10. Seoul

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 Hi guys~

I read all your comments on the previous chapter.. I'm sorry I wasn't able to reply to each of you.. My laziness strikes again.. Hehehe.

This update is dedicated to KGirl1. Thanks for reading and also thanks for chatting with me.


Anyways, here's the update..



"Let go of my wife.." 

"Let go of my wife.." 

"Let go of my wife.." 

Blood rushed to my cheeks as I kept remembering those words that he had said. Those words.. It's ringing on my ear all over again. Why am I remembering that? I shook my head and came back to my senses and I saw Kris is now sleeping so soundly. I slowly lie down on my bed facing away from him and covered my whole body with my blanket. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


I slowly opened my eyes and I'm facing to Kris who is now also facing to me. He's still sleeping. He looks like an angel when asleep. His face looks so calm and gentle like a little boy that is sleeping so soundly. I begin to assess his beautiful facial features. His thick but sexy eyebrows, long eyelashes, pointed nose, smooth and milky skin and his lips are slightly parted that makes him looks sexy. How can this guy be this handsome?!

He looks like an angel when asleep.. But wait, what am I thinking? Hana, you can't be fooled by his looks.. He might be handsome but he's still a jerk.

I suddenly remembered what he said to me last night.. I smiled to the thought that he really apologized to me.

I smiled looking at his handsome facial features again. Why is he so darn handsome?! I hate it. 

I want to touch his smooth blonde hair but I can't. 

"Stared enough?" Kris opened his eyes and my eyes widened in surprise. He's awake! OMFG!

I quickly sat down and looked away embarrassed.

"I-I didn't stared at you! Stupid Kris.." I muttered and I can feel that blood rushed to my cheeks.


"Why would I stare at your face? You're so full of yourself." I answered and I stood up from the bed.

"Coz I'm handsome.." He stood up and smirks at me.

"You're so full of yourself." I answered

"Whatever. You should take a bath first and I'll make the breakfast." He ordered 

"No.. I'll make the breakfast.." I answered and smiled at him.

He glances at the wall clock and he raises his eyebrow to me. "We don't have time.." He said

"But.. I can.." 

"No.." He furrowed his eyebrows and I pout.

"Fine. Psh.." I answered and I took my towel. I thought he's beggining to be nice but he's not!

After how many minutes had passed. I finished taking a bath and I'm dressed. I'm now wearing a white hoody and a blue faded jeans. After I dried my hair with a blower, I combed my hair and tied it up into a messy bun. I took a glance of myself in the mirror and I think I'm ready to go out. I step out from the room and went downstairs. Kris is also done cooking. 

"You can eat first..I'll just go take a bath." He said as I saw him using the pink flowery apron and I smiled. I want to laugh. I can't believe that he looks cute wearing those. 

"What's funny?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"It's just that you look adorably cute using that apron. It suits you perfectly. Pfft.. Hahaha." I chuckled and I covered my mouth.

He then looks at the apron that he's wearing and his eyes widened as he hurriedly took off the apron. He chins up and look at me. Omo! I made him angry.

"I don't have time for your childish acts..The food is on the table. Eat ahead of me." He answered seriously and he walked out.

Gosh. What's wrong with him? I don't understand his attitude. Sometimes he's rude. Sometimes he's nice and now, he's being rude again?! WTF. He surely has some weird temper going on with him. He should better see a psychiatrist for goodness sake. Psh. 

I walked towards the table and my heart softens as I saw that he cooked 2 sunny side up eggs, pancakes and some sausages. He really prepared this so well. Despite from his weird temper. I think I should wait for him. 

I sat down on the chair while I'm playing candy crush on my android phone. After a few minutes had passed, Kris is finished taking a bath. He step out from the room and went downstairs. I took a glance at him as he is now heading towards me.

"Oh. Kris. You're finished. Let's eat together." I said while smiling at him.

"Still stupid as ever. I told you to eat ahead of me." He said looking at me with his pissed-off-face.

"Yah! You should be thankful that I waited for you and it's rude to eat first if you're the one who cooked these.." I answered

"Aish. So stubborn." He hissed

"Yah!" I glared at him.

"Fine. Let's just eat. We don't have time to argue. We need to get back home." He answered and he began eating his food.

 "Kay." I answered and I'm pissed. Why is he always so grumpy in the morning?!

After how many minutes have passed, we finished eating and I also finished washing the dishes. I glanced at the wall clock and it's already 9:45 in the morning. We took our packed bags upstairs and Kris locked the door.

"Is that everything you got?" He asked as he is eyeing at me.

"Yes." I answered

"Are sure you haven't forgotten something in here?" He asked again. 

"Of course I'm sure. I'm not that stupid that you think." I hissed and I walked out ignoring him.

"Good." He muttered and we stepped out from the villa as he locked the door. I turned around to take a glimpse of the villa again. I exhaled. I will miss this villa.

"Let's go.." He said and I step inside his car. He started the engine and is now driving.

 My phone rings and I took it from my pocket. As I took a glance on the screen, it's Mom. I hurriedly answered it.

"Hi Mom.." I said

"Hana.. Dear.. Where are you? Are you safe? Is Kris with you?" 

"Yes, Mom. I'm fine. We're heading home now." I answered

"Omo. Thank goodness that you're safe and Kris is with you.." 

"Yes Mom.." 

"By the way, just go straight to our house.. I'm here and Kris' mom is here." My Mom said

"Oh.. Okay Mom."

"Okay, Hana. I'll just wait for you here..Take care.." 

"Yes Mom. Thanks. Bye.."

"Okay. Bye Honey.." My mom said and I hang up. Geez.. Mom is overeacting.

"What did your Mom told you?" Kris asked and took a glance at me.

"She said that we should just go straight to my house since your Mom is there." I answered

"Oh. Okay." 

As we reached to my home, we stepped out from the car and I carried my bag. I opened the door as Kris is on my back. I saw my Mom and Mrs. Wu walking towards us happily.

"Hana.. You're home.." My Mom greeted 

 "Omo. You're here.. Hana, Kris.." Mrs. Wu greeted us

"Kris.. Thanks for taking care of my daughter.." My Mom smiled at Kris as Kris smiled at her.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Kim.." He said smiling politely at my Mom.

"So, how's the honeymoon?" Mrs. Wu asked us while smiling so widely.

"Mom!" Kris called out his Mom and looks at her with his annoyed-look.

"Uh..It's fine.. Mrs. Wu.."

"Did you guys had fun?" Mrs. Wu giggled

"Mom! Nothing happened, okay?" Kris answered and sat down on a couch.

"Omo.. Nothing really happened?" Mrs. Wu asked me and I shooked my head from left to right in embarrassment.

"Yes.. Nothing really happened, Mrs. Wu.." I answered and I blood rushed to my cheeks.

"Omo.. How disappointed.. Well, there's a next time though.." She smiled at me widely. There's no next time!

"Let's all sit down for awhile..." My Mom said and all of us sat down on the living room.

"Hana, I heard that you're going back to Seoul tomorrow due to your job.."  Mrs. Wu asked as she take a sip on her cup of tea.

"Yes.." I nodded

"Oh.. I forgot. Kris will also go back to Seoul.. You two should go together. What time is your flight?" Mrs. Wu answered and she smiled.

"It's 7:30.." I answered

"How bout you Kris?" Mrs. Wu asked

"It's 7:30 too.." He answered

"Omo! That's great! Kris can drive you to the airport for tomorrow.." Mrs. Wu said while smiling at me.

Kris' eyes widened and took a glance at his Mom. "Mom!"

"Mrs. Wu.. It's alright.. I can just take a taxi.." I smiled at her.

"You shouldn't bother anymore..Hana, It's fine.. Right Kris?" His Mom turned to face him and Kris looked annoyed and he became obedient all of the sudden.

"Fine. I will.." Kris answered

"That will be great.." Mrs. Wu exclaimed and smiled.

"Omo. Thank you so much.." My Mom said to Mrs. Wu.

She just smiled at my Mom. "Omo. Laura. Don't mention it. We're family now.." Mrs. Wu chuckled. She's so nice.

 "By the way, Hana, where will you live in Seoul?" Mrs. Wu asked me.

"Uhm.. I'm just renting a room in an apartment.." I answered

"Omo.. That's not good. You can live at our house in Seoul.." Mrs. Wu offered and I saw Kris' eyes widened in surprised.

