A Pair Of Goggles-Sam

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Rolling your eyes, you quickly grabbed an item and pulled it out. Sam Wilson's flying goggles dangled from your fingers. Looking around the room, you spotted him laughing with Bucky about something.

"Bird boy! C'mon, we're up!" you yelled over. He turned, still laughing, but it sounded more nervous when he saw his goggles in your hand. You thought nothing of it, and strode over to grab his hand and drag him into the closet.

He was one of your best friends, so you didn't think twice about the contact or the insinuation. Once inside, you shut the door and threw the room into complete blackness.

"All right, so what kind of prank do we plan to get Tony back for this?"


"Uhhhh, Sam? You good bro?"

"What? Oh, yeah, man, I'm fine. I'm just thinking, I guess." He seemed to come back to reality.

"Whatcha thinkin about?" You peered into the blackness, in the vague direction he must be. Why's he acting so weird?

"Oh, uh- nothing, just spacing out. What'd you say earlier about pranks?" You heard him smile while speaking, but he just seemed off.

"Dude, Sam, what's up? You're acting kinda off. Everything ok?" You were starting to get pretty concerned. You moved forward a step and blindly reached out toward where you thought his shoulder should be, but ended up brushing his chest with your fingertips. He drew in a sharp breath, and you yanked your hand away.

"Sam? I'm actually worried about you, what's wrong?"

He took a deep breath, and blurted out, "Listen, I know we're best friends, and I would never do anything to fuck that up, but sometimes I wanna be more. I want to be yours. I want to take you on cute little dates, I want to be able to kiss you whenever we want, I want you to- uh, and I know you probably don't feel the same way, so forget I said any of this and let's just go back to being friends-"

You stopped his rambling with a finger to his lips, having finally located where his mouth was. Stepping closer, you trailed your hand down his chest again, again making him gasp. "Sam..."


"I want to be yours too," you whispered, placing your hand on his cheek and rising up on tiptoe to press your lips against his. He seemed in shock for a moment before his hands crept to your lower back and pulled you in closer, holding you tightly against him. It was a soft, sweet kiss, and it seemed to go on for hours. When you finally pulled away and looked up at him, you were grinning like an idiot. You were sure he was too.

"Jesus, if I had known you'd felt this way, I would've done that a long time ago. You've been holding out on me!" Sam sounded like he was also smiling. His words made you laugh, and you decided to tease him.

"So, Sam, what were you gonna say earlier? You wanted to take me on dates and kiss me, and now what was the third thing?" You smirked in the dark, knowing exactly what he was going to say and that he was definitely blushing bright red.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about-" he stammered, clearly embarrassed. Having been his best friend for years, you'd told each other all your secrets. You knew what made him tick, and oh, were you going to use that knowledge.

Pushing him against the wall, you leaned up to whisper in his ear. "Oh, I think you do, Samuel. And I think you'd better tell me what it is."

You could feel his body responding to your actions, pressed against you as he was. "I was going to say, I want you to f-fuck me," he said quietly, taking in a deep breath.

"Well, that can be arranged. Meet me in my room after this is over," you whispered low and gravelly into his ear. He physically shivered at your words, and almost made a sound but stopped himself when you began to kiss and suck on his neck. He pulled your chin up to kiss you again right as the room flooded with light, and the sound of Tony's wolf-whistle pierced the air. Natasha and Wanda were grinning at you, and you saw Steve silently hand Bucky $20. Bucky caught your eye and toasted you as you led Sam back to the couch and sat down on his lap. You shifted around a bit and then relaxed, causing him to freeze as he realized what you were doing.

"You are such a goddamn tease, Y/n," he whispered in your ear. Your only response was to laugh lightly and in doing so shift your position yet again, making his breath catch. As Natasha drew a sparkling red necklace out of the bag and ran off into the closet with Wanda, no doubt to talk about you and Sam, you adjusted your position on his lap and smiled to yourself. It was going to be a fun night.

A/N: so I've recently been in a "write reader as top" phase, idk why. Hope you enjoyed! 💖Leora

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