Married To A Porn Star!- Chapter Four

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Hello Jitterbugs, Sorry its been awhile but the Chapter everyone has been waiting for is finally here! Oh yes it is.. I hope that it doesnt disappoint anyone.. I would love to thank the Editor Ikbenaukje for doing such an Amazing job on this chapter and going over all the previous ones as well. You are truly amazing. Well Ive been thinking of posting songs for these chapters and so this chapters song is:

Life house: All that Im asking for!

Dedication goes to:TheHalfBloodPrince36 not only did they comment on my chapter But She is an amazing Author.. If you havent read anything from her why not go on over to her profile and fancy a read! You wont be disappointed.

Well hope all you Jitterbugs, have an amazing day, week, month,Year, minute, second, mili-second. Tiggermazz


Chapter Four: Vaughn

Vaughn let his head fall back onto the bed, as his eyes slowly began to close. He couldn't believe that it had almost been an entire week since he last had his husband wrapped in his tone arms. A week!However, what frustrated him more than anything at that moment, was throughout this entire week, they'd had no contact. Going from seeing each other every night and exchanging messages throughout the day, to nothing. He missed the "I love you" text messages, hearing Athiss' voice, but most of all he just missed the warmth that Athiss brought, and as there was absolutely no contact, Vaughn's mood had turned sour. He had even been given a new pet name, the moody asshole.Just perfect.

He so badly wanted to go to where his husband was and bang, holler and shout until his voice was raw with need, and demand that Athiss come out and speak to him this instant. But Vaughn knew better than to do that when it concerned Athiss and his temperament.

Vaughn loved his husband very much, but when his love made up his mind there was nothing you could do, but hope that he cooled down soonenough to listen to reason. The thing that Vaughn was still pissed off about was that Athiss had been in the studiowhile his recording had been taking place. To make matters worse, his adorable husband had run out of there with what he knew was so many questions and feelings that he knew his husband had no idea how to process. Smiling bitterly to himself, Vaughn thought to himself, and that right there was exactly the reason why Vaughn wanted, no needed to speak to his husband as soon as possible.

However, for reasons unknown to him, Athiss thought resorting to no contact whatsoever would help them both, but in reality all it did was make things harder for them to mend when the time would come. If the time would come.

Just as Vaughn's body and mind began to relax, he heard the annoying pounding on the door. Oh how he wished whoever was pounding away on thatfine piece of wood, would just stop and give up already. However, with his winner's luck that was going so well for him lately, there was no way in Hell, Heaven or Earth, the person knocking away on his door would stop for even a second. Sighing in defeat, Vaughn slowly rose from his diamond encrusted sofa, and made his way to the god forsaken noise, and the person who thought that bugging him at nine am was what any person with sanity would do.

Especially since everyone that knew Vaughn understood that bugging him before two o'clock in the afternoon was a big "no-no". Apparently the idiot outside his doordidn't get the memo. Swiftly, Vaughn made his way to the door, quickly unlocking it and pulling the handle with great aggression he didn't know he could muster, making the door creak with the force, not liking the newfound sense of touch it was receiving.

Staring straight ahead at the idiot in front of him, Vaughn's anger levels took a whole new rung. He was furious, the man standing in front of him was the last person he wanted to see, and literally huffed at the poor soul.

"What are you doing here Adrik? Can't you see I'm a bit busy and I have no want nor need to be in your presence at the moment?"

Adrik looked at his friend and colleague before pushing past him forcefully.

"Oh please Vaughn, we both know that you weren't doing anything because your friend is most likely not speaking to you after what he saw last time I was here. Besides, you need to just get over it. It's not like he's actually yours or you're his, or something silly like that. So please just stop pouting and come sit your ass down so that I can explain some new shit to you. Or would you rather I call the management and tell them that you wish to give up your next film?"

"You do know that there are younger people then you entering the business, and I'm sure they would jump at this opportunity to cast them instead."

Vaughn glared at the little twink's audacity to come into his house and lecture him about commitment. However, the more he thought about it, he knew his rage was being fuelled by another source, and it wasn't fair of him totakeout all his built up frustrations and dump them on his friends.

Trying to simmer the rage that was slowly building inside of him, Vaughn slammed the door shut, and quickly made his way over to the chair he had previously occupied, before sitting down with a loud huff.

