Agent Parker

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**Request for IzzyWritesThings where Peter is Fury's adopted son and one of the finest agents SHIELD has on hand. I hope I did this one right for you. As a side note, I will be taking a break for a couple weeks. I am still going to finish the requests I have in my drafts, but after that, I need a small break. I usually take a week in March and a couple weeks in the summer, but this last year I didn't take a single break besides the week of Christmas and my brain is fried between college and work. I hope you all understand, and enjoy this one! The other requests will come this upcoming week!**

Carol and Maria were in the front seat, each one humming along to the radio while Nat and Coulson sat in the back, discussing recent news. Clint would have been with them, but he was out on mission, and he wouldn't be back in time to join the four of them.

As they pulled up to the SHIELD headquarters, Nat got the attention of Maria in the mirror. She gave the woman a coy smile, and Maria smiled back. Both of them had mischief in their eyes.

When Maria punched in for access to the basement parking, she motioned for Nat to lean in over her shoulder.

"Hello, please state your name and access code."

Nat cleared her throat. "Heya, this is Clint," she said, her voice an almost perfect match for Clint's. Any lingering clues that it wasn't Clint would be hidden by the speaker and the distortion of the static. "Access code 77-Delta-4-Alpha-Delta."

There was a silence on the other end of the speaker.

"Agent Barton, you are not due back for another week."

Maria broke into giggles. "Sorry, Mary, it's just us. Maria Hill, Carol Danvers, Natasha Romanoff, and Phil Coulson. Access code 3-Bravo-Uniform-58-Whiskey."

"You got 'whiskey'?" Carol hissed. "I got 'foxtrot' and 'delta' in mine. Yours is cool."

The gate for the basement lifted and Maria pulled through. They parked and headed up to the main building. They were meeting with Fury about a big case coming up, and they were looking forward to the briefing.

Fury was there when they got there. He was standing at the head of the conference table, his dark clothes and serious face plastered into place. The agents quickly got into their own mode, each one wearing a serious face to match Fury's.

"Are we going to get on with it?" Coulson asked.

"We are," Fury said. "I don't want information about this one getting out, so rather than the usual read and burn system we have for printed files, I'm having a personal agent give you a briefing."

"Wait," Maria said, holding up her hand. "If this is an important mission, why are we bringing in another agent?"

"He's good." Fury's tone left nothing to argue. "I'm just waiting for him to be back."

"He was on mission?" Maria asked.

Fury grunted. "He's at school."

The four agents looked between themselves, looking a little unsure. It wasn't like college-aged agents were unheard of, but they were rare, and one being trusted enough for Fury to invite them on a case with his best agents- that was impossible.

The clock ticked loudly in the room as they all waited.

Finally, at 3:47, the door burst open, and a literal child came through the room.

"Agent Parker," Fury said with something like fondness lilting his words. "How was your day?"

"Very good," the teenager said, slinging a backpack down at Fury's feet and falling heavily into one of the chairs. He let his body slump, so his arms were even with his ears. He let his feet rock the chair back and forth. "I got pushed around, so we knew the cover isn't blown."

Fury laughed.

Fury laughed.

Fury laughed.

Maria, Natasha, Carol, and Phil all looked up in shock and confusion. Fury had never laughed as far as any of them could remember. Hell, they couldn't remember seeing Fury so much as smile. 

"That's my boy." Fury jerked his head over his shoulder. "Want to get started on the briefing?"

The teen let out a huff and got to his feet dramatically. Before he could start, though, Carol was looking between Fury and the teen, and clearing her throat.

"I'm sorry, maybe I'm missing something," she started. "But what the hell is going on?"

Fury and the teen shared a look. "This is Agent Parker. He's my top agent, and the expert on this case."

The teen rolled his eyes. "That's Nick's way of saying he loves me."

"Nick?" Fury raised an unhappy eyebrow. "I thought we were past that whole thing."

The teen rolled his eyes again. "Sure, dad."

"I'm sorry, dad?" Natasha's eyes widened almost comically.

The teen leaned over the table with a hand out stretched. "Hi, I'm Peter. I'm Nick's son."

The team was staring between Fury and Peter with a look of disbelief. They seemed trapped between not understanding and fear. Phil was suddenly checking his phone quickly, tapping and swiping at an ungodly speed. He was checking for subtle shifts in historical events - he was thinking he'd slipped a time stream of jumped into a new dimension between getting in the car and walking through that room.

"You have a son?" Natasha asked.

"I have for a while," Fury said dryly. "Peter came home with me almost 10 years ago."

Peter beamed. "He thought I was like a dog at first, he got me a special set of dishes."

"He what?" Phil was pulled away from his phone for that.

"He got me those plastic dishes that you give like toddlers."

"How old were you?" Phil asked.

Peter shrugged. "Like... 6? 7, maybe."

"Oh, my God," Natasha said, her face slowly morphing into something similar to joy. She looked over at Maria, who was wearing the same look of sheer happiness. "I can't believe Clint missed this."

Maria leaned over the table. "Don't worry," she stage-whispered, fully aware that Fury could hear her. "I've had my phone recording since Fury asked how his day was."

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