Web Fluid-Peter

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A/N: restraint of hands is mentioned, some language! Enjoy!

You feel around the bag, recoiling when you feel something sticky. Yanking out your hand, you see a canister of Peter's web fluid with the top askew. The fluid was leaking out and being activated by the oxygen in the air, causing it to stick to your hand. You held it up for all to see.

"Kid!" Tony called over to where Peter was sitting with Shuri. "Put your drink down, you're up!" You laughed as Peter looked at his drink, looked at you, and tossed the rest back in one gulp. He stood up and opened the closet door from across the room with his web shooters, pulled himself in and then shot a web to wrap around your wrist and yank you in along with him.

You only had time to giggle and wink at Natasha before you were in the dark, closet door closed. You were pressed against Peter, and you could tell he was looking down into your face.

"What are you waiting for, Spidey? Let's get this party started!" You'd barely gotten the last word out before you found yourself against the wall, hands pinned above your head with webbing. You weren't complaining, it wasn't the first time you'd been in this situation. You and Peter had been casually hooking up on occasion over the last few months while staying good friends. When you started, neither of you were ready for a relationship. Now, however, your feelings had changed. You wondered if his had too.

Peter's mouth on yours jerked you out of your thoughts. You immediately responded to the kiss, lips moving in sync with his. God, I missed this. He ran his hands up your sides under your sweater, squeezing your breasts through your bra. You gasped a little into his mouth, causing him to lean back and smirk at you. Staring into your eyes, he very deliberately pinched your nipples through your bra. A moan nearly forced its way out of your mouth at that, but you bit your lip and held it back.

"Peter-" you tried to catch your breath. You loved how he could have such an effect on you so quickly.

"Yes, darling?"

"I have something to ask yo-" you were cut off midsentence as he pinched your nipples lightly again, sending a jolt of heat straight to your pussy. "Fuck, man, why are you so good at this?"

"Go ahead, sweetheart. Ask your question," he urged, and began to kiss down your jawline and suck gently on your neck.

"I- fuck- love this," you panted, desperately trying to get control of your breathing. "But I want- shit- I want more, pETER!" He'd bitten down on your neck, definitely leaving a mark.

As your words sank in, he pulled back and looked into your eyes. You gazed back up at him, nervous. He looked at you for such a long time that you were sure he was trying to think of the best way to let you down gently. Shit. I messed up, didn't I? He's not even gonna want to be friends after this, fuck! Why am I such an idiot? You could feel the tears starting, and you blinked as hard as you could to hold them back.

"What did you say?" Peter sounded confused.

Dropping your head, you whispered, "I said I want more. I like you, Peter. I want to be more than just friends with benefits. But I get it if you don't want to, and I won't ever mention this again. I just had to get it off my chest." A single tear slipped down your cheek.

It was only silent for a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity. The first thing you felt was your hands being released from the webbing. Then Peter lifted your chin up with a finger, and wiped your tears away with his other hand. He leaned in and kissed you, gently, softly, lovingly, and you leaned into him, trying to pour your feelings into the kiss. Your arms went around his back, tightly holding him against you. It seemed a year passed before you felt him gently pull away, gently caressing your face.

"I want more too. I've wanted more for weeks, I just never had the balls to say anything." He shook his head slightly. "I was too scared you wouldn't feel the same, and I didn't think I could handle being rejected by you."

You laughed, suddenly hit by the absurdity of the situation. "My god, I've been worried over nothing! I've been so stupid, overthinking every little thing you did and said."

"You're not alone in that. I guess all that's left is to make it official?" He still sounded a little nervous.

"Peter Parker, do you want to be my boyfriend?"

He chuckled and pulled you in for another kiss, running his fingers through your hair.

Of course, at that exact moment, the door burst open and you jumped apart, Peter automatically moving in front of you.

Everyone laughed and clapped as you walked out holding hands, Natasha wolf whistling and blowing you a kiss. Shuri was screaming that she called it, and Tony just looked on with a smile. You and Peter went back to sit on the couch, watching as vision pulled a necklace out of the bag and without further ado scooped up Wanda and flew through the closet door.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he just flew her all the way to his room," you whispered to Peter, snickering.

"Don't laugh too much, that's not far off from what I'm planning to do after this game is over."

Hi! I'm trying to upload more I swear! For now enjoy the fluff, and I have a marvel one shots book with two Bucky chapters published! It would mean the world to me if y'all would check that out! Stay safe, love yourself, and have an amazing day/night/morning/evening/afternoon/life! 💖💖Leora

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