As he sat down, he crossed his arms and watched Adrik with mild curiosity. Trying to work out what could be more important for him to shift his focus from his wonderful sleeping frustration time. They both sat there in utter silence, watching each other, waiting patiently for the other to break the silence. It didn't take long for Adrik to take the bait, and brake the tension that was growing in the room, by slowly clearing his throat and smiling slightly at Vaughn. It seemed like Adrik was thinking very hard about what he was going to say next, like he was having mind battles with himself about how to lay on the table that his grandma had passed away, or something serious like that, but trying to find a way to say it without appearing heartless. He hoped it wouldn't have anything to do with his grandma though, because not only would he be freaked out, he'd be more worried and curious as to how Adrik had received the news before himself. Thenhe'd panic, and have a serious mental breakdown. After having that mental breakdown, he'd return to the present and remember why exactly they'd been having the conversation in the first place, and the news of his grandma's passing away would hit him, and the sad thing would be, he'd be wondering why he was breaking down over his colleague finding out about his grandma passing away, than the actual news itself.This is why Vaughn was never to be woken up before two pm, weird things started filling his mind. Just think, all this melodrama from Adrik' stare.

Meanwhile, Adrik was trying to think of the best way for him to deliver a critical task he'd recently been handed. Because in all honesty last time something like this came up, the man in front of him quickly dismissed it by saying he couldn't, andwouldn't do anything like this in his career. However, now this job that he had to deliver wasn't an optional choice anymore, the management wanted this. Actually a more fitting term would be "demanded"that Vaughndo this, and apparently they thought if there was anyone who could get Vaughn Jariead to agree to anything like this, it was Adrik himself.

Adrik smiled sweetly at Vaughn before opening his bag and pulling out the bright blue folder he'd been entrusted, and gently slid it across the table. He watched as the younger man grabbed the folder and opened it, slowly looking at the contents with a stoic face.

Before Vaughn could ask why the contract was so different, Adrik started explaining.

"You know how management has been wanting to branch out do I put this, other things besides just guy on guy and female on female?"

Vaughn looked over and nodded his head slowly yet timidly, now his brain going on full precaution mode.

"Yea what about it Adrik?"

The older man bit his bottom lip as he quickly spoke.

"Well Vaughn, since you are all bisexual and all, they thought that you could be the one to break that barrier and, well, make love to a woman while being filmed....but don't worry the boys that you love will also be in there, it's just that the majority of the movie would be of you and a woman."

"Now before you freak out and say you can't do it, turn to page three and you will see how much you will be paid for this film. It's almost six times what you normally make. I know you. There is no way that you would turn down that kind of money. Unless off course, you're willing to allow your friend Athiss to support your needy ass."

Adrik knew he was pushing Vaughn's buttons to the absolute limit, when he saw the way the younger man'sadam's apple bobbed up and down, and as he swallowed hard on what he could only assume was saliva, but he'd done it so many times, he was beginning to worry the man was about to suck his throat dry. Oh andlet's not forget the way his teeth gritted together, Adrik was sure that he was about to lunge across the table and scream, "why the hell did you think I would accept this ridiculous proposal, why not tell management to shove this contract up their ass," or something crazy like that, while he wildly swung his hands around making papers fly around everywhere.Adrik was surprised at the reaction that he received though. Vaughn actually looked like he was considering the offer. Well he'd be damned.

Vaughn sighed exhaustedly, and slowly rose his eyes to meet the man across from him as he contemplated what to do. He could either deny this whole thing right now, or he could accept the offer right now. He would like to think they were his only options, but unfortunately there was another one. One that seemed impossible at the moment because it involved communicating with his husband, his love, his other half about this offer. Without even putting much thought into it, Vaughn knew that option was definitely not going to go down well.

Vaughn knew how Athiss felt about his partners before they'd officially gotten together, and how he'd made Vaughn swear to him, that even though he was openly bisexual, meaning he found both males and females attractive, he'd promise not to ever have sex with a woman again. If their situation was different, and Athiss and he were talking at the moment, well, not it would probably be the same outcome.

The money that he could rake in for them was blinding Vaughn's vision,and luring him into this dark temptation. He bit his inner cheek, and looked over at Adrik. He saw the guy looking at him strangely, so Vaughn tried to make it seem as if the offer disgusted him by sneering out.

"Give me a few days to think this over, will ya? I can't think straight at the moment," then glared at Adrik for laughing at the pun.

Adrik so wanted to tell him that he'd already told the higher ups that Vaughn had accepted the offer, but he knew telling the adorable man sitting in front of him that little piece of information would only make him more pissed off than he currently was. Which he was definitely trying to avoid.It was such a shame though, for such a good looking guy, Vaughn was always quick to lose his temper when he felt like he was being pushed into something that he wasn't comfortable doing. So instead, Adrik just smiled at Vaughn, before finally looking around the place noticing how dirty it looked.

He was about to make a comment on it when Vaughn said.

"He hasn't been home Adrik. I can't think, I can't even sleep enough to keep my mind at bay. What if he walks out on me because for the first time he's actually bear witness to what I do? I can't lose him Adrik. I just can't."

As Adrik looked at his friend for the first time since they'd met, he saw the worry, the sadness, and the guilt of what he did and who he was. But before Adrik could respond, he heard loud laughter coming from across the room. Adrik watched his friend burst out laughing, making his eyebrows scrunch together. He really wanted to ask him why his friend was laughing, but then Vaughn slowly spoke as if stuck in a trance.

