Chapter 21

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Now before we begin, just one important thing...

Trigger warning: there is mention of baby loss within this chapter, if you do not wish to read this chapter, it is completely okay. I am happy to recap to each of you guys individually via PM without mentioning this certain aspect.

I will also recap the story in the comments so you all remember before I haven't updated in ages.

Shivay's POV:

I was quite shocked to know that mum had invited Anika and Gauri for dinner. The last person I wanted to see was Anika right now ever since our conversation in the afternoon.

I had only been thinking about one thing since I last talked to Anika. Our past. Our past relationship. This mistake of mine. What was funny was that I couldn't even remember looking at another girl that night. The whole night was a complete blur, other than Anika telling me that it was over. I knew though that I made a big mistake and that caused me to lose Anika once.

Five years of no Anika and then five years later, because of Gauri and Om, she was back in my life. I mean it had to be a big coincidence that Om happened to be dating the sister of my ex, right? It was almost like the universe had worked to bring Anika back in my life again. A second chance. A second chance to make everything right again.

I don't believe in this whole manifestation and the universe will get it for you crap. I don't believe in that Shahrukh Khan dialogue where he says something about that if you truly desire something from the heart, the universe will conspire to get you it. I have never believed it but it made sense when Anika walked into my office that day to yell at me for not agreeing for Om and Gauri's marriage. She'd come back and I had to believe in that moment that this was my second chance. So that's why I did the marriage deal...I thought that's how I could use my second chance. But then after Anika and Gauri's parents found out about Om being adopted and the drama happened, I thought that was it. There went my second chance with Anika. But then I got a third chance.

And so far, I was screwing it up.

But at least I was getting some chances because of my future niece or nephew. Some people would not be lucky to get a second chance with someone they love.

Mum: oh Shivay, do you need an invitation or something? Get out my precious china plates from the storeroom.

Me: ask Om or Rudy to do it.

Mum: you're the only one who knows where it is in the storeroom. Get it from the storeroom else I will throw my slipper at you!

Me: yes mum.

I groaned as I went to get mum's china plates from the storeroom. Like always, the good plates were for the guests or the people she favoured over her children. In this case, it was for the people she favoured over her children. She has been rambling on about Gauri and Anika for ages, singing their praises, talking about how she was going to spoil her very first grandchild and then continued to sing her future daughters-in-law's praises. It was quite nice though to hear her praise them. Mum and dad had always said they wanted all four of us to marry people of the same class as us, so you may not realise it but this was personal growth on their behalf.

I found mum's china plates and went to give them to her. That was when Anika and Gauri had arrived. I saw Anika stand next to her sister, who was talking to mum and Dadi. She was smiling when she was with them, but then when she saw me, the spark in her eyes disappeared. It pained me to know that I was the reason for the missing spark in her eyes.

Mum: come on in, dinner has just been made. I didn't know what you two liked the most and these two idiot fiances of yours couldn't even tell me your favourite dishes so a variety of food has been made.

Of course my darling mother had to pin the blame on us. She didn't even ask us. To be fair, she was busy and excited to have Anika and Gauri over, so I guess I could let that slide. As we all settled around the dining table, the atmosphere was a bit awkward. Anika and I tried to avoid making eye contact, but I could feel her gaze on me every now and then. It was hard to ignore the memories flooding back from our past.

I would be lying if I said that even before Anika came back to my life, the memories from our shared past didn't come back to me then and now. They tormented my mind a lot. Most of the time when I think of the memories between me and Anika, I always try my best not to think about that one night, the night where everything changed.

Memories of that night - well parts of the night that I could remember - were filling my head, I didn't want to think about it right now so I forced my mind to divert its attention to the conversation happening around me.

Mum: so Gauri, you want a quick wedding for sure?

Gauri: yes Pinky aunty, Om and I spoke about it and agreed that it would be best to have our wedding as soon as possible.

Mum: good idea, it would be so hard to find maternity bridal wear if we waited. Also no need to call me aunty. We're going to be related soon, just call me Pinky mum. That goes for you too, Anika.

Anika and Gauri both smiled at mum before Gauri opened her mouth to speak again.

Gauri: very true but I'm studying fashion design so maybe in the future, there could be maternity bridal wear.

