaat, she had a little bit of curd near her lip but she didn't notice. Shivay however did. He tapped Anika on the shoulder making her turn to him. He signed that there was something near her lip. She tried wiping it off but was unsuccessful. Shivay again signed that she should wipe the curd off the other side of her lip. Anika tried wiping the curd off but once again was unsuccessful. 

Shivay sighed and went a bit closer to Anika. Her heart started beating fast as he kept his hand on her face then with his thumb, he slowly wiped the curd off. As he did, Anika looked at his storm blue eyes and he looked at her dark brown eyes. Even after taking the curd off, they were still looking at one another.

They kept staring at each other's eyes. But then Shivay broke their eyelock since he got a tissue off the chaat person to wipe the curd off his thumb. After wiping the curd off, he said to Anika: let's just go. 

Anika just nodded as they went and they went in the car. Shivay started driving and Anika was just looking out of the window.

Suddenly she remembered that she wanted to ask Shivay about Gauri's proposal ring. 

Anika: Shivay, I want to ask you something.

Shivay: about where we should have our wedding?

Anika: no yaar, about Gauri's proposal ring.

Shivay: what about it?

Anika: voh Pinky aunty kept looking at it there any story behind that ring?

Shivay was quiet for a minute or so. As he was busy being quiet, he started thinking: should I tell Anika I shouldn't. I shouldn't tell Anika about Om and Prinku right now. I'll tell her once Om marries Gauri.

Anika: Shivay?

Shivay decided to stop being quiet and say something: no nothing about that ring...maybe mum really liked the ring design. 

Anika: accha...

He dropped her off and then drove off. Once he drove off and once she entered the house, she couldn't stop thinking about that small moment they shared. The moment when he wiped the curd off her lip.

It may have been a small simple moment that properly wouldn't mean anything to you but for her...for her, it brought back memories. She went up to her room, opened her drawer then brought out a photo.....she gave a small smile seeing that photo....

She was happy.

They were happy. The happiness they have ever been.

But life was cruel. 

She kept the photo back in the drawer and decided just to go back on her laptop and order herself a lehenga for whenever Gauri's engagement was. She may as well order the lehenga now. 

An hour later, Anika was still busy scrolling through her laptop, searching for the perfect lehenga when she saw that Gauri was back. Gauri was on the way to her room when Anika said loudly: oh Gauri ki bacchi, come here.

Gauri went into Anika's room and said: ji didi?

Anika: how was your studying? You have been gone for 5 hours. 

Gauri: studying was great didi, me, Om and my friends didn't even know that 5 hours passed by so quickly. We were that interested in studying.

Anika: hmmm. Gauri, your lies may sound so convincing to mum and dad but not to me okay?


Shivay was in Om's room, on his phone when Om entered.

Om: why are you in my room?

Shivay: the wi-fi in my room went a little bad so I am using the good wi-fi in your room.

Om: without permission?

Shivay: you wasn't here for 5 hours. By the way how was your 5 hour long study session?

Om: it was really good. Learnt a lot.

Shivay: did your friends suspect anything of Gauri's pregnancy?

Om: no they didn't....

Shivay: anyway have you actually been studying for 5 hours and that too with your girlfriend?

Om: yeah why?

Shivay: oh idiot, I know what you and Gauri were up to today. 

Om looked at him, wondering what did Shivay know....

Sharma's house:

Gauri looked at her sister with confusion, waiting for her sister to speak....finally Anika spoke: I know that you went to the bazaar with Om. I went to get chaat and then I saw you and Om together from a distance. Gauri ki bacchi, next time you want to hang out with Om, don't use study as an excuse. I know you too well to know that you never study with your friends. 

Gauri just rolled her eyes as she sat next to Anika and looked at the laptop.

Gauri: wow an original Manish Malhotra lehenga! 

Anika: it is so pretty right?

Gauri: I will wear this for my engagement.

Anika: oh hello! I was looking at this for myself. 

Gauri: oh hello! Have you seen the price? Look for a first copy for yourself. Original is for the bride.

Anika gave Gauri a light slap at the side of her head then started to walk out of the room.

Anika: I won't come to your wedding.

Gauri: how will there be a wedding without the bride's sister?

Anika: why don't you go find my first copy?

Gauri laughed as Anika walked out. 

At the O.M:

Shivay: so how was the bazaar with Gauri?

Om: how did you...

Shivay: I went to get chaat and I saw you two from a distance.

Om: oh...ek minute Mr Shivay Singh Oberoi went to the bazaar? 

Shivay: don't change the topic. Om, next time if you want to hang with Gauri, don't be shy, say that you want to go out with her. We won't tease you. 

Om rolled his eyes then said: get out of my room.

Shivay: fine. See ya.

Om: see ya...

Shivay went out of the room. Om went on his bed and thought: 'we won't tease you'...Shivay, I know you too well to know that you will tease me. 

A week had passed and today was Gauri and Om's engagement. The week had gone by so quickly and Shivay and Anika hadn't really conversed. The families decided that the theme would be dark blue. The dark blue and white flowers decorated the Sharma's house. 

Gauri's room:

Gauri: done straightening your hair.

Anika looked at herself with her now straightened hair. She smiled and said: thanks, you didn't have to do this. 

Gauri: I wanted to didi. 

Anika: now your turn.

Gauri nodded as she turned the straightener off and went to sit on the chair. Anika decided to spare Gauri's hair from heat since Gauri's hair was natural beach waves. She got some pins and started to twist the hair gently, pinning it then and now creating the perfect bun. 

Anika: I am surprised no one has suspected anything yet.

Gauri: same...I am really hoping that I don't feel nauseous today. 

Anika: don't worry, you won't, now let's take a selfie.

Anika got her phone out and the sisters smiled as she took the selfie. At that moment, Sakshi came in and said: wow you two look so pretty.

The sisters got up revealing their full look:

Anika: thanks mum.

Gauri: yeah thanks. 

Sakshi: now let's go. The family is waiting to see how you two look. 

Gauri: is Om here yet?

Sakshi and Anika: oho.

Sakshi: not yet but patient dear, he will be here soon. 

Gauri nodded as Sakshi and Anika went either side of her and they walked out of the room and now the stairs. The moment they reached the end, everyone in their family started to compliment them on how they looked. The guests haven't came yet so the decorators were making sure that the house looked like a palace. 

Anika looked at an area and went up to it as her family was busy talking to one another. Anika sighed looking at the decorations at that area...the way it was arranged was triggering her so she had to do something about it. 

Precap: decorations and suspicions

This is today's chapter...done and dusted and I am damn tired, I need sleep. Sorry for the wait. Had to have a covid test and thanks god that it is negative.

Who was in that picture Anika was looking at?

Did anything happen between Anika and Shivay in London?

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