Chapter 7

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A/N: I don't know much about kundali charts, I will be making up stuff as we go along. 

Also the beautiful cover is made by @mentalsisters

Anika's POV:

Why did Shivay had to come today? I was hoping to have a day when I didn't have to see him. Why couldn't it just be Om, his parents and Dadi coming to our house?

I went downstairs to find Gauri already putting the snacks on the bowl. I went to her side and started to help her out.

Gauri: all okay didi?

Me: yeah everything is okay, just a work test.

Gauri: your boss never leaves you alone.

Me: never.

We laughed as we finished off sorting the snacks out.

Gauri: do you believe in this kundali chart nonsense?

Me: no I don't. But Dadaji and our parents do so....nothing we can do about it.

Gauri: I just want to marry Om quickly before my baby bump shows.

She kept her hand on her stomach with a smile and continued: don't get me wrong, I can't wait to see my baby bump but I need a quick wedding else things won't go according to mine and Om's plan.

Me: I'm sure that your marriage will happen quick.

But I was also hoping that the marriage went a little slowly just so I didn't have to marry Shivay anytime soon then again I can't be selfish. If Gauri wanted a quick marriage then I would pray to God to fulfil her wish.

Gauri went to one of the cabinets to get a cookie jar. Why was this girl wanting cookies now when she wanted pakoras earlier?

Me: didn't you want pakoras earlier?

Gauri: I changed my mind. Me and my baby wants to have some cookies.

She looked into the cookie jar and smiled like a small little kid.

Gauri: yay we got the white chocolate chip cookies.

Me: how do you even like white chocolate? It's disgusting. Dark or milk chocolate are the best.

Gauri: you are just like Om. Even he hates white chocolate. But white chocolate is the best chocolate in the whole entire world.

I rolled my eyes as she took a bite from her cookie.

He was in love with white chocolate. He as in the guy in that photo from the other day and the guy in my past. He loved white chocolate so much. He never really was fond of sweet things but if he had to eat something sweet, it would be white chocolate. Does he still like white chocolate or has he started to like other sweet things? Why am I thinking of what he likes now? I don't care about his likes and dislikes anymore.

Me: are you done eating?

Gauri nodded.

Me: good, now let's bring these snacks to the living room.

Gauri picked up some of the snack trays and we went into the living room only to find our parents looking through some with Dadaji.

Mum: papaji, in this pink folder is Gauri's chart then this purple folder is Anika's.

Dadaji: accha, has the jeweller and priest been called?

Dad: yeah they have been called. They are on their way.

Gauri kept the two trays on the coffee table and went up to the elders and spoke: I want to see my chart.

Mum: sure be my guest.

She handed the pink folder to Gauri who opened it and looked completely confused looking at a sheet of paper.

Gauri: what the hell is even this? I don't understand a thing from this.

Dad: when do you ever understand anything?

Gauri just looked at him as she kept her chart back in the folder and gave it to mum. Looking at her face made my heart ache. My dad needed to watch his tongue. Gauri was pretty clever, she understood a lot of things, I hated it when he said that she didn't understand anything...he's been like this when she announced that she was taking a fashion designing course. He wanted her to do something like MBBS or CA but she didn't listen.

I took CA because I actually wanted to...well also to make my parents happy since unlike Gauri, I am like a people pleaser, well a parent pleaser, I keep trying to make sure that they are happy with me and they are pleased with my life choices. Gauri doesn't bother to try to please them, she was already dadaji's favourite and that was more than enough for her.

Me: is it okay if I can look at my chart?

Mum once again agreed as she gave my folder to me. At that moment, the doorbell rang and Gauri went to get it, a smile now on her face.

Sahil: hi Gauri didi.

Gauri: hey Sahil.

I think she wanted it to be Om at the door but he was coming soon. Chachi and Chachu came with a smile but both Chachi and Gauri made a face at each other.

Chachi: today we bought sweets for Gauri's in laws.

Gauri: just sweets? Nothing else Chachi?

She showed her fair tiny wrist to Chachi and our lovely Chachi rolled her eyes.

Chachi: Gauri, you will never get my gold bangles. They are only for me.

Gauri: we'll see about that. I know that you will give me your bangles on my wedding after all I am the bride and the bride deserves some special gift.

Chachi: you wish now let us in.

Gauri: of course mata rani.

The two made a face at each other as Chachi, Chachu and Sahil entered.

Sahil: Anika didi, we need to make plans on how much money we will ask from jiju.

Me: oh my god! Yes we do after all it is tradition to take money from our brother-in-law.

Sahil: exactly!

Gauri: oh hello! Don't you dare bother my soon to be husband for money!

Sahil and I looked at her, tempted to laugh.

Me: Sahil, how much money should we take?

Sahil: ummm 10 core.

Me: 20 core sounds good.

Sahil: no 100 core.

Me: good idea. So Gauri, on your wedding day, we will be giving you away and we will take 100 core.

Gauri: dadaji, see these two are trying to make Om bankrupt.

Dadaji: Sahil, Anika...

Sahil: it's tradition na.

Dadaji and Gauri rolled their eyes. Me and Sahil just laughed. It felt nice after a while to finally just joke around and laugh.

Me: you know Gauri, when you get married, I will take your room.

Gauri: why my room? You already got a room.

Me: but your room is bigger. I think I'll paint the walls lilac.

Sahil: nah red is better.