Mum: I look forward to seeing that happen.

The two chuckled. Anika was oddly quiet as she ate little nibbles of her food. However, despite her silence, she seemed to be at ease when Gauri was around, and it was heartwarming to see her smile. It reminded me of the times when she used to be carefree and happy with me. But then, a sense of guilt washed over me as I realised how I had hurt her and changed her life.

Mum: and Anika, do you too want a quick wedding or take it a bit more slowly?

Anika: to be fair, I was hoping for a quick wedding too. I just want to start my married life with Shivay as soon as possible.

She was lying right through her teeth. She just wanted our deal to be done and over with.

Mum: awwww young love. I missed that feeling, the rush to quickly get married and enjoy my future with my husband.

Dad: I remember how quickly you wanted to get married.

Mum blushed and smiled, causing me, Om, Rudy and Prinku teasing the two. Even Dadi teased mum and dad.

The dinner continued with light-hearted conversations and laughter, but the tension between Anika and me was undeniable. I desperately wanted to talk to her and clear the air, but I knew this wasn't the right time or place. Besides, no one knew that me and Anika had previously dated in the past.


Dinner ended shortly after and we were all in the garden conservatory, chatting and drinking snacks and drinks. Anika was still quiet for most of the time but she did engage in conversation multiple times with Om, Rudy, Prinku, dad, dadi, mum...basically she spoke to everyone but me. Surprisingly no one seemed to have found it suspicious that Anika and I had not exchanged a single word between one another.

Dadi: so what themes have you girls planned for the weddings?

Om: question, why is no one asking me or Shivay bhaiya about what we want for our weddings?

Mum: because girls tend to dream a lot about their weddings. You men all just go along because one you don't want to talk to designers and planners and two you all only care about the bachelor party. So whilst you idiots plan the bachelor party, the poor girls have to plan the actual wedding.

Om and I looked at each other, knowing that in a way mum basically had a point. Rudy had been giving us ideas for our bachelor parties for the last couple days.

Om: fine, true but I want to pitch one theme idea. I can see Shivay bhaiya and Anika having a champagne-gold-white wedding and Gauri and me....well Gauri gave me no choice in wedding planning so I have to go with what she says.

Gauri chuckled before speaking: well Dadiji, I was thinking of a pastel kind of wedding, I know it's a bit basic but since childhood, I always wanted to have a pastel-themed wedding and wear a pink wedding dress.

Dadi: wow that is so nice.

Rudy: that sounds awesome! I can already picture the whole setup in my head.

Prinku: it sounds beautiful, Gauri. I'm sure your wedding will be magical.

Om: thanks, Prinku. And Shivay, what do you think about the champagne-gold-white theme for your and Anika's wedding?

Before I could speak, Anika spoke for me.

Anika: Om, we haven't even discussed wedding plans yet. I don't even know what theme I want for the wedding.

Om grinned as he said: I'm just assuming here, but I can totally see it. It would be classic and sophisticated, just like you both.

Anika blushed slightly, but her expression still had a hint of discomfort. I could see she was trying her best to maintain a composed front, but I could also see that my presence was affecting her.

I smiled at Anika and everyone else and finally decided to speak: well, I guess we can consider it, but we'll have to talk about it first.

Anika nodded: yes, we should definitely discuss it.

Gauri: oh, come on, Shivay! I'm sure you already have a secret Pinterest board with wedding ideas.

Om: yeah, knowing Shivay, he probably does.

I rolled my eyes and decided to pretend to be nonchalant: maybe I do, maybe I don't.

With a chuckle, Anika spoke: you're impossible, Shivay.

For a brief moment, we shared a lighthearted moment, and I could see a glimmer of the Anika I used to know in her eyes. It gave me hope that maybe, just maybe, we could find a way to mend things between us.

Mum seemed to be enjoying the conversation and atmosphere in the room. This was the first time in a while I have seen her truly enjoying herself. She normally was quite uptight and showed her enjoyment in a controlled manner, but this time she was more chilled out and relaxed. Maybe it was the effect of Gauri and Anika's company. It had to be because of that. Even when I was in London, I used to be quite uptight and controlled my enjoyment till I met Anika in the city and her presence and company naturally made me enjoy everything a lot more.

