Chapter 7 The Problem

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  Kagami's brother burst into the room. He had not mentioned he was coming. He glares at  Luka and the boy. He shakes his head. 

    "Kagami, come with me, and you can bring the baby. He has to stay here," He said.

    "Now, wait just a minute, you can't just burst into my bedroom and take my wife and son away from me," Luka protested.

   "I can and I will," Bryan said.

     "Bryan, calm down, can't be reasonable, about this?" Kagami asked.

      "Reasonable, he married you under pretense and you tell me to be reasonable?" Bryan asked.

         Kagami grabbed Bryan's arm. "Stop it, just stop it!" She yelled.

          "You were at the wedding, and did not seem to have a problem with it then," She said.

          "Well, sister, that was before I found this in the newspaper," Bryan remarked. He showed her some photos.

        Kagami looked them over and gasped. "Bryan, there must be some mistake. Luka is a gentleman he would never do such a thing." She knew her brother was wrong. Her Luka was not like that at all. She could not understand why he would believe some bogus newspaper clippings over her.

        "I am not going with you and neither is Kevin. We are staying right here," Kagami objected.

       "She is right, she stays, and our boy stays with her," Luka argued.

          "I will have you know that she and Kevin go with me, or I kill you," Bryan said.

         Bryan held a weapon at Luka's head. He sneered at him. Kagami knew something must be wrong with him. This was the way she remembered her brother. He was never this crazy. What had gotten into him?

           "Bryan, cut it out!" Kagami yelled.

          Kevin cried. "Look what you did, you have gone and woken up the baby," Kagami whined.

            "Kagami, I hate to do this, but have given me no choice. Stand beside your husband, and I take the baby. Either of you tries to stop me and I will kill you both." Bryan threatened.

             He put the weapon away and snatched up the baby. He sneered at them both. He laughed as Luka tried to attack him. He pointed the gun right at Luka's chest this time. Kagami screamed.

               "Ah! Bryan stop it right now, Stop! snap out of it," Kagami yelled.

                The police came into the room and arrested Bryan. They gave Kevin to Kagami.  Luka was relived. He thought for a moment there that he and Kagami were going to die and never see their newborn son again.

               "Are you pressing charges, Mr and Mrs. Cuffaine?" The officers asked.

             "Yes, I am pressing charges," Kagami stated.

         "What about you Mr. Cuffaine?" The officers wanted to know.

        "Yes, I am pressing charges against my brother-in-law as well. He came here unannounced, broke into our home, and threatened our lives," Luka said.

              The police took him away.  Luka wrapped an arm around Kagami to comfort her. 

       Kagami fed Kevin. Luka patched up the broken door. He knew it would need to be replaced but for now, it was good. He called someone he knew to come by with a new door. 

         Luka sighed. He could tell Kagami was stressed. He was too. "I am sorry about your brother,"  He said.

       "Don't be, it is not your fault he went off the deep end. I could not believe it. He has never been like this, and I can't understand why he came after you, let alone both of us," Kagami said.

            The two agreed that a restraining order would be put against Bryan if he should ever be released from jail. He was far too dangerous.

             Kagami's mother called. She was in tears. She had heard about Bryan. "Kagami, I did not know his intentions. Had I known I would not have sent him over. It is all my fault. I never knew. I am so sorry. I hope you, Luka, and Kevin are okay."

           "Mother, we are fine, and I forgive you. Bryan was not being himself, and there is nothing any of us could have done," Kagami says to her mother (while still on the phone with her).

            Luka speaks to her next, "It is okay, Momma, Tsurguri, I know you meant well."

                 "That is fine young man you have got there, keep him close," Mrs. Tsurugi said.

                 "I will, momma, I will,"  Kagami said.

             "Take care all," Mrs. Tsurugi said.

       "We will, love you, bye, Momma," Kahgami stated.

     "Love you too, my daughter, bye," Mrs. Tsrugi said, and then she hung up the phone.

    Luka and Kagami were glad that all was well once more. Hopefully, no one else would trouble them again. 

     Luka intended to protect his wife, and son no matter what it took. He was not about to let anyone cause them harm. After all, they are his family.

     The end...


little owlets!

Summer out!


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