"When I see him and talk to him, I'm sure he'd have that damn scowl on his face that makes me understand why he has such a hold on me."

"Believe it or not Adrik, Athiss is my world, and I don't even think he realizes this. I will get back to you on this proposal, so don't you worry your head off to much. Besides, have I ever let you or management down before?"

Adrik smiled softly at his bubbly friend. This is how Vaughn should be, nothing but happy rainbows and sunshine. He shouldn't be crying and pouring his heart out, not when he had his whole life in front of him. He still needed to find happiness, love and maybe when he wasready to settle down and have a family, then he could even think about considering the option of crying.

Vaughn stood up from the sofa and placed his hands on his hips as he slowly began humming. The melody that he was humming left Adrik clueless, but what mattered the most was the smile that was displayed on Vaughn's face. It made him smitten. He was glad to finally see that his friend was in a happy state.

He really didn't want to ruin the happiness so soon, but he knew that it had to be said, and cleared his throat softly once more before saying timidly.

"Oh yea, I almost forgot! The management wants you to come by the office in a few days, as they have three candidates already lined up, and they wish to see how they and you bond with one another."

Once the words came out of his mouth, Adrik wished he could take them back, because the face Vaughn was now sporting was one of pure hatred and loathing. It was already a known fact that the guy hated going to the main office. In fact, it was precisely the reason why Vaughn had decided on doing most of the filming at Vaughn's place or in Vaughn's studio in the Upper East Side.

But most of the time it was done at his home. The man said that the place felt right to have the filming and lovemaking done. Adrik never asked why, but now he was more than itching to know. However, something told him that if he did ask, Vaughn would immediately shut down and shut him out. Which was something Adrik really wanted to avoid at the moment.

Having a bitchy pornstar was something he didn't want, nor need, especially when they were so close to filming. Adrik recollected the last time Vaughn was pissed, it was quite hilarious now that he thought about it, but at the time quite scary. The short story was he'd manage to scareoff three young boys like they'd just done something naughty and had been scolded by their parent. See! Totally funny.

Adrik slowly stood up from the couch he was sitting on, grabbing the folder from Vaughn's side, and quickly stuffing it into his bagand slinging it over his shoulder. Then withcareful steps, slowly made his way towards Vaughn. It took a few seconds, but after he had the man's attention by gripping the man's shoulder, he whispered.

"I'll give you two days, but that is the most I can give you. I really do hope you understand this has to take place. Either you're in, or you're not. No in-betweens. I really am sorry that's all the time I can give you."

Just as he was about to walk away he heard.

"Is there protection or no protection? With all of this taking placed, I don't recall you ever stating that bit of information, and if it's not too much of a hassle, thiskey detail is something that I would really like to know."

Adrik slowly turned his head so he was looking into the man's green eyes, beforebitting his bottom lip. He whispered.

"This is a porn video Vaughn, why would you even think that there would be protection in it? Love, it's all raw dog, or whatever else you wish to call it. There will be no slimy bandage on that treasure of yours. You will need to go at it like the man I know you are."

"But don't you fret now Vaughn, like always, everyone would be checked and double checked and hell, even triple checked. Of course that includes you too. But don't worry I know you get checked the next day to make sure anyways."

He watched as Vaughn ran his fingers through his hair, having to bite down on his lip trying to suppress the moan that wanted to escape so badly. No matter how bad Vaughn looked, he was the physical and paper definition of sex on legs, and that had always made Adrik happy to be so close to this man. Sometimes he just wished he would get the balls to confess that he liked Vaughn more than he should have, but he always chickened out last minute, which sucked because it always resulted in a very messy shower time, or blue balls.

But it was also a boon in disguise, something told Adrik that he would be shot down quicker than you'dbe able to say the word "cut". Chuckling to himself, Adrik smiled at his friend and with one final note, he said.

"This is your life, your career Vaughn. Whatever you choose is entirely up to you. So think long and hard my friend and I'll see you in a few days."

With that little bit of philosophical speech, Vaughn watched as Adrik quickly stepped out of the house disappearing from his sight.

Vaughn felt like pulling out the remainder of his hair from the frustration he felt. He felt like his whole world was quickly crashing down around him, and he had yet to talk to his husband, while this was all occurring.Even now, although he said he'd think about it, he already knew what his husband would say when he brought up this little dilemma about the next project.

If he could, that would be one conversation that he would wish he didn't have to be a part off. For one,cursing, yelling and ducking was potentially what this conversation would come down to, and two, for him even considering breaking the only promise he had made to his husband, the promise that mattered so much to him. Even knowing this, he hoped that Athiss would see his side of things for once, and try and understand where he was coming from, and know that he still loved his husband so much, and would continue loving him until he took his last breathe.

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