8. Hatred night

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Hi guys~

Thanks for supporting this fanfic~ :3

Btw, this update is dedicated to wanyinying.

Thank you so much~ :3


Hana's POV

"Mmm.. Your cooking is delicious!" I look at him with a smiling face and I showed him my thumbs up happily.

"Of course it is." He rolled his eyes and I furrowed my eyebrows. So full of himself.

"Psh." I hissed and I continued eating.

"All you know is to eat but you don't know how to cook.." He said and I looked up to him who is now smirking at me.

"Yah! So rude. I'm still learning!" I answered and I beamed a glared at him. Psh.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm done. Just wash the dishes when you're done with it.." He said as he stood  up and placed the his plate on the sink. 

I already agreed to him that he will cook and I will wash the dishes. 

After a few minutes of washing the dishes... I'm done. Yes. Okay. I'm done washing these dishes. I can go take a shower. 

I took a glance to Kris who is now lying down on a couch while his ears are plugged with his earphones that is connected to his ipod and he is reading a book.

"Kris.." I called his name but he didn't heard me. 

"Yah! Kris!" I called his name again but still, he didn't took a glance at me nor respond. I smiled to the thought that he didn't hear me.

"What?" He asked and glared at me.

"I'll go take a shower upstairs, I'll just lock the door.." I answered

"Yeah. Whatever." He said and his eyes are now focusing on the book that he's reading. I just rolled my eyes and went upstairs. Why can't he be nice when talking? 

After I have finished taking a warm shower, I wrapped my body with a white towel and I got out from the bathroom. I opened the cabinet and searched for clothes. Hmm.. Let's see.. Where's my PJs? Oh.. Here they are.. I took my pink flowery printed PJs and placed it on the bed.

I'm now searching for my panties and a bra. Hmm.. Where is it? My eyes widened when I realized that I can't find any undergarments in here.. OMO! Shit!!! NOOOO!!! I slapped my forehead and I shook my head. I forgot to take my other bag that I packed this morning and it's in the living room.. AAARRGHH!!  And the worst is... Kris is there!! NOOO!! I can't go out like this! Ottokhae?!

I stood up.. I have to go.. I have no choice but to go... It's only Kris. Yes.. He doesn't care anyways. But then, I sat down and shook my head. NOOO!! I can't get out looking like this! Maybe he will make fun of me and the worst is, maybe he will laugh.. AISSHH!! No.. Hana, you can do it.. I know you can. You've got nothing to be ashamed of. You're just gonna get that bag and it's done. I stood up and I decided that I should just go out and take my bag. I slowly breathe in and out trying to calm down first and I opened the door. I can do it. I should be fast. 

I step out from the room and as I looked downstairs, Kris is still there on the couch.. He is still busy reading his book while his ears are plugged with his earphones. My bag is there on the the other chair near Kris. Ugh. Why does it have to be near Kris?! I shook my head and I try to calm myself. I can do this. 

I slowly walked down and I'm now hiding on a huge jar. I can hear that my heart is beating so increadibly fast and my palms are now sweaty. I saw him closed his eyes for a moment.. Omo. This is my chance! I have to run for it. Pretend that Kris is not here. 

I held my towel and I took a big step forward.. I walked fast as I can and I stopped and took a peek at Kris and good thing, his eyes are closed..  As soon as I have reached the couch, my little toe bumped at the chair.. I almost screamed but good thing, I didn't. Shit. It fucking hurts! I quickly massage my toe that is now in pain. Then, I hurriedly took my bag happily. But as I turned around, I saw Kris' widened eyes that are now staring at me.

"AAAAAHHH!!!! YOU PERVERT!!! Why did you just look?!" I yelled and I covered my body.

He quickly looked away. "I didn't want to look at your child body.. It's not pleasant to see.. I just woke up because of your noisiness." He answered and he looked away. WHAT?! CHILD BODY?! NOT PLEASANT?! My blood just boiled.

"AARRGGHH!! Pervert!" I stomped my feet in anger

"I'm not a pervert. Even if you beg me to look at your child body, I won't dare to look." He answered and my nerve just twitched. AAARRGHH!! The nerve!

I quickly walked away from Kris and went upstairs. I twisted the doorknob and step in the room. Stupid. Jerk. Pervert. Kris.

I hurriedly wore my undergarments and my PJs. I sat down and I heard a knock. Psh. It's Kris..

I twisted the doorknob and I saw Kris standing infront of me while he is looking away. I glared at him.

I step aside and Kris went in.

"I'll be using the bathroom.. Pervert girl." He said and I widened my eyes in anger.

"Yah! You're the pervert one here!" I yelled.

"If you won't get out for now, I'll show you what's really pervert." He smirked at me and blood rushed to my cheeks.

"Eeew! Disgusting!!" I yelled and I quickly step out from the room with a flushed face. 

After how many minutes, Kris went downstairs and looks like he's done taking a shower. I walked through the stairs and I decided to pack my things as soon as I reached the room, I step in and I sat down. I took a glance on the wall clock and it's already 8:55 in the evening.

I heard a footsteps coming in the room and it's Kris. 

"Yah. Pigface. We'll be leaving for tomorrow at 9am.." He said while he is holding his Samsung galaxy s4.

"I know. Mom texted me." I answered and I realized one thing, why does he always call me pigface?!

"Yah! Why are you always calling me pigface?" I asked and I glared at him.

"You want to know?" He took a glance at me and he chuckled. He's making fun of me! 


"Just spit it out!" I said

"Well.. You eat like a pig, you sleep and snores like a pig too.." He answered as he laugh so loud trying to mock me. He's so rude and ungentleman! I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yah! I don't sleep like a pig!" I defended myself

"Yeah right.. Look at yourself." He showed his phone to me and I took a step closer to him. I narrowed my eyes to see the picture and to my surprise, it's me.. Sleeping with my mouth wide open. OMFG!!! That's the time when I fell asleep at his car while traveling here. I heard him chuckled and I furrowed my eyebrows in anger.

"Yah! How dare you took a picture of me!! Delete that!" I yelled and as I reached to get his phone, he raised his phone up. 

"No.." He answered

I glared at him. "Yah! Give me that, Kris!!" I yelled in anger and I'm now jumping high to reach the phone from his hand. Ughh.. I can't reach. He's too tall!

"No.." He chuckled and he step back. I stepped forward and I jumped high to reach his phone. But I can't reach it!

"Yah! Kriiiss!!! Give me that!" I said and he took a couple steps backward and to my surprise, Kris fell down from his back on his bed. I jumped to the bed trying to reach the phone.

"Delete that! Delete that!!" I yelled

He cleared his throat.

"You're now above me.." He said and my eyes widened as I realized that I'm really above him.

"Pervert!! Pervert!!! Pervert Kris!!" I quickly sat down and I took a pillow and hit him continously while closing my eyes but then, I felt a warm hand held my wrist and pulled me down as I dropped my pillow in shocked.

My eyes widened as Kris is now pinning me on the bed and he's above me. He looks at me with a serious expression.. Then, he smirked at me.

"I'm not a pervert.." He said and my jaw dropped open as I'm now staring at his handsome face. I feel like I'm going to melt by his intent stares.

"By the way.. we didn't celebrate our honeymoon yet.." He whispered huskily to my ear and I can feel his hot breath on my ear making me shiver down to my spine. His deep sexy voice is making me want to collapse. I feel like my body just froze for now. My heart is beating abnormally. I don't know how to handle this kind of situation. It's making me nervous.

 "I-I.. uh.. W-We can't.." I mumbled nervously and I can feel the beating of heart so loudly.

"We're married and this will be the last night of our honeymoon, baby.. I want you." He whispered huskily through my ear and it's making me nervous. Did he just called me b-baby?! WTF!

"I-I... I.." I stuttered nervously while looking away. Then, he lifts my chin up to face him.

"Don't be afraid.." He said

"I already know your trick. Stop messing around! I know that you're just playing around!" I yelled as I furrowed my eyebrows.

He leans closer to me and our lips are so few inches apart. 

"I'm not that stupid. I know that you won't kiss me." I said and I smirked at me.


"Yes. I'm sure of it. So, just get off of me." I said and I glared at him.

"Well, you're wrong.." He smirked.

My eyes widened when suddenly, Kris crashed his lips into mine and in a split of a second, he pulled away. WTF!!! MY FIRST KISS!!! He just stole my first kiss!! My first kiss that I've been reserving for my someone special got stolen by this pervert jerk!! I was in a sudden shock for a moment and I can't move trying to process what have been happened.

I heard that Kris is now laughing and as I took a glance on him, he sat down while laughing at me. He is making fun of me!

"HAHAHAHA! Your face is so funny, pigface! I should've took a picture. HAHAHA!" He laughs while he is standing at me.

My blood is boiling in anger and I stood up facing him. He's making fun of me! How dare he stole my first kiss!

"Why? You don't like it? You're lucky to be kissed by me.. Many girls would die wanting to kiss me."  He laughs again trying to mock me. I can't take this anymore!!

I slapped him hard on his cheek and I saw his eyes widened in shock while he is rubbing his cheek. 


"Is it really fun playing with me?" I asked looking at him with my furious eyes.


 "A kiss.. A kiss should only be done to someone you truly love and I've been saving my first kiss to someone special but YOU! You ruined it! You just stole my first kiss!! Idiot! Stupid! I HATE YOU!! AARRGHH!!!" I yelled in anger and walked out leaving him behind as I slammed the door. I hate him! I hate him! I need get out of this now.. My chest tightened upon remembering that Kris laughed at me and he really enjoys playing around with me.

Kris' POV

I stood up dumbfounded and shocked after she left me behind and slammed the door. Saving her first kiss? What a joke. So childish. But then, I realized that I really kissed her.  What the hell am I thinking?! I kissed her.. Aish. Why did you do that Kris?! I should've not kiss her. And the worst is, she's now angry at me.  AISSH! I messed my hair. 

I rubbed my cheek to ease the pain that she slapped awhile ago. I took a peek on the mirror and I saw her hand marked on my right cheek.. Aish. That amazona girl..her hand is so big. It fucking hurts like hell.

But then, I recalled her painful looking face and it's like she wants to cry. My chest tigtened and I realized that I should apologize to her. I took a step outside and as I called her.

"Yah! Pigface! Where are you? I'm sorry!" I called and I went downstairs but then, there's no response. Where the hell is she?

"Hana!!" I called her name but still, there is no response.

"Where are you?!" I yelled. I went to the Kitchen but she's not there. Where's that girl? 

Don't tell me she went out? WTF! It's already 10:05 in the evening and it's dangerous out there. I quickly went out to find her. This is not good. Hana, where are you? I hope you're fine.. Please be safe.. 


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