Minyeon's Birthday

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Minyeon's birthday has finally came up, and JB, along with everyone else, has a special surprise for her gift. This will get her lost in the moment and rewind back to the memories she's had. How will JB make his wife's birthday special? FYI, this will remind you of one of your favorite moments in the story.

(Im residence, JB POV)

Since I wanted Minyeon to get herself ready for her 30th birthday, so she can shine for it, I decided to get Jaemin and Minyoon ready for it. We we're having her birthday party at her parents' house in the backyard. I was already dressed, and the twins were getting themselves ready for tonight.

(The children's outfits numbered according to age order: Jaeyeon, Minjae, Jaemin, and Minyoon.)

(Twins'dance outfits for performance.)

After tying Jaemin's dress shoes, and fixing Minyoon's headband that matches her dress, I say, "Kids. Minyeon. It's time to go." Once I exit Jaemin's room, the twins follow me downstairs. "Eomma is still getting ready Appa," Jaeyeon says. Minjae says, "She's almost done."

"Alright," I say, then bent down to their level, "You two still have your outfits in the bags I gave you right?" "Yes Appa," the twins say. I said, "Good, because this is for Eomma's present, and I need you two in costume while your uncles and I get ready. Once the song starts, that's when Cousin Taewoo and Uncle Jaehyung will help you get out of the boxes so you can do the dance we went over. And one more thing, do not let Eomma know, or go to the backyard until everything is done. Got it?"

"Got it," Jaeyeon and Minjae say. Jaemin and Minyoon say, "Got it." I see Minyeon come downstairs in her dress with her makeup done:

I couldn't help but admire her. That is, until Jaeyeon pulled on my sleeve and said, "Appa. Shouldn't we already be their by now?" "Oh, you're right sweetie," I say to my daughter. After buckling the children in the car, and getting Minyeon in, I got in myself so we can head to her parents' house.

(Go residence, Minyeon POV)

I arrived at my parents' place because something was planned for my birthday over there. All I know is that we had to dress up formally for this. Once JB parked the car, he gives me an extra tie of his and says, "Put this over your eyes, honey." "Why Jaebum?" I asked my husband.

He said, "Just do it. No questions asked." I grunted as I tied the necktie around my eyes. I felt two sets of hands grab my hands. Jaeyeon tells me, "Follow us Eomma." "We'll take you inside," Minjae says.

I allow the twins to take my hands and lead me to the door. They let go and order me to remove my blindfold. I was astonished by everything I saw. My parents' house was decorated so beautifully, the dining room had all of my favorite foods on the table, and My family and friends were there too, including Yoon and her daughter Chae-Lee.

"Oh my goodness!" I say astonished, "Thia is incredible! I can not believe my eyes!" "You gotta believe it," Yoon says, hugging me, "we wanted everything to go right for your big 30!" "Hush it Yoon. As if seeing my children grow up isn't making me feel any older, my new age sure will do the trick!" I say.

Seokmin and Hyunguk come up to me. "Hey there little sister," Hyunguk says to me. Seokmin says, "Happy birthday baby sis." "Thank you Oppa!" I say to my brothers, hugging them. "Let's all go to the dining room then shall we?" Eomma says to the guest.

JB, who is currently holding Minyoon, says, "Are you surprised dear?" "Very!" I say, "I just can't believe it. My family and friends here with us. It's like when I first met you, but without the whole cake incident." "I remember that too," I heard Suzy's voice say.

I see Suzy with Minho and Su-Hee. "Well I'll be darned," I say. Things between us have been different since she apologized to me and Jaebum for her actions. In fact, she and her family opened up well to us. Suzy said, "Don't worry Minyeon, I won't hurt you at all like I did when we were kids. I just wanted to be here for you."

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I know," I explain. Minho says, "I'm sure you're birthday will go by great tonight. Especially with all the presents you'll be getting." "Having my husband and kids here is already a great present for my special day," I say.

"I bet," Suzy says, "but you may never know, there could be many surprises in store for you tonight." "Let's go to the kitchen, I'm hungry," JB says. We all walked to the dining room to enjoy the food and cake.


After we sang Happy Birthday to Minyeon, we started eating the food her mother prepared for us. I then whispered the secret message to the twins so they can get ready in the outfits I got them for the routine. They nod and carry their bags to the bathroom, following Jaehyung and Taewoo.

"Why are our twins in a rush Jaebum?" Minyeon asks. I said, "I don't know. They said their outfits were making them uncomfortable I guess." "They didn't have to wear them, you know right?" she laughs. "They wanted to for you though," I said.

Then, I stall Minyeon as my bandmates set up outside and see Taewoo and Jaehyung with the twins, who are wearing their dance outfits, without her noticing. We were in the treehouse where our memories were made at. Luckily, the heart we carved was still in the treehouse.

"I remember this," she said, "you used the end of a metal pot to carve this when we were 8 years old." I told her, "I wanted to leave a symbol of our love in here forever. So I made this carving just for you and me." "I think it's special. You're really doing so much for my birthday today, Jaebum. I don't know how I even got so lucky!" Minyeon happily exclaimed.

She hugs me when I saw Jaehyung waving some kind of bandana to let me know they're reading. I pull the blindfold out of my pocket and say, "I think you're night will be even more special." "How? My friends and family are all dressed up nice for me, Eomma made my favorite dishes and dessert, and I have you and the kids with me. What can top that?" she asks as I blindfold her.

"You'll see," I answer. I carefully helped her get out of the treehouse, luckily for us we didn't put our shoes on. Once we were outside, I led Minyeon to the seat Taewoo set out earlier. Once Suzy and Minho helped me put my microphone on, I went to where the guys were. Taewoo stood by one of the boxes, and Jaehyung stood by the other. I nod my head to Seokmin and Hyunguk to let them know we were in position.

(Minyeon POV)

Once I was placed in the seat, I heard music for "Moon U" by Got7 begin to play while I felt the tie being untied. I saw the guys with Jaebum singing the song. Taewoo and Jaehyung lifted the boxes to reveal the twins. I put my hands over my mouth when I heard JB sing his lines. The twins are doing such a great job on the dance and their outfits were perfect for the performance.

JB walks over to me when he starts to sing the part after singing the chorus a second time. He grabs my hands and pulls me towards him, and then he turns me around so my side is facing everyone. My arms were around his neck and his hands were on my waist. When Junior sings the last few words, Jaebum kisses me in front of everyone, some people recording videos and taking pictures on their phones.

I just couldn't believe it. He really set up this entire performance just for me. Breaking from the kiss, I see Jaemin and Minyoon stand beside us, saying, "Happy birthday Eomma!" "Jaebum. You really are amazing!" I said as I began to cry, "This has been the best birthday in my entire life!"

"Shh. It's okay Min Cake. I'm happy you feel this way. You're special, and I wanted to express it on your day. Especially while we're under the moon," he says, wiping my tears, "So I chose Moon U to perform, just for you." "Happy birthday Eomma!" the twins say, holding hands, "We love you."

"I love you guys too," I said, "Your dance was amazing." "Appa helped us," Minjae says. Jaeyeon said, "He said it would make your present amazing, Eomma." "You guys doing this for me is amazing," I said, "and I wouldn't want this day to be any other way."

The kids gave me and hug, and Jaebum has Suzy and Minho play a different song for us to dance to, which was "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran. He pulls me to the middle of the grass as we were slow dancing under the stars together. I lay my head of JB's chest as he pulls me close, singing along to the music. It just makes my heart skip beat. His warmth is comforting. I wish this night didn't have to end.

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