Me: paint your own room red but my new room will be lilac or grey...yeah grey, a really light grey and pink and white fluffy know Gauri now with you leaving soon, there will no longer be any chocolates disappearing, it will all be mine. All your stuff will be mine too.

I was only teasing her but Gauri made a proper crybaby face.

Gauri: kya yaar didi, you just want to get rid of me. I thought that apart from dadaji, you also loved me but no you don't.

I went up to her and cupped her face with my hands, saying: do you really think I don't love you? Gauri, you know when you were born, I went to school and bragged to everyone that I have a little sister. Gauri, you are not only my little sister, you are my best friend. I love you so much.

She hugged me and I hugged her back.

Kissing the side of her head, I said: it's so hard to believe that you were the little girl that always followed me around, and now you are all grown up.

Gauri: when you marry, I will also say a speech like this to you.

Me: be my guest.

You will be saying this speech to me Gauri after you marry.

Anika's POV ends.

Once the sisters broke the hug, the doorbell rang once again. This time Anika went to open the door and this time, it was Om, Shivay, their family along with the priest and jeweller.

Anika: namaste, come in.

Everyone went in. Shivay looked at Anika and she looked at him.

Shivay whispering: are you getting your kundali checked too?

Anika whispering: unfortunately. You?

Shivay whispering: same here but I know mine and yours will match.

Anika whispering: don't be so sure.

Shivay just gave a quiet small chuckle as he went to join the families.

Sakshi: Pinky, where are your other son and daughter?

Pinky: Rudy is helping Prinku with some studying. She has her exams coming.

Sakshi: accha, do give her my best wishes.

Pinky: bilkul.

Dadi: so should we check the kundali charts first or the rings?

Dadaji: personally I feel that we should check the charts.

Dadi: then let's start with that.

Dadaji: theek hai. Panditji, here is Gauri's chart.

Dadi: and here is Om's chart.

The priest was given both charts. Gauri and Om kept their fingers crossed as he checked their charts.

Priest: the two's naadi Gunas is great, both won't have any problem when it comes to conceiving children.

Anika and Shivay looked at Gauri and Om who awkwardly looked at each other. Of course there was no problem since Gauri was already pregnant.

Priest: the rashi is also great. Omkara's moon position is 7 and Gauri's is 12 which means they are a great match.

The priest continued to look at their charts, after minutes he looked up at the families and said Omkara and Gauri's kundali score is 36.

Gauri: is that good or bad?

Priest: that is very good. All 36 gunas match meaning that you two will have a successful marriage.

Gauri and Om looked at each other, happy that now this kundali chart nonsense was out of their lives.

Sakshi: Panditji, here is my eldest daughter Anika's chart. I want to know when she will get married and when someone will enter her life.

Dadi: and here is my other grandson Shivay's chart. We also want to know the same for him.

Priest: I will check both of theirs now.

He started to check their charts. As this was happening, Anika and Shivay looked at one another. They didn't believe in this nonsense and were surprised that their parents and grandparents believed in all this.

Priest: Anika already has someone who has entered her life. She may not know it yet but she is destined to be with that person.

Anika: really?

The priest nodded as he examined Shivay's chart. Anika looked at Shivay and thought to herself: I hope it's some other person and not Shivay.

Priest: and Shivay also has someone who has entered his life. He may already know who this person is or maybe he doesn't know it yet.

Shivay in mind: I know exactly who is this person. After many years, Anika finally came back in my life.

Priest: I am done now.

Balraj: great, Anika will walk you out.

The priest smiled as he and Anika got up to walk to the door. Before the priest left, he looked at Anika and opened his mouth to speak: Anika puttar, I want you to know something.

Anika: tell me.

Priest: all the 36 gunas on yours and Shivay's chart matched. I think if you two were to marry, you would have a very successful marriage like your sister.

Anika: really?

Priest. ji haan.

Anika: thanks for letting me know.

Priest: you're welcome. Have a good day.

Anika: you too.

The priest left and Anika went back to the families. When she sat down, she started to think: if I marry Shivay then will it be successful? How did all our gunas match? Anika don't think about this. I don't believe in all this stuff.

Shakti: let's see the rings jeweller.

The jeweller nodded as he brought out gold boxes of rings. He opened them up so the families could see the rings.

Jeweller: now the boxes on the left are for the bride and the boxes on the right are for the groom.

Dadi: in our family we believe in letting the bride's family choose the ring for the groom and the groom's family does the same for the bride...can we do this for Om and Gauri?

Dadaji: of course. Marriage is all about combining traditions.

Dadi: thank you. If you have any special tradition for the engagement ceremony, let us know.

Dadaji: bilkul ji now let's look at the rings.

Dadi nodded as the elders started to look at the rings. As they were looking at the rings, Pinky saw the rose gold ring on Gauri's finger.

Pinky: Gauri, is thats the ring Om gaves you?

Gauri nodded, saying: Om proposed to me with it.

The Sharmas and Oberois expect Pinky: awwww.

Pinky: its very pretty.

Gauri: thank you mummyji....sorry can I call you that?

Pinky: of courses (in her mind) I swear that is jethanji's ring.

Gauri smiled. Om managed to sit a little closer to her and caressed her hand. Gauri looked at her with a blush and smile.

Anika and Shivay noticed. Their siblings looked so in love. They made a small pray for their siblings to be in love like this forever.

Precap: you decide

Yup you guys get to decide what you want to see in the next chapter.

How did you guys like it? 

Do you think the kundali charts are right for Anika and Shivay?

Why did Pinky start thinking a bit about her jethanji?

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