Mother's Best Remedies

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**This was inspired by Igladden where Peter is Doctor Helen Cho's son. It's a little short, but sweet. Enjoy!**

Growing up with a busy, career-driven woman at the forefront of his family, Peter had known nothing but Avenger's business and medical operations. Peter's mother was the head of the SHIELD force medical team, and then the head doctor for the Avenger's team, meaning that both she and Peter moved into the Tower to be closer to the team and the best possible medical equipment.

And then Peter was....

Well, Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider and his mother had been on a trip for a medical conference and Peter had stayed holed up in the apartments.

So then she was patching up Peter, too, but she had no idea.

Which is how it came to be that Peter was swinging through downtown New York's skyline alongside Iron Man, while the rest of the team ran under them. They were responding to a local call - no aliens or major terrorist rings were attacking the city. No, instead, there was a multi-block fire that left most of the tenants in several apartment buildings trapped on the upper-most floors with no way down.

Tony splintered away from Peter, flying up to the roof of the first apartment building, scooping up a couple of kids in his arms. As he flew them down to the street and handed them off to Natasha, Peter flung himself up to the next building and started setting up an elaborate set of webs. He showed a few people how to use them as ziplines down to the ground and watched as they helped some of the younger kids slide down first, then hurried to the next building.

They were just starting to get the fifth building evacuated when it happened.

One of the buildings at the end of the block collapsed, the roof falling right through the middle of the walls. Peter jumped.

"Someone could be stuck under there!" he shouted to the team, already running off.

"Stop! Spiderman, stop!" That was Steve yelling, but Peter kept running.

It was dangerous, and if anyone was even alive under that rubble, the burns and smoke inhalation Peter would go through to save them would put him on bed rest for at least a week, and his mom would notice right away. But Peter couldn't sit by when he could do something. He couldn't let someone get hurt because he was scared of his own mom.

Peter dove into the fiery rubble, his eyes and lungs immediately burning in protest. He scrambled through the fallen beams and what remained of furniture and called out for anyone who was still... still able to call out.

Peter heard the aching call of someone to his right, and he turned sharply. He started pulling rubble away, not even thinking about the way the fire burned at his fingers or the way the building shook with the newly shifted rubble. He finally saw it - a hand blackened with soot and burning blood.

Peter pulled them from the rubble and asked through smoky coughs if anyone else was in the building.

"No," the girl - it was a girl - said with her own shaking cough. It sounded wet. "No, just- just me. We all eva- evacuated before the fire jumped, but-" she coughed again. "But I came back. Needed to get- to get my-"

Peter shook his head and pulled her towards the door. "You needed something."


Peter could see the street outside and surged forward. Only a few more... only a little more...

The building shifted again, and Peter pushed her forward. She fell hard onto the sidewalk and turned back, looking for her savior, but Peter was gone. In his place, a burning, embering beam.


Helen had been working for hours now. Many of the worst victims of the fires had been rerouted to the Tower to receive state of the art treatment. Now that the team was coming back, she might have a bit of a break - Steve had super-human healing and Tony was literally encased in metal and Spiderman was-


Tony and Steve were carrying Spiderman by his arms. The suit was covered in suit, but under that were huge patches of burned spandex and open wounds.

"Oh, my God!" Helen cleared a cot for the superhero. "Get me iodine and Xerofrom. I need oxygen. Get his mask off."

Tony and Steve exchanged looks. Spiderman had been adamant that he didn't want his identity revealed to anyone, least of all to the good doctor.

"Get it off! He's going to die of the smoke inhalation if we don't get him intubated!" Helen barked, and Tony peeled the suit's mask away.

A mess of brown curls flopped over a familiar face and everyone froze for a moment. Helen recovered first, pushing away the others to get at Peter's face. She intubated him quickly, then passed the tubing over to a nurse for her to hook up. Helen cut away the suit next, revealing burn after burn.

But Helen was good at compartmentalizing her feelings, so she just kept working.

This wasn't her son on the table in front of her, it was Spiderman.

And Helen didn't love Spiderman with her whole being.


Peter came to the sound of a heart monitor.

The sharp smell of hospital antiseptic came next.

He was in a hospital. He was in a hospital and his face was chilled in the open air of the Tower, which meant his mask was off and-

"Don't even think about it."

Peter froze, his feet half swinging out of bed and the blankets tangling around his feet. His mother was sitting next to him, her face pinched in worry and possibly disappointment.

"Hey, mom."

"Don't you-" Helen sucked in a breath. "Medicine?"

"She said she needed it. We were in the poorer part of town."

Helen shook her head. "I would have personally given her the meds if it meant you didn't get hurt. Peter, I am so-"

Helen cut off with teary eyes and Peter trembled. He couldn't hear his mother's disappointment or face her fury without falling apart because she meant everything to him. He couldn't possibly handle it, not now, not ever, not-

"I am so proud of you," she said finally. Peter's head shot up. "I am so, so proud of you."

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