Warring Family

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** Request for tecata45 where Peter and his family have a massive prank war, but it was all just a misunderstanding. I really hope I did this one for you how you imagined it. Enjoy the amazing prank ideas, all inspired by real pranks I have pulled on various people. Enjoy!!**

When Peter woke up to find that his towel for his morning shower was gone, he immediately turned and looked around his room for any sign of his family. Only when he was reasonably sure that no one - read: Clint Barton - wasn't hiding anywhere to steal his clothes when he got in the shower like some middle school prank, Peter turned the shower on and brushed his teeth while waiting for the water to heat up.

He showered quickly and got out to get dressed, and... nothing.

Peter checked around his room again, but there wasn't any hints as to who had taken his towel, nor why. Maybe it was just funny to imagine someone frustratingly drying themselves with a washcloth, which Peter had plenty of. 

Just to be sure, though, Peter went down the hall to Clint's room, crept into his bathroom, and filled the shower head with shampoo.

Just to be sure he was getting him back.


Clint was pretty sure by the third time he rinsed his hair that this was payback from Sam, who had been personally offended when Clint said his wings could use a polish. The archer turned off the shower, unscrewed the shower head, and there was a whole puddle of watery shampoo. He turned on the bath tap and rinsed it all out, then rescrewed the shower head onto the pipe and finished washing himself down.

Then he headed out to the kitchen, where he found Sam sprawled on the couch, a coffee in one hand and the paper in another. Clint smiled to himself, then went down to Sam's room and grabbed his phone. He set it to silent, then set an alarm for a couple hours from now.

Just long enough for Sam to be actively looking for the phone.

Clint then went back to the kitchen, found the snack-sized bags of chips, and opened one. He dropped the phone in. He resealed the bag using Pepper's food saver, and the dropped the bag back in the big box of chips.

That'll teach him.


Sam tore his blankets off his bed. His damn phone was missing, and he was going to be getting a call from the VA any minute now. 

He'd been through his room so many times by that point, he was almost certain someone had taken it. Someone like-

The very faint, very distant sound of an alarm going off made Sam freeze.

He followed the sound down the hall, playing a stupid game of Hot or Cold with himself and he checked each room for the source of the sound. He was pretty sure it was his phone, honestly, if the very specific fan-made Falcon Song theme was anything to go by.

He wandered into the kitchen. The pantry. The fucking pantry?

Sam crouched down by the box of snack chips Tony and Pepper kept in the pantry. It was definitely coming from the box, so Sam dug his hand down to the bottom. Ha ha, very funny, make Sam root around blind in a big box.

It was the worst prank Sam had-

His phone wasn't at the bottom of the box.

Sam cursed, and began pulling each bag out, holding them up to his ear before setting them aside.

Oh, he was going to kill Bucky for this one.


Bucky almost always woke up late and pissed off, but the first thing he felt when he woke up that morning was wet. Wet, and judging by the clock, tired. It was too early to be up.

His arm - his metal arm - was sitting in a bowl of warm water. He rolled his eyes.

This wasn't overnight camp in the 30's, God. Whatever bullshit Steve was pulling wasn't going to work today. He pulled his arm out and shook the water off, only to get a drop right in the eye. He blinked a couple times, cursing to himself.

Then the burning started.

Bucky nearly ran to the bathroom to rinse off his face, then took a closer look at the bowl back in his room. It wasn't water- it was acetone. That shit could eat through a phone.

Bucky tried to move his arm to pick the bowl up, but- "What the hell?"

His arm was lagging badly, the movement of his fingers really stunted. He grabbed the bowl with his real arm and dumped it in the sink before he got up and made his way down to the kitchen, then Steve's room. If Steve was going to play dirty, he was going to get dirty.

Steve was still out running, so Bucky had free reign of the room. He thought back to all the best pranks he'd seen when he and Steve were kids, then headed to the shower. It was an old trick, but s good one. Bucky carefully unscrewed the shower head and packed it with sugar, then rescrewed it. He'd see how happy Steve was when covered in both sugar water and sweat.

Little punk.


Steve couldn't understand what he'd done to Natasha this time. After a second shower in a non-sugared bathroom, he'd racked his brains, but he kept turning up blanks. Unless this was about the movie night...

He sighed.

If Natasha was going to make a big deal out of something small like Steve calling her movie a "glorified shrine to the feminist agenda", she was going to get exactly that. A big deal.

Steve took a moment to think. If there was something that would drive her mad, it was-

Steve let a single, wicked grin break over his face. He headed down to Natasha's room, where he knew she was sleeping. He couldn't do anything too obvious, of course, she was a spy. But he could do this.

He knew she had started wearing slippers lately - a side effect of being in the penthouse with it's freezing cold floors - and used that to his advantage. Natasha was a bear before her coffee, so he carefully put down some plastic on the floor, then dumped one of his cheaper bottles of paint along the plastic.

Her slippers would mask the feel of paint on skin, and will any luck, Natasha would track prints all the way down the hall before she even noticed.


When Tony got off the elevator after a week-long lab binge, he thought the footprints were a hallucination. Then he stepped in one, and the slippery feeling under his worn sneakers made him pause.

Someone had tracked paint through his multi-million dollar penthouse.

Tony took a breath. He turned around. He followed the prints. They seemed to go around the kitchen island, then fade out. The paint had run out by then, so Tony had no idea who had even pulled the ridiculous-

He stopped and shook his head. 

The prints were stamped with the Chanel symbol. The Chanel symbol, like the one on Pepper's newest slippers.

Tony ran a hand down his face. So this was a payback prank for Tony missing dinner the other week. He sighed hard, then had a thought. A brilliant, hilarious, perfect thought. Pepper was going to be difficult about one missed dinner, as if she didn't know by now how frequently Tony missed things, then she was going to get difficult.

"FRIDAY," Tony said. "Could you be a dear and clear Miss Potts' schedule? She doesn't need to know it's been cleared, either."

"Of course, Boss."


Pepper was getting suspicious. She knew there was a meeting scheduled today, but here she was, sitting in an empty board room nearly 30 minutes after everyone should have been there.

"FRIDAY? Could you bring up my schedule?" she asked.

FRIDAY brought up a hologram of her calendar, and Pepper's breath caught. Her whole day...

Her whole day had been cleared. The international shareholders' meeting, the research grant deal, the patent lawyers... Everything. This was going to set her back almost a week to reschedule everything!

"FRIDAY, who cleared my schedule?"

"It was the Boss, ma'am. He believed you were getting back at him for the missed dinner when he found painted footprints in the penthouse."

"I'm sorry, painted footsteps?"

FRIDAY quickly reviewed the events of the morning for Pepper, seeing as she'd watched the whole thing go down.

Pepper sighed. "And you didn't stop this because?"

Pepper could almost hear FRIDAY's smirk. "Peter rather rudely turned me off when I told him he wasn't allowed out on Thursday night."

"And he was the root cause of all this mess. Can I ask who even took the towel?"

"That was Mister Banner, ma'am. He spilled some coffee this morning and couldn't find a towel. Peter's room was closest, so he ducked in and grabbed the first towel he saw."

Pepper sighed. "Alright. Get me Peter on the phone, and then the rest of the team. We need to have a little conversation."

"As you wish," FRIDAY said, but Pepper could hear that same smirk in her words again.

"Don't play dumb," Pepper said. "You orchestrated this whole thing. You're the reigning prank champion, FRI."

"I don't know what you mean," FRIDAY quipped. "Peter is on line one."

Pepper picked up the phone. "So Pete. Tell me about this shampoo thing."

Across town, Peter's face went pale.

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