Jaeyeon's First Love

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Everyone knows what it's like when they have a childhood crush right? That's what little Jaeyeon is going to start feeling for the first time in this chapter. Minyeon, after packing the twins' lunches, realizes that her eldest child is crushing on a boy. Jaeyeon ends up getting all shy and nervous about it, trying her best to keep it a secret. Minjae, being a supportive younger brother to his twin sister, does what he can to help her.

(Im residence, Minyeon POV)

At the house, I was packing lunch for the twins to eat after getting together Jaemin and Minyoon's bags for going to my parents' house. JB is already taking Jaemin and Minyeon, along with what they need while JB and I are working, to his car. So today, I'm taking the twins to school.

"Jaeyeon! Minjae!" I said, "It's time to come downstairs! You don't want to be late for school!" I see Minjae hurry down the stairs quickly, and then give him his Batman lunchbox, saying, "Minjae honey, where's your sister at?" "Jaeyeon is upstairs, Eomma," he said, taking his lunch box, "she told me she needed to get ready."

Soon, I see Jaeyeon hurry down the stairs while fixing her low pigtails and wearing a cute outfit:

As I was giving Jaeyeon her Barbie lunchbox, I say, "You look so adorable, my princess. Is there a reason for this?" "Nope," she said quickly, "Did you pack another heartshaped sandwich like I asked, Eomma?" "Yes dear. I packed the peanut butter and honey sandwich and peanut butter and banana sandwich too," I said, "now let's go to school, my angels."

Once Jaebum left, I got the twins buckled up and started taking them to school. Once we arrived, we get out of the car and I say, "Alright sweethearts have a good day at school today. I love you." "We love you too Eomma!" the twins say. I gave them kisses and they walked to the building so they can get to class.

I think Jaeyeon is hiding something from me. She asked for two heart-shaped sandwiches, is wearing the summer dress my mother got her for her birthday with pigtails in her hair, and she avoided my question about that earlier. I'll find a way to know what Jaeyeon is up to.

(lunchtime, Minjae POV)

I sat in the cafeteria with Eunhyuk and Jinseok for lunch today. While we were talking and eating, I see Jaeyeon, Chae-Lee, and Mihyung come up to our table to sit with us. "May we sit here Minjae?" Mihyung asks. I say, "Sure Mihyung." Once the girls sit down, I see Jaeyeon look down at her shoes nervously.

"Are you okay Jaeyeon?" I asked her. Jaeyeon says, "Oh yes Minjae. Hello Eunhyuk Oppa." "Hi Jaeyeon," Eunhyuk says. Jaeyeon, after opening her lunchbox, gives Eunhyuk one of her sandwiches, saying, "Eomma made two for me. So I want to give you this one."

Eunhyuk grabs the sandwich, and bites into it. He says, "Wow. This is so good. How did you know I love peanut butter and banana, Jaeyeon?" "I just saw you eat it one day while I was going to eat lunch," Jaeyeon says shyly.

Eunhyuk says, "Well thank you so much. Your mother is amazing at making sandwiches. And she must be amazing at finding nice outfits for you too. Your dress looks amazing on you." With that, Jaeyeon's face and ears turned red, and she says, "Um. Thank you Eunhyuk. Halmeoni got this dress for me for my birthday." We heard the bell ring, and we all cleaned up and went to class.

(Recess, Jaeyeon POV)

After we were finished with art class, our first grade class went outside for recess. I was sitting under the slide with Chae-Lee and Mihyung so we can talk. "Did you hear the compliment he gave you, Jaeyeon?" Chae-Lee asked. Mihyung said, "He thought your sandwich and dress were amazing."

I covered my face out of shyness and said, "I know he did, but that doesn't mean that he likes me. After all, we're friends. I'm not even sure if Eunhyuk wants to fall in love with his best friend's twin sister."

"I don't think Minjae will have a problem with that," Mihyung says. Chae-Lee explains, "After all, you and Eunhyuk are two important people to him. So he'll be all for it." "But that doesn't mean Eunhyuk would instantly fall in love with me," I said, getting up, "after all, what would he even like about me?"

"What's there not to like about you Jaeyeon?" Chae-Lee asks. Mihyung says, "You're cute, sweet, kind, smart, and very talented. You're an amazing dancer and singer, and you have great teamwork skills." I soon told them, "Well the only way he'll ever notice me is if I'm lucky."

