Land Of Doom

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The world is under the control of Dr Doom who is called Lord Doom by his followers. He sets up a bounty on the remaining heroes who formed a resistance or was off world.

Location: Doomtropolis

Time: 3:00AM

The city was quiet and the street were empty of cars and people as everyone was in their houses. But everything was not empty as a figure arrived on the soil and looked like the person had great power.

???: What happened to Metropolis? The streets are empty and there is no one around. The man walked up to a sign saying welcome to Doomtropolis population 1,000. I guess this explains what happened to the city but where is the Justice Unity. A paper flew into the man's face as he got it off and started to read it. Captain America is imprisoned in the vault along with others who opposed Doom. Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, John Constantine and any Green Lantern. Hold on... Big reward to anyone who could bring down Superman... There is a bounty on my head!

Suddenly a bullet went flying toward Superman but it bounced off his chest. Superman looked over to where the bullet came from and he saw someone he who would take him on.

Superman: You can come out... Slade! Superman looked over to were Deathstroke was at and Slade jumped down and got his sword ready.

Deathstroke: Been waiting to do this for a while big blue! He got in a battle stance ready with his sword ready to strike Superman.

Superman: Mercenaries are all the same. They are blinded by greed and revenge! He crosses his arm as he looks at Slade.

Deathstroke: This one is personal... He charged at Superman but he dodged but Slade was expecting that as a bomb that was right next to him and it knocked Superman and it gave Slade a chance to strike but Superman caught him by the face and threw him towards a wall. But Slade wasn't finished so he throws a grenade at Superman that was strong enough to take on a tank. It made him fly back but Superman kicked Slade into a light post and it shocked him and it knocked Slade out.

After the fight a shadow appeared behind Superman and got in a defense stance but he saw his friend Batman then he smiled.

Batman: Clark... I see you are still normal. You can see the world went bad after you left.

Superman: Bruce what happened here? Why is the city empty at this time? Superman questioned Batman but he just walked down to him.

Batman: We can talk back at the Batcave... Batman got in a battle stance position as a bunch of Doom bots were approaching the area. The Doom bots aimed their guns at the two and Batman threw down an EMP grenade which allowed Batman and Superman to escape to the Batcave.

Location: Batcave

Time: 3:45AM

Superman and Batman were in the Batcave which was also the base of the resistance the other heroes who opposed Dr Doom were there. Thor, Hulk, Black Panther, Nightwing, Red Hood, Superboy, Hawkeye, Martian Manhunter And Green Arrow. Batman and Superman sat at a table.

Batman: Clark while you were gone Dr Doom had a plan which gave him power of a god. He took down most of the world's superheroes and the Justice Unity was defeated. Me and the remaining heroes decided to form a resistance to try and stop Doom but all our efforts have been useless. Doom knew he couldn't change all the heroes into his goons. Most of the Justice Unity was turned into his slaves and Doom knee if he tried to control more heroes then he would use the power he had to quickly so he gave heroes a choice join him or be imprisoned in the Vault. Captain America was the first one to go there and we made a plan to break out those heroes and have a winning chance. But it will not be easy since the most dangerous supervillains are controlling it.

Superