9. Don't cry

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Hello guys~

How was School? Well, if you ask mine.. It's my first day of School and I skipped the last subject. HAHAHA! I don't have any patience to wait though. I don't want to wait for 4 hours .. I went home straight and fell asleep. Waah.. But it won't happen again.. >.<

Anyways, this update is dedicated to exom94.

Thanks for the compliment.. I'm just an amateur writer though.. XD

Mwuaahh~ Saranghaeyo yoreobun~ <3


Hana's POV

I ran as fast as I can away from the villa and away from that jerk.  I want to be alone.

"Stupid Kris. So Disgusting!" I said while I'm wiping my mouth disgustingly. I hate him! Is it really fun playing with me?! Shit. I'm not a toy that he can play with. My chest swells up and I wipe a tear that rolled down to my cheeks.

I stopped running as I reached the beach. It's chilly out here but I don't care. The beach is empty. There's no people around and I'm all alone. I walked towards the seashore and took a piece of stone grasping it tightly with such anger.

"AARRGGH!! I HATE YOU!!!!" I yelled as I throwed the stone with such great force on the beach releasing my anger.

I stomped my feet in anger and messed my hair. It's like I'm throwing a tantrum here. I sat down on the seashore and tilt down as my tears are now constantly rolling down my cheeks. This will not happen if I didn't marry that jerk. I wiped my tears as I grasp the sand furiously. My chest tightened to the thought that my parents didn't even care about me.. They just care about their business and I hate it. Why are they like this?! I should've ran away instead, than marrying that pervert jerk! 

"Stupid marriage! Stupid everything." I sat down and kicked the sand.

I held my knees and my tears are still rolling down my cheeks. I'm crying because I'm angry and I'm so pissed off. AARGHH! Nobody understands me at all and I hate it!

"Hey..Miss..*hick* Are you okay?" A voice of a drunk man said beside me and as I look up, it's a guy that looks like in his twenties. A guy with brown hair as he is using a black shirt and a blue faded pants.  He looks creepy and scary. This is not good. My heart is beating so fast. I panicked and stood up.

"Uh.. Yes.. I-I'm okay.." I answered nervously and I'm starting to walk away.

"You're not *hick* okay. Let me comfort you. *hick*" I turned around and he is now following me. WTF! He's following me! I walked faster as I can.

"N-No thanks!" I yelled and I'm now scared. My tears rolled down to my cheeks because I'm scared. I'm afraid that he will rape me.

"Come here.. Don't *hick* be shy cutie." He said and I'm now shivering because of what he said. He's disgusting!

"Stop following me, you're drunk!" I yelled and my voice is wavering because of nervousness.

I'm now running as fast as I can but my eyes widened as he held my arm tightly. 

"YAH!! Let me go! Pervert!" I yelled. He stinks! He smells like alcohol! I removed his hand from holding my arm. I pushed him and I ran again.

"Yah! Come back here!!" He yelled. My heart is beating so fast and I'm so scared! Someone, please help me! Kris.. Where are you?

"Gotcha!" He exclaimed as he held my arm again but his grip is now so tight. 

"M-Mister! L-Let me go!! Please!" I cried and I'm now trying to remove his hand but I can't. He's too strong.

"You're so cute.. I like it.. Resist me more.." He showed a creepy and disgusting smile as I shiver.

"NOOOO!!!! Let me go Pervert!!!" I yelled and I pushed him as hard as I can but instead he held me by my both arms.

"Let go of my wife. You bastard!" A familiar voice yelled and he instantly punched him in the face and he fell down.

"Kris.." I mumbled and tears are rolling down my cheek.

The drunk guy stood up and he beamed a glare at Kris.

"Why you!" He yelled and he ran towards Kris wanting to punch him but Kris held his arm and punch him in his face first as the drunk guy fell down again.

"You want more, huh?!" He shoot a deathly glare at him and the drunk guy stood up waggling.

"I-I'm sorry.. *hick* I'm sorry.." He said and he ran away as fast as he can.

Tears rolled down to my cheeks and my feet and hands are trembling in fear. 

"Let's go.." He said as he held my wrist so tight and we are now walking so fast. Then, he stopped from walking and he turned around to face me. He is glaring at me with those sharp eyes. He's angry at me.

"Yah! Why did you just get out from the house?! Don't you know that it's late and it's dangerous out here!" He yelled in anger as he run his fingers through his hair furiously. I just bowed down.

"I-I'm sorry.." I said and my tears just instantly rolled down 

"Here.." His face softens and he handed me a handkerchief from his pocket.

"T-Thank you.." I answered and I took it as I wiped it on my teary eyes.

"I-I was so scared.." I cried so loud and I'm trembling in fear. I bowed down and wiped my tears from falling.

"I know.. Don't cry.." He mumbled as he come closer and pats my head softly. My eyes widened as he is now patting my head slowly and softly, I can feel his kindness from his gentle touch.

"I'm sorry.. I should've not get out.." I said while sobbing.

"No.. I'm the one who should apologize.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for making fun of you.. I won't do that again. I'm sorry." He mumbled.

I sniffed.

"Let's go.. Don't cry.. You're getting much more uglier when you cry." He said as he chuckled.

I look at him and I glared.

"Yah!" I said and I saw him smile at me as my heart skipped a beat. 


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Thank you so much~~ 


Till my next update~  Annyeong. ^__^///

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