I flushed. "Thank you Mrs. Wu for the offer but you don't need to worry anymore. I can carry on by myself.." I smiled and I chuckled at her.

"Oh. No.. Please Hana.. We're family now.. You can live there..Your Mom approved it awhile ago." She said 

I looked at my Mom and she smiled at me.


"I insist you should live there.. Infact, Kris will be staying at their dorm in SM entertainment.. You can live there as long as you like.." Mrs. Wu said as she smiled.

I took a glance on Kris. He just rolled his eyes and looked away. Psh. Jerk.

"So, Hana, do you agree?" Mrs. Wu asked as she is now waiting for my answer.

"Uh.. Yes.. Thank you so much, Mrs. Wu.." I answered and smiled at her politely.

"That'll be great!" Mrs. Wu smiled at me.

"Since you and Kris will be arriving at Seoul together.. I bet Kris will show you the house. Right Kris?" Mrs. Wu asked and she looks at him.

Kris nodded in agreement. "Yes.. I'll just show her the place, Mom.."

"Good.." Mrs. Wu said while smiling.

"By the way, here's the key.."  Mrs. Wu handed the key to me.

"So, we better go now, Bye Laura and bye Hana.." She smiled as she wave her hand to me.

"Bye Mrs. Wu.." 

My eyes widened as Mrs. Wu suddenly hugged me.

"Omo. I'll miss you, Hana.. Take good care of your health.." Mrs. Wu faced me as she smiled at me.

"Thank you, Mrs. Wu." I answered and I smiled.

"Please call me Mom.. Hana.. Just for now." Mrs. Wu smiled.

"O-okay.. Mom.. Thank you.." I said as I smiled shyly.

"Omo! Hana. Thank you so much.. You're really such an adorable girl.. I really like you.." Mrs. Wu said as she brushed my cheek with her hand while smiling at me. I flushed.

Then, Mrs. Wu and Kris bid their goodbyes and went home.

That reminds me.. I don't know what k-pop group does Kris belongs. Out of curiousity, I sat down infront of my laptop and typed Kris' name on the google. Let's see.. "Kris Wu." Then, a couple of pictures of Kris appeared and wikipedia.. "Exo band". I clicked it and read it.

Oh.. EXO. I heard about this group but I don't give any attention about it before. I didn't know that Kris belongs to this group.  I only know Chanyeol and Luhan in this group but I didn't know that Kris is also a member too because they are too many..

Hmm.. Let's see.. Oh.. Kris Wu is from EXO-M.. He's the leader.. That's why he's bossy..


I typed EXO on youtube and I clicked the video, Mama-EXO K mv. Omo. Too many handsome guys.. Their song is cool and also their dance is cool. Too many unfamiliar faces but I only know Chanyeol here. Kyaaa.. Chanyeol so handsome!

As I watched the other Mama-EXO-M version. Oh. Chinese.. I don't understand a thing.. Then, Luhan appeared.. Kyaaa! He's so cute! My eyes widened as I saw Kris' handsome face on the music video. It's really Kris. My jaw dropped realizing how handsome Kris is on their video. Why is he so darn handsome and cool here?!! I blushed upon remembering that how lucky I am to be married to Kris. I shook my head in disbelief. What am I saying?! He's a jerk!


On the following day, I woke up at 5 and it's now 6 in the morning.. I'm now dressed and I'm waiting for the arrival of Kris to fetch me up. I heard the sound of Kris' car. I stood up and heard as I heard the doorbell rang.

As I opened the door, It's Mrs. Wu and Kris standing infront of me. Kris is wearing a gray beanie, white shirt and black denim pants with a black sunglasses hanging on his shirt. He looks incredibly handsome as ever. Realizing that he's more handsome in person..

"Good morning, Hana.." Mrs. Wu greeted me with a smile.

"Good morning, Mrs. Wu.." I greeted back and I smiled too.

"Are you ready to go?" Mrs. Wu asked me.

"Uh.. Yes.. I'm ready.." I answered 

"Oh.. Laura.. Do you want to come with us to the airport?" 

"Of course.." My Mom said with a smile


We're now here at the airport.

"Mom.. I'll be going.." I said

"Oh. Hana. I'll be missing you.." My Mom said as she hugged me tightly and I hugged back.

