Chapter - 31

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Happy  reading, honey buns!

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"Environmentalist. I wanted to be an environmentalist, Vennela",she voiced out her dreams slowly. 

"Hey, that's unique. Like in today's competitive world, who has the time for environment when everyone is focused on development. I really appreciate your motive and dream. Look, you do whatever you want, this is your time, your choice. Don't let anything stop you. Not even you",Vennela said and Ekantha's head was lowered down. 

"What happened, Ekantha?",Vennela asked. 

"Nothing, I don't think I'll ever be able to become an environmentalist with my personality and insecurities and fears and what not-",Ekantha said. 

"Ekantha, its high time you let go your insecurities and fears. Life is here giving you a second chance and you must utilise it and make the most of it because remember not everyone gets a second chance",Vennela said holding Ekantha's hands and Ekantha looked into Vennela's eyes which were holding trust on Ekantha's capabilities. 

"I'll think about it, Vennela",she said to which Vennela nodded. 

"Take your time and take slow steps, okay?",Vennela said and Ekantha nodded her head. 

"Ekantha! Vennela! Come for dinner",they heard Vennela's mother's voice and went from there to the dining table. 

"Yes, you two are here. Let me tell you Ekantha, Vennela was talking to me about you moving out. You are not going anywhere that too in this condition. I won't allow you to step out till everything sorts out. Get it, Ekantha?",Vennela's mother says. 

Both Ekantha and Kanyaka look at each other's faces and nod at her. 

"It was not with any bad intention, we just didn't want to be a burden on you",Kanyaka said.

"I know that, Kanyaka. You both trusted us and came to our home after what all happened and do you think we'll let you go just like that. Are you not like my sister? Wouldn't I do the same if my sister was in same place. Don't think about anything and you both first try to be in peace and later we will think about everything else",Vennela's mother said. 

"Thank you so much, we don't know what would we do if not for you. We'll be indebted to you all our lives. After coming out from there, I didn't know where we would go, with a young girl with me and many thoughts in my head. It was as if, one second we had everything and just in a fraction of seconds everything was lost. We were out from there, but we didn't know what we were going to do next. You came as a ray of hope in our lives",Kanyaka said as tears surfaced behind her eyes which she wipes with her saree pallu. 

"No formalities, Kanyaka! We're all a family and will family members thank each other. Being a single parent I know what all one has to go through and I am sure both Vennela and Ekantha will give their best in their respective fields and make us proud",Vennela's mother said. 

"Surely amma",Vennela said and smiled looking at Ekantha while she smiled back at her. 

"C'mon now eat, we've had so much conversation already. Too much for today",Vennela's mother said. 

All of them had their dinner together and then settled on the couch for sometime.

"Maa, I forgot to tell you. Anika called me when I was in school and she told me she cleared her CA entrance exam",Ekantha said. 

"That's so good, let me congratulate her. Call her and give me",Kanyaka said and Ekantha nodded. She went to the bed room and brought her phone. She dialled to Anika and gave it to her mother. They talked for sometime and later, she gave the phone to Ekantha asking her to talk with Anika. 

Ekantha took a deep breathe and then put the phone near her ear. 

"Hello",she said in a low voice. 

"Ekantha, How are you?",Anika asked worriedly. If there was anyone who understood Ekantha's anxiety and panic attacks it was Anika and Anika only. 

"I am okay, I think. Everything is so messed up, Anika and I don't know how is it going to go. It all feels so weird",Ekantha voiced out excusing herself from the living room and moving into the balcony. 

"Look, Ekantha I don't know what happened and all but remember I am here. I don't care about anything else. I want to meet you, is it okay to meet you tomorrow?",she asked. 

"Yeah, I'll meet you tomorrow at the usual cafe that we used to meet in and please don't worry. I am fine",Ekantha said. 

"Alright, we'll meet there and please its not possible for me to not worry till I meet you and only  look at you then I'll be at peace",Anika said. 

"Anika, please! I told you I'll meet you tomorrow right? Please sleep properly and eat well. This must be the time that you'll have to be celebrating not being sad thinking about your cousin",Ekantha said. 

"Yeah, I'll celebrate when my cousin is suffering there. What do you take me as?Now, you don't do anything that you said and go to sleep. We'll see all the other things tomorrow. New day, new hope",she said. 

"Good night, Anika",she said and Anika wished her back after which they hung up the call. 