"Who will notice you?" I heard a familiar voice ask me, immediately noticing it was Eunhyuk with Jinseok and Minjae. "O-oh nothing!" I stuttered while blushing, "I was going over some lines from this adorable cartoon we watched at Chae-Lee's place. We weren't talking about boys or anything."

"Okay," he said, "I just wanted to know if it was okay if you and Minjae teach me the hip hop dance we're learning in dance class. I was sick the other day, so it would be great if you two could help me." I stood there frozen like an idiot while my face kept heating up. "Sis. Are you okay?" Minjae asks.

I shook my head and said, "Oh yeah. I'm okay. S-sure Eunhyuk Oppa. I would be more than happy to help you with Minjae." "Great," he said, hugging me, "See you later." The bell ring and we went inside to finish out our school day in our homeroom. My heart kept pounding from the hug Eunhyuk gave me.


I was with Junior after we got finished with work so we can pick up the twins from school. Once I arrived, I see them rush to me with one of their classmates. "Appa!" they exclaimed to me. I picked them up and said, "Hey you little munchkins. How was school?" "It was great Appa," Jaeyeon said.

Minjae asks, "Appa. Eunhyuk was absent from our hip hop class a few days ago and needs help catching up on the dance. Could he come to our house so Jaeyeon and I can help him?" "Why not?" I said, putting Jaeyeon and Minjae down, "Your mother is going to be at a photoshoot doing makeup while your Uncle Junior and I watch you guys while discussing some ideas for work, so it'll work out fine. I'll text Eunhyuk's father and let him know."

"Thanks Mr. Im!" Eunhyuk said. I said, "No problem little buddy." Jaeyeon gets into the car with Eunhyuk sitting next to her, then Minjae gets in next to Eunhyuk. I immediately notice my daughter looking down at the ground and asked, "Sweetie. Is there anything wrong?"

"No Appa, I'm fine," she said, smiling although she's blushing, "I was just thinking." Jaeyeon showed her pearly whites to me to convince me. I said, "Okay dear. Just let me know if something is bothering you." I knew something was up with Jaeyeon the minute I started driving.

She looked at Eunhyuk a couple of times, and then back down at her shoes. He even grabs Jaeyeon's hand, and she smiles while glancing at him a little. If I wouldn't have known any better, I would say my eldest child is experiencing her first love. I smile as I continue driving home.

(Im residence, Minjae POV)

We reached home after school, and get out of the car. Appa enters the house and we see Eomma giving Minyoon her sippy cup while Jaemin is watching TV with her. "Hi Eomma!" Jaeyeon and I say. Eomma hugs us and says, "Hey sweethearts. How was school today?" "It was great Eomma," I said. Jaeyeon said, "Yeah, fantastic. I'm going to change into my dance outfit now," and rushed up the stairs.

"Is something wrong with your sister Minjae?" Eomma asks me. I said, "Uh. No. Nothing is wrong with Jaeyeon. She's probably excited to go over our hip hop routine." "Okay then," she said, "I have to go help out with makeup for a photoshoot. See you guys at dinner," and then gives me a kiss on the cheek, "Minjae honey. Could you do me a favor and give Jaeyeon a kiss on the cheek for me?"

"Sure Eomma," I said. Eomma leaves and then Eunhyuk and I get dressed in our bedroom while Jaeyeon is in the bathroom. "Eunhyuk," I said. He said, "Yes Minjae?" I asked him, "Could you do me a favor while I'm getting ready?" "Sure, what can I do?" Eunhyuk asks.

I whispered it into his ear and he said, "Oh. Okay. Will do. Thanks so much for helping me with the dance, and for helping me get close to Jaeyeon." "It's no biggie," I said, "Anyone who is sweet to my twin sister is a great person in my book." "Thanks Minjae," Eunhyuk said, going to the private dance studio we have in our basement downstairs.

(dance studio, Jaeyeon POV)

I was stretching in the studio Appa made for us when I notice Eunhyuk coming downstairs. "Where's Minjae at?" I asked him. "He's upstairs in the room," Eunhyuk said, "we just said bye to your mother and we went to change into our dance attire. Also, Minjae asked me to give you something."

"What is it?" I asked. He told me, "This," and kissed my left cheek, causing me to blush all over again and touch the cheek he just kissed. Eunhyuk said, "Well. Minjae was told by your mother to give you the kiss since she had to leave. So he let me do it."

"Sorry if you had to," I said nervously. He said, "Well. I actually didn't mind. It was kind of nice to." While looking at him blushing, I see Minjae walk into the room, saying, "You guys ready?" "Oh sure," Eunhyuk and I nervously. We start the music and started doing the dance. Then we showed Eunhyuk certain moves, and he followed them perfectly.