"Me too, Mom.. I will miss you." I frowned and my Mom broke the hug. 

I saw Kris' Mom hugged Kris for goodbye.

Then, Mrs. Wu took a glance at me and she frowned.

"I'll be missing you, Hana.. Hope to see you again.." Mrs. Wu stroke my hair gently.

I nodded and smiled. "Thank you so much.." 

"Kris.. I'll be handing Hana to you.. Please take good care of her.." My Mom bowed at him and she smiled at him.

"Mom!" I glared at my Mom.

"Of course. Mrs. Kim.." Kris smiled politely at my Mom and blood rushed to my cheeks. My Mom is so embarrassing! 

Then, Mrs. Wu and my Mom waved their hands goodbye and left.

"Yah. If we're at Seoul, don't tell anyone that we got married.." Kris said

"I know. I know..I'm not that stupid." I answered as I rolled my eyes.

"Good."  He took his black sunglasses and wore it.


After how many long hours have passed, we have arrived at Incheon international airport. It's eveing. I took a glance on my wrist watch and it's 8:30 in the evening.

We went in a taxi cab and Kris told the address to where their house was. I looked outside the car window ignoring him sitting beside me.

I felt a sudden poke on my face..Hmm.. "Pigface, wake up! We're here.." Kris voice echoed and I slowly opened my eyes. We're here.. Omo. My head hurts. I didn't know that I fell asleep.

Kris stepped out from the taxi and I also stepped out too. My eyes widened as I saw a cute white house infront of me. It's big but not that big though. It looks so elegant.

He unlocked the gate and he also unlocked the door of the house. We step in as Kris switch on the lights, my jaw dropped, the inner house is spacious too and it's like the same interior design as Mr. and Mrs. Wu's house at Canada. Nice furnitures. I know that those are expensive though.

"Here's the keys.." He handed me the keys to this house and I took it.

"Thanks.." I answered 

"Follow me.." He said and I followed him. 

"Here's your room." He unlocked the door and opened it.

"Thanks.." I answered and I smiled at him but he looked away.

"I'll just arrange my clothes.." I went in the room.


"I'm hungry." He said as he is scratching his head.  He walked towards the kitchen and looked for something.

I went in to the room and unlocked the door. 

"Here.." He placed 2 bowls of ramyun noodles.

"Ramyun.." I said while smiling.

"Eat." He commands and I sat down as we started to eat. Kris stood up and he's finished eating his meal. Omo! He really is a fast eater.

"Wash the dishes after you're done with that." He said as he walked out and went upstairs to his room.

"I know." I answered and I rolled my eyes. So bossy as ever.

I went in my room and opened my laptop.. 



On the following day..

I slowly opened my eyes and it's morning.. I took a glance at the wall clock and it's 10:05 in the morning. I overslept. I went in the bathroom and washed my face. As I went out the room, I saw Kris lying down on the couch while he is reading a book.

"I already ate. The food is on the table.." He said

"O-Okay.. Thanks.." I answered shyly

After I ate, I washed the dishes. Then, I took a bath. After a few minutes of warm bath, I wrapped my body with a white towel and I hurriedly get dressed. I combed my hair nicely as I just let down my hair spreading over my shoulders.

Then, I heard the doorbell rang.

Ding dong~ Ding dong~ Ding dong~

Aish. Who is this annoying ringing the doorbell?! 

I hurriedly went out of the room and got downstairs. Where's Kris? Why is he not here in the living room? Oh.. Maybe it's Kris ringing that doorbell. AISH! That jerk is always pissing me off.

Ding dong~ Ding dong~ Ding dong~

The loud sound of the doorbell is pissing me off.

"WAIT!! JUST WAIT!!" I yelled

I scratched my head in annoyance and quickly walk towards the gate and I quickly opened the door of the gate in anger.

Ding dong~ Ding dong~ Ding dong~

"For goodness sake, Kris! Can't you wait?! What's wrong with you?!!" I yelled and as I opened the gate, my eyes widened in surprise.. I know these familiar faces..

It's EXO..

They are standing infront of me looking at me with their widened eyes.



Thanks for reading..

I made this update long because I'll become busy this week.. i don't know when I update next.

Please don't forget to vote~

Saranghaeyo~ <3

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