Mum: you know, I have to praise Anika. Up to date, I have never and I mean never seen such a beautiful sister bond. Anika truly loves her little sister and went through great lengths just for her happiness. Gauri, honestly God has blessed you with the best.

Gauri: I feel blessed Pinky mum.

She said, hugging Anika who hugged her back.

Mum: I wish God also blessed me with a good big sister, but my big sister was a witch.

She chuckled, taking a sip of her water.

Mum: honestly you are so lucky Gauri, so so lucky. I would have loved to have a big sister like Anika when I was growing up.

And with that said, mum didn't say any more on my maasi. I only met my maasi a couple of times and all I knew was mum and her did not like each other. Instead, mum started talking about the next pre-wedding function which was going to be the Mehndi ceremony. We all began to engage in the conversation, discussing dates, themes, outfits etc and how all men would be banned from the mehndi ceremony. It would be a ladies-only event. Fair enough, there was not much need for us men in the ceremony.

Shivay's POV ends

Pinky: guys, I need to get some medicine. You all continue this conversation.

Everyone nodded as Pinky got up to get some medicine. Anika, who had been observing Pinky, noticed the pain in Pinky's eyes when she spoke briefly of her older sister. When Pinky had left the room, she saw that Pinky was not happy, she was upset, sad, lost in a distant memory.

Anika: oh no, my phone was on silent and my boss left me a few missed calls, may I be excused?

She was excused and Anika left to find Pinky. The mansion was big, much bigger than her own house so it did take her a little bit of time to find where Pinky was but as she was trying to find Pinky, she took in the mansion interiors.

The mansion exuded elegance and luxury in every corner. Intricately designed chandeliers adorned the ceilings, casting a soft golden glow throughout the hallways. Rich tapestries decorated the walls, depicting scenes from ancient mythology and Indian history.

As she walked, Anika couldn't help but notice the sense of tradition and heritage that permeated every inch of the mansion. It was a stark contrast to her own home, but she didn't feel out of place. Instead, she felt a sense of wonder and appreciation for the history and legacy of the Oberoi family.

Anika finally found Pinky in the library. The library was an impressive room, filled with shelves upon shelves of books, antique furniture, and large windows that allowed natural light to bathe the space. Pinky was sitting in a cosy corner of the library, surrounded by old leather-bound books. Pinky's eyes were misty, lost in her thoughts as she flipped through the pages of one of the books. A photo album.

Anika softly: Pinky mum?

Pinky looked up from the photo album and smiled at Anika.

Pinky: come here beta.

Anika walked over to Pinky and took a seat beside her, giving her a comforting hug. Anika: are you okay? I noticed you seemed a bit upset when you mentioned your older sister.

Pinky wiped her tears and replied with a small smile: it's just... thinking about her always brings back memories. We had a difficult relationship, to say the least.

Anika: I'm sorry to hear that. Family dynamics can be complicated sometimes. If you like, we can talk about it.

Pinky took a deep breath and then spoke: see this photo?

She said, pointing to a black and white photo. Anika looked and saw two young girls sitting in the middle on the plush sofa, dressed in Punjabi-styled suits, next to the younger looking girl with a braid was a man decked up in a kurta and next to the more older girl with a bun was another man who was also decked in a kurta.

Anika: who are these people?

Pinky: the girl who has her hair in a braid is me when I was 18 and the girl with her hair in a bun is my sister...Mansi when she was 22. Next to me is Balbir and next to my sister is Balbir's brother Amanpreet.

Anika: accha, you look so pretty. So what's the story behind you four? I mean there has to be a story right if you are showing me this picture.

Pinky: there is a story which I am about to tell you. This was the last photo us four all had together and it was taken on Diwali. Growing up, my sister and I were best friends with Balbir and Amanpreet. They were the sons of my father's friend from his first job. Amanpreet was around Mansi's age and Balbir was just a year older than me. Amanpreet and Mansi never felt any attraction to one another despite our families' dismay but Balbir and I were attracted to each other despite our families' dismay.

Anika: how come they were against you two and not Amanpreet and Mansi?

