Married To A Porn Star!- Chapter Five

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Heylo There Jitterbugs, Sorry this took so long. But its here now so do not fret. I would like to thank Quillin for editing this.. They did an amazing job! So why not go and fan them and read there work it is truly amazing.:).

So this Chapter is dedicated too felenacat33 thanks for your comment on the first chapter.Actually i would like to thank everyone who reads this. So i really hope Yall enjoy this. And Please oh please dont hurt me?Pic on side is as close as i can get to Athiss. so for now thats who will play the hunk of a man.:)

Song for the chapter is: Rihanna- What Now.

So yea thanks Jitterbugs,



Chapter Five:

Athiss :

The annoying pitter patter of happy couples strolling past the window raked against Athiss' raw nerves. Oh to be like them, not a care in the world. When sad, he often wished they could be forced to feel his pain. While selfish, at times, he longed for someone to share his heartache.

Why was he always so miserable?

He knew exactly what kind of job his love had, even before they got married, but now, merely thinking of his love at work would rip his heart out and shattered his world.

Athiss wanted to run away from everything; husband, job, even his parents. Although were supportive they had no idea the shackles that came with being married to a 'free spirit'.

He wished they could come out as husbands, lovers or soul mates. Maybe that was the problem all along. Maybe he didn't wish to be the dirty little secret Vaughn kept from almost everyone. He didn't want a marriage like that, but he respected Vaughn's closeted approach.

A sigh escaped his lips. Was their relationship really as strong as they both believed? Could they overcome this?

Athiss pulled his legs up gently resting his chin on his knees. He continued to watch happy couples pass by, holding hands and laughing. Why couldn't that be Vaughn and him?

The only time that they acted like a normal couple was when they were alone - 'Only behind closed doors' he whispered to himself. A lump formed in his throat.

Biting his lip Athiss allowed his mind to relive the past. How they met and what brought them together. He was twelve years old and in seventh grade when his parents told him they were moving from California to Idaho. He had no idea where that state was or what the hell it was like. He knew it was in the United States but that was all.

When they first arrived he hated it, the house, the people and all the kids seemed weird. When his parents said he was going to a public school he almost flipped shit. Athiss had never been to one before and the rumors he'd heard about public schools put him in a panic.

He begged his parents to place him in a private school. They flatly refused. They're best friend's kid went there and it would be good opportunity for him. Athiss didn't see it like that, all he saw was torture.

How was he going to adjust to public school when he had never been in one? He tried faking sick for three days before his father forced him into the car. He yelled and cried the entire drive.

He had never acted like that and his father really wanted this to be a good experience. His father bribed by saying if he still didn't like the school in two weeks they would transfer him to a private one, but he needed to at least make an effort.

Athiss quickly agreed. The moment he walked through the doors eyes crawled over him. He hated the attention. Why were they staring? Was there something on his face? Maybe they thought he was ugly...shutter...

Uncomfortable and self-conscience he collided with a warm body, arms quickly encircled him, breaking his fall, concern clouded the beautiful eyes peering down.

Beautiful eyes? He pulled away quickly mumbling a thank you.

"Watch where you're going," the words chased him down the hall, they weren't spoken harshly, but pointing his flaws out to the world embarrassed him.

"Maybe you should lose some damn weight so you're not taking up whole damn hall. Fat ass."

Athiss shouted with a glare.


All eyes were glued to boys.

"Vaughn, what the hell? You can't bully people just cause you're pissed off."

He turned slowly. A small girl with blonde hair and green eyes stood glaring at 'Vaughn'. 'Vaughn' stared at the girl as if she'd grown a second head.

Intriguing. The girl didn't seem scared of the boy (who looked ready to kill Athiss).

Vaughn opened his mouth then closed it, then opened it again.

"Cheryl, I didn't do anything. This asshole ran into me. I helped him up, then he called me a fat ass."

The girl's lips pressed into a thin line, barely holding back a smile.

"Do you have a death wish? Pissing my brother off like that." She hissed, dragging Athiss toward the office.

"My older brother; we don't look anything alike," she nodded at the surprised on Athiss' face. "I've decided that you're my new best friend. What's your name?"

"Athiss Ceryian."

She flicked her blonde hair. "That sounds like an exotic name. I think I'm really going to like you."

After that they were connected at the hip.

Shaking his head Athiss forced the images away. He angrily wiped at tears, he didn't have time for the sobbing and hiccuping. In the family room his mother and father leaned into one another chuckling at whatever they had just watched on television, they looked so happy and peaceful. Why couldn't he have that?

Scowling slightly he made his way up the stairs, he needed to be alone. No more happy couples. He needed a best friend, someone who knew about him and Vaughn, someone he could vent too. Unfortunately the only person who knew was far away and that made him feel even more alone. It was comforting to know that she would be on the very next flight if he were to call.

Why was he so needy? He didn't want her to think that he couldn't solve his own problems, like when they were kids. His best friend just had a baby, now wasn't a good time for her. No, he was alone, he sat still, pondering his sad life.

The bedroom was comforting, almost like a warm hug on a cold day. Honestly, his parents should have turned his room into a den, keeping it open for him like this only enabled him to run from his problems. He slowly lowered himself onto the firm mattress, he wasn't tired, but the thought of sleep brought a small smile to his face.

Sleep allowed him to forget even if just for a few hours. Any type of forgetting was bliss. Slowly he laid back until his head hit the pillow. Raising an arm over his eyes to block out the sun, he willed himself to sleep.

Bells pierced the silence, his husband was calling. He groaned, trying to decide if he ready to hear that voice again.

He chewed on his lip, tiptoeing around each other would probably make this worse. The age old battle between pride and love started.

"Don't answer, you'll just fall for his pretty words...again" pride hissed.

"Answer," love soothed. "It's your beautiful husband, you want to hear his voice."

Shaking hands reached for the phone, causing him to fumble with the screen.

"Call ended" the words flashed cruelly. He gently placed the phone down, he wouldn't return the call, in that half second pride won.

Bells shattered the silence again.

Grabbing the phone he smashed the 'answer' icon. Even though he didn't say anything, love won.

"Hello?" the beautiful voice was low and full of uncertainty.


"Avoiding me like I'm the fucking plague isn't going to make what you saw any less real." The beautiful voice was low and full of anger...with a hint of pain.


"I know this was your first time seeing that. I'm sorry you forgot and wander in." The beautiful voice was at a normal pitch and full of sadness.


"I need you to come home. I miss you, I love you Athiss, please?" The beautiful voice was higher than usual and full of heartache.

Athiss let out a deep shaky breath.

"Vaughn I know I've been gone longer than I said, but I needed time to think."


"I love you Vaughn. It's just that...I don't know... maybe we should speak in person?"


"I'd love that Athiss dear." Vaughn spoke slowly, as if choosing his words carefully. "I have a few things to go over...if you'll listen to me." While awkwardly spoken, the words were said in a caring manner.

"I'll be there in an hour or so, just have let mom and dad know," Athiss' smile sounded through his words. "Besides you know mom, she'll pack me groceries, demand to wash any clothes I know how she is."

They both laughed softly knowing that it would be a miracle if Athiss was permitted to leave with only a few extra items.

"Vaughn, don't worry I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you."

"I love you too Athiss. You have no idea how much I love you," the gentle breathy whisper barely made it through the phone.

Athiss could feel the blush seeping up his cheeks, Vaughn knew what he was doing, whenever he whispered like that it drove Athiss crazy.

"That's so unfair, you know what that does to me," red crept down his neck.

"All's fair in love and war," Vaughn laughed.

How dare he laugh? He started speaking before Athiss could retort.

"Well why not get your ass up and here and then show me what it does to you in person." Click. Always had to have the last word, Athiss grinned at his phone screen like a giddy school girl.

Suitcase in tow, Athiss slowly made his way down the stairs. Hopefully his parents were out.

Nope, that was less likely than his old dog Bloomy coming back to life. Oh how he missed that mutt. Maybe another pet would help with the emptiness he often felt. Sigh, with their schedules they couldn't actually take care of an animal.

"Mother, Father I'm heading back home." Not hearing anything, he dropped his suitcase by the door and headed to the kitchen. Mother had a handful of flour and father was holding an egg in an aggressive manner.

"Fire!" mother shouted, flinging her ammunition toward her son, father's egg landed on the cabinet door behind him with a smack.

He wanted to pout at his parents but that wouldn't work, instead he grabbed his mother in a big hug, as she tried to fight against him. He chuckled, knowing his father was across the room laughing, trying not to topple over from a fit of laughter.

Athiss let his mother go then quickly reached over the counter, grabbing a handful of flour. As silently as he could he made his way to his father and threw the flour on top of his head, watching as his father's eyes widened and a smirk appeared.

Quickly Athiss ran from the room squealing, "I'm heading back home Mother, Father."

He reached down to grab his suitcase but was tackled to the floor.

"You can't just throw flour at me then leave" his father laughed. "It doesn't work like that."

"But Father we're too old for this," Athiss smiled sweetly. "I am a grown man."

"If you're a grown ass man then I'm old. I'm not old, so we're still playing these games. Besides, do you really plan on getting in your car like that? You just rolled around in cake batter. Go shower."

Part of Athiss wanted to go upstairs and shower, but a stronger part of him wanted to go home. Besides dressing up, looking sharp and smelling nice wouldn't make Vaughn fall at his feet begging for forgiveness. What did it matter?

"Yes Father, I plan on getting in my car, driving home and getting out so the world can see the awesomeness that is me after rolling around in cake batter."

"Athiss hun," his mother joined them at the door. "Next time you come for a visit, bring Vaughn, kicking and scream if you have too. We haven't seen him in forever. He's like a second son to us."

His heart lurched, but he nodded just the same. "Will do Ma".

Fifteen minutes after parking, he dragged himself up to the house. The fear of a broken heart was overwhelming, he actually dreaded seeing his husband again. They had shared so many loving nights, spent countless evenings talking, but none of that mattered at the moment all that he could envision was his husband making love to someone else.

Mindlessly he twirled the keys around his finger before fumbling with the lock, before the key was even turned the door it swung open.

"You're home," the man of his dreams and nightmares whispered.


Hey yall Sorry about one being at the start and one at the end but i am in desperate need of some help I need names oh names for some characters if your name is chosen i will Allow you to pick the song /and or pick the Staring/Ending sentence of A chapter. So this is what i am needing 3 females- and four males! Now be creative my little jitterbugs, because i know that you all can- Tiggermazz

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