She went to her mother and sat beside her. 

"Did you tell, Abhi about it?",Kanyaka asked. 

"Yes, amma! I couldn't hold myself infront of him",she said holding her tears back.

"Good thing that you said him. It won't be good if he hear it from someone. I'll talk to Vishalakshi garu tomorrow about it all",Kanyaka said and she nodded. 

"Go to sleep, dear. You have to go to office tomorrow right?",Kanyaka said to which Ekantha nodded.

Ekantha went back to her room and posted some things on the school instagram page as Valli said things have better reach when they are posted after night nine. 

Vennela was already asleep and just when she was about to sleep, her phone buzzed and it was a message from Abhi.


Hi, Abhi. Aren't you asleep yet?

Nope, just had my dinner and hopped onto my bed. Thought I'll text you once

You should sleep, it's not good to be awake for long times at night. 

Will sleep soon, how are you btw? Did you eat?

Yes, I did. I am fine, Abhi. Also, amma said she'll talk to aunty tomorrow regarding things. 


There is no emergency to talk to amma regarding anything, ammu. Take some time. No worries!


Abhi, it's better if aunty gets to know it from amma rather than any third person.

Okay, ma'am! If you say so. Anyways I just wanted to tell you I told amma that we're not rushing with marriage thing any sooner but they said that it would be better if we could get engaged in the mean time.

Oh, I didn't tell my opinion yet, right? 

Madam, please wait before you over think about this. I know you didn't say about your yes or no yet but let me make it clear I am not going to finalise anything till I hear yes from your side. 

Thank you, Abhi for always understanding me and giving me the space that I needed. Don't worry, I won't keep you waiting for long.

I'll wait for the day eagerly, but now good night and sleep tight. Do you want me to drop you tomorrow morning?

Ekantha was in a dilemma if she had to say a yes or no to him. 

Why do you want to trouble yourself, Abhi? I'll travel by myself

It's not about troubling. It's about spending time with each other, Ammu

But still..

Alright, I'll be there by 8:00 see you tomorrow morning! Good night, Ammu

Good night, Abhi ✨

She went to sleep after putting the phone and night stand. She closed her eyes but sleep seemed like it was very far from her.

Practically she was just lying on the bed and that's all, she was staring at the ceiling.

When so much happens in life, when you take a step sometimes for the first time. It does hit you at sometime that what would have happened if not for that incident. Ekantha was thinking about the same as well.

Her life turned into something that she never imagined. She did not know whether if this step would actually work out or not. At that point, speaking out and expressing it all was the only thing that was running in her brain.

She was scared, if she took a wrong step and she was scared if she would ever be able to correct it or not if she was wrong. Vennela was right, life does not give everyone second chances.

She was thinking about all the things that have been bothering her and that's when her phone buzzed again and this time it had two notifications.

Thoughts may disturb your sleep, and they also might eat you up. It might seem  all dark now, but remember after night comes the day and after darkness you'll find the light. Take deep breaths and count till hundred. Calm yourself down and close your eyes! I know you're not asleep yet.

If only I was there, I would hold your hand and assure you that everything is going to be alright but since I can't do that *inserts holding hands gif* let me do it virtually. It's going to be okay, Ammu. We'll get through this and you'll be proud of yourself. Think about me and dream about me *winks* Good night once again

She smiled looking at the two texts on her phone. Words do have the power to heal, who said they didn't? Mere words were enough to earn forgiveness and express your feelings and what not. Words do make wonders and words make you feel at ease.

To be continued...

Hello dear readers,

How are you all doing?

Sorry, I had to unpublish the previous chapter that I published and then I took a long time to release the chapter again.

I was kinda struck with the way the plot was going, finally found a way and here I am.

Thank you so much for reading.

How was the update by the way? Did you all like it?

I'll try to make the next update lengthy, pinky promise!

Next update will be the talk between Kanyaka and Vishalakshi. Also maybe the meet up of Anika and Ekantha. How do you think it will end up as?

Also, thank you for always sticking by this story and supporting me! It really really means a lot to me, it means the world 🌼❤

Please don't forget to vote and comment your views! They motivate me to write more!

Now that's my cue to run and sleep!


Take care of yourselves besties!

Also, do check out my Instagram account I recently opened just for my wattpad stories purpose

I'd : sakshi.wattpad

Will see you all in next update. Till then adios!

Your Author
Sakshi Devi 🌼❤

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