Pinky: Amanpreet wanted to be a doctor so automatically he was in my father's good books, but Balbir wanted to be a singer which was not viewed as a good career in my parents' eyes. Mansi wanted to be a housewife and since at the time everyone had very different views unlike now, everyone was happy and his parents didn't want their sons to have working wives. Me, on the other hand, I wanted to do engineering which made Balbir and Amanpreet's parents not like me as much. My parents were not a fan of me wanting to do engineering either.

Anika: that is so unfair though. Mansi basically passes off as a gold digger but you actually wanted to make something of yourself.

Pinky: I know but remember this was a different time and every family has different thinking. I would be happy to have working bahus which I do, well one bahu is studying but still I am happy for her to continue her studies.

Anika smiled and Pinky went back on track with the story she was telling Anika.

Pinky: so Anika, despite the fact that no one wanted me and Balbir to be together in a couple sense, we used to have our romantic meetings in secret. A couple in secret, best friends in public. Whenever we used to be with one another, I always felt that I was in a Bollywood song. We were truly in love, I could always be myself around Balbir and he used to write and sing a lot of songs dedicated to me.

Anika: how cute!

Pinky: it was very cute but shortly after this photo was taken, my life was changed forever. I got pregnant just a few weeks after Diwali and at first, no one knew, not even Balbir. I found out after fainting in the mall. A store assistant found me and took me to hospital. The doctor announced I was pregnant and I knew that it was Balbir's child. I had never been with anyone else but him. Then I was left with this big secret. As you have learnt with Gauri, having a child out of wedlock was seen and still is seen as taboo.

Anika listened attentively as Pinky continued her story. The emotions in Pinky's voice were palpable, and Anika could feel the weight of the burden she had carried all these years. Pinky: I was torn between the fear of facing society's judgement and the love I felt for Balbir. I knew I had to tell him about the pregnancy, but I was scared of how he would react. We were so young, not much younger than Om and Gauri, and the idea of becoming parents at such a young age was daunting.

Anika: what did you do?

Pinky: I finally mustered the courage to tell him. It was a difficult conversation, and he was initially shocked and overwhelmed. But after some time, he promised that he would stand by me and take responsibility for our child.

Anika: that's really brave of him.

Pinky: hmm brave. You could say that. Mansi was eavesdropping on our conversation and told my parents without even consulting me. Then my parents told Balbir's parents and Amanpreet and then me and Balbir found out that everyone knew. That was not a nice conversation. Everyone was so mad and Mansi...she watched the conversation with a smirk. My mum initially suggested that Balbir and I marry which would have been nice, but Mansi spoke and said that how about arranging my marriage to someone who had, in her words, a much stable future. They listened to her and started looking for someone to arrange my marriage with. On the side note, Balbir and I had planned to elope and Amanpreet supported us but then, this is where everything went wrong.

Anika's heart was beating, she was scared yet curious to know what happened next.

Pinky: I saw Mansi and Balbir talk to one another shortly after. I thought nothing of it at first but their conversation made sense when Balbir announced to me that he did not want to elope and he rather I aborted the baby than ruin his life. I later found out Mansi threatened him with my safety. He then said he was leaving as someone in Mumbai offered him a singing job which was a lie. Two days later, he committed suicide and only after the further events happened, Amanpreet gave me his suicide note where it mentioned everything Mansi told Balbir to do.

Anika: that is horrible. Absolutely horrible.

Pinky: I know. Then my parents decided to marry me to Amanpreet which Amanpreet's parents agreed to as long as I dropped engineering and my studies all together. I had no say in my future, my life and anything. Amanpreet only agreed to marry me to protect my baby. Mansi didn't like that I was going to marry Amanpreet because she had formed a crush on him but Amanpreet never saw her beyond a best friend. So Mansi hired people to kidnap me...I was held captive for a couple of days. Mansi had orchestrated the whole thing, and I was terrified. They threatened to harm me if I didn't comply with their demands. It was a nightmare, and I felt completely helpless.

Anika's heart sank, imagining the horror that Pinky must have endured during those days. Anika: I can't even begin to imagine what you went through, Pinky mum. It must have been incredibly difficult for you.