(living room, Junior POV)

JB was helping Jaemin practice his taekwondo to a video his instructor made for him, and I was playing Dori Dori with Minyoon, causing her to laugh when I was being silly. After talking on the phone, JB hangs up and says, "Well, Eunhyuk's father didn't have any problem with him coming over, but he said that his flight has been delayed and Eunhyuk's mother is working late at the hospital. So he told me that Eunhyuk will have to stay over."

"Oh. So you sure Minjae will be okay sharing his bed and clothes with Eunhyuk just for tonight and tomorrow morning for school?" I asked. JB says, "Well of course it is. They're best friends. I think Jaeyeon will be nervous about it more than anyone. Especially since I believe she's in love."

"Our little Jaeyeon in love?" I asked him, "She's actually experiencing her first love?" "Minyeon told me that Jaeyeon took long to get ready, asked for two heartshaped sandwiches, and avoided her questions about it," he explained, "Minjae said he's been helping Eunhyuk and Jaeyeon get closer especially since Eunhyuk likes her too."

Minjae and Eunhyuk come downstairs. JB says, "Eunhyuk. Your father's flight has been delayed and your mother is working late, so you're going to have to stay here until tomorrow." "Okay," Eunhyuk said. Minjae says, "Appa. Jaeyeon is upstairs in our room changing out of her dance outfit."

"Okay son," JB says. We go in the kitchen and start on dinner. After a while, Jaeyeon comes down and Minyeon comes home, picking up Minyoon, who walked to her. We ate dinner and I left after I got finished.

(Minyeon POV)

I was helping JB with the dishes after dinner while Minjae was playing with Jaemin and Minyoon. "So how was everyone doing while I was gone?" I asked him. He said, "Perfect Min Cake. Jinyoung and I came up with some ideas for our comeback, the twins were helping Eunhyuk with a dance, and Jaemin and Minyoon were good too."

"That's good to hear," I said, "so you think Minjae's plan worked?" "Yeah. Jaeyeon and Eunhyuk got closer than ever to each other. He even had Eunhyuk give Jaeyeon the kiss," he said. I smiled at the thought, and then dried my hands, saying, "I'm going to check on Jaeyeon while I'm on my way to get Minyoon ready for bed."

"Okay," JB said. I picked up Minyoon and walked upstairs while she was happily bouncing in my arms. Opening the door, I was about to call for Jaeyeon until I see her sleeping in her bed with Eunhyuk laying his upper body on the edge of her bed, holding her hand.

I was internally squeling and said, "Look Minyoon. Unnie is with her first love. Don't they look cute together." "Unnie love," Minyoon said. I quietly walk over and put Minyoon down on the ground as I picked Eunhyuk up and placed him next to Jaeyeon in her bed as they were still holding hand. I kissed Jaeyeon's forehead, and leaned Minyoon closer to her so she can kiss her older sister's forehead as well.

"Night night Unnie," Minyoon said. I quietly said, "And goodnight Eunhyuk." Minyoon and I went to her nursery so I can quickly tuck her in and kiss her goodnight. Once she's settled, I went back into the room with my phone and took a picture of Jaeyeon and Eunhyuk together.

Minjae comes in and crawls into bed. I kissed his cheek and said, "That was nice of you to help your sister and best friend get close to each other son." "It was nothing Eomma," Minjae said, "I just hope one day they'll find the courage to tell each other how they feel."

"They will Minjae, I know it," I told my son, "but for now, you need to go to bed. You have school in the morning and dance practice afterwards." He says, "That's right. We're being evaluated on our hip hop routine. Goodnight Eomma."

"Goodnight my little Miji," I said and turned off his lamp. As I reach the door, I look back at the Eunhyuk and the twins, smiling about the fact Jaeyeon is experiencing her first love. I then go to bed with Jaebum after he tucks in Jaemin.

"I think they're gonna make it," I said, showing JB the picture I took of Jaeyeon and Eunhyuk. He says, "I think so too. This reminds me of our times together as children. And when we had our dolls." "Our very first Jaeyeon and Minjae," I said, "but the ones we have now are just as special to me."

"Me too," JB says, "Maybe Jaeyeon and Eunhyuk will have their own special memories like we did." He turns out the light and says, "Goodnight Min Cake." "Goodnight JB," I told him, and we fell asleep in each other's arms in our bed.

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