Coming Home

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**Request for LeonaJoyce7 where Peter is finally coming home from his two-year deployment, but if more than a little surprised at the visitors his dad is entertaining. I hope this is what you wanted and that I did it right. Enjoy!**

Peter bounced on the balls of his feet in barely-contained glee. He was finally coming home after two years away, with nothing but the occasional phone call or letter to remind him of home. But now home was just a flight away.

Peter nearly took the flight attendant's hand off when he passed over his boarding pass.

One flight, 10,265 miles, 12 hours and 47 minutes. He had planned it all out - his dad didn't even know he was coming yet! Peter and his Uncle Rhodey had planned it all out so that Peter would fly in the same day that Rhodey got back from a business trip, and they were both going to surprise Peter's family.

Oh, Tony was going to be so surprised.

Peter got to his seat and settled in, pulling out a book and his headphones. One of the other passengers moving to their own seat gave Peter a tight salute and Peter gave them an indulgent smile. He would never get used to that, no matter how long he wore the uniform. And there was something kind of weird about the whole thing in Peter's mind - he was just Peter. He was just a normal person.

Peter opened his book and glanced at his phone. He was almost home now.


Rhodey and Peter crept through the hall carefully. Tony and Pepper were in a meeting according to the secretary downstairs, and they were about to make whatever stupid board meeting they were in sooooo much better.

Peter waited for a moment and then threw open the door. "Surprise!"

"And I'm here, too!" Rhodey added.

Tony and Pepper were up in an instant, both yelling in excitement as they swept Peter up in their arms. Tony stepped aside to clap Rhodey on the back as Pepper pulled Peter's face down to pepper kisses all along his cheeks and forehead.

"You're home!"

"Hey, short stack. Is this the big two year break?" Sam asked, standing up to take his turn to get a hug. Peter wrapped his arms around Sam's shoulders with a happy grin.

"Not so short anymore," Peter hummed. "All that training got my blood pumping and my bones stretching."

Pepper, Tony, Rhdoey, and Sam all laughed, and there was the sound of a throat coughing from behind the small family. Peter turned, only to be met with a whole group of faces he didn't know.

"Who is this?" One of the men at the table asked, gesturing at Peter.

"Team, this is Peter," Tony said with the brightest smile he'd ever flashed. "My son. He's home after a two-year deployment. Peter, this is the team."

Peter gave his father a blank look.

"Oh, shit, you've been gone, I'm an idiot." Tony took a breath and closed his eyes for a moment. "There's been some changes."

"Your dad invented a flying tin can and decided to become a hero," Sam said.

Peter let out a dry laugh. "He what?"

"This is Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Thor, and Hulk," Tony said gesturing around the room. "Or, if we want to be personal, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Thor, and Bruce."

Peter smiled around the table. He could have never imagined his father standing in a room of superheroes, let alone joining up to save people himself. Hell, he couldn't imagine his dad in anything other than a twelve-piece suit or a pair of oil-stained jeans.

"Hey, everyone. I'm Peter."

The team all waved back at the boy, and then Natasha made a face.

"Wait, wait, wait." She raised her hands. "You all knew about this, but no one was going to tell us?"

Rhodey shrugged. "I was out on business."

"I was busy with training," Sam said. "And, ya know, wrapping up my actual work life in therapy."

"I'm not even part of this team, technically," Pepper said.

"And I literally took calls with Peter during meetings and training all the time," Tony stated, all cool tones and strict . "So this seems like it's a failure of the whole team, not us."

Peter laughed a little at that, but shook his head and waved his hand. "Lay off, it's not like I'm a well-known part of the Stark pack. Steve Rogers," he said, looking over at the blond. "You've got a following in the military to this day. You could do me a real favor in giving me some good stories to take back to the guys."

Steve gave a chuckle. "Yeah, I have some good ones. Not many heroic ones, but I have some good ones about the old pranks me and the boys pulled on our commanders."

Steve went to stand, and in a brilliant moment of perfect coincidence, his shoelaces were caught on the rolling wheel on his desk chair, and he went sprawling. His face hit the desk hard and the resounding crack of his nose breaking was loud enough to hear clear out down the hall. Rebounding from the impact on his face, Steve fell back on his chair and his full weight made the whole thing collapse in a mess of leather and steel.

One of the bars from the main frame of the chair stabbed into the soldier's arm, and he let out a groan.

"That works, too," Peter said, holding his phone up to take a photo. "Who knew the national icon of military strength was such a clutz?"

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