Pinky: it was scary. My parents found me eventually and knew it was Mansi yet didn't punish her or turn her to the police. I didn't like how they were going through great lengths to protect her whilst my life was sinking away. So I reported Mansi to the police and when Mansi found out, she took matters into her own hands. She gave me a drink and after naively drinking it, I started to bleed. She had orchestrated my miscarriage. She killed my baby. My first baby. The police came, they didn't arrest Mansi as there was no evidence and my parents covered it all up. No one even cared that I had just faced the worst loss in my life. I was in hospital to recover from my baby loss and Amanpreet gave me Balbir's suicide note then money. Money to restart my life. I took it and left for Mumbai, keeping very little contact with my family. There I met Shakti a couple years later and was able to love again. I married him, and had Shivay and Rudy. Then I adopted Prinku and Om after their parents died and though it may seem like a happy ending, I can never stop thinking about what happened.

Anika was deeply moved by Pinky's harrowing tale of loss, betrayal, and resilience. She couldn't fathom the pain Pinky had endured, losing both her first love and her unborn child, all orchestrated by her own sister.

Anika softly: Pinky mum, I can't even begin to imagine the pain you've been through. It's heartbreaking.

Pinky: it was a nightmare that I wish no one ever has to experience. Losing a child is something no parent should ever have to go through, and the way it happened... I still have nightmares about it sometimes.

Anika held Pinky's hand and smiled at her: I'm so sorry you had to carry that burden all these years. You're incredibly strong to have gone through all of that and come out on the other side. Does Shakti uncle know?

Pinky: he knows. He knew when I got pregnant with Shivay and I had a panic attack about it. After all, it was my first pregnancy after that miscarriage. He was very supportive about it. The kids don't know though and I would appreciate it if you didn't tell them.

Anika: of course not. It's safe with me.

Pinky: the baby would have been a girl.

Anika: really?

Pinky: I was 4 months pregnant when I had a miscarriage. The nurse took me aside and told me despite the fact that it was illegal to know the gender but she told me anyway because I wanted to know if I lost a son or a daughter. Anyway, when I saw how much you loved Gauri and would go to great lengths to fight for her even fighting with me to change my mind, I was jealous. Jealous of Gauri because her sister loves her so much that she is willing to do anything for her even marry someone just for her. My sister tried to ruin my life, she killed my baby and you love your unborn niece or nephew so much. I am jealous of Gauri because Anika, you are an amazing big sister.

Anika smiled and hugged Pinky. In that moment, Anika realised that she had found not only a loving family but also a true friend in Pinky, someone with whom she could share her joys and sorrows.

Anika: Pinky mum, I'm here for you, just as you've been here for me. You don't have to carry this burden alone anymore. We can lean on each other for support and find healing together.

Pinky: thank you, Anika. It means so much to me to have someone who understands and cares. I've kept this pain hidden for so long, but with you, I feel like I can finally let it out. Anika: you're not alone, Pinky mum. We're in this together, and I promise to be here for you.

Pinky smiled and announced that she was ready to rejoin everyone back in the conservatory. Anika simply nodded and the two went to rejoin everyone when they bumped into Shivay.

Shivay: I just came to see where you two were since you were gone for a while.

Pinky: we're fine puttar. Do me a favour, get me a glass of water and Anika, make sure Shivay puts lemon in my water. Thank you.

Anika chuckled seeing the demanding side of Pinky as Pinky left the two alone. Anika and Shivay made their way into the kitchen to get Pinky her lemon water. As Shivay filled the glass from the jug, Anika looked at him and then suddenly surprised with a hug.

Shivay: Anika?

He said, his hands somehow finding their way around her body.

Anika: Shivay, nothing matters to me more than my sister's happiness and her unborn baby's well being. I know that we fight and everytime we say we will try to be around each other, we always find something to fight about. I can't let our past impact anyone around us. That is the last thing I want. Though I am still mad, let's start over. For real. No more fighting until our deal is over and done with. I want the unborn baby to be happy and enter a world where everyone is happy with everyone within this family.

Shivay took in every word she said then spoke: let's start over then.

Anika smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. It was a small step, but an important one in rebuilding their relationship for the sake of their family. As they held each other in the kitchen, Anika knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to try.

She was willing to try.

She was not going to be Mansi.

Precap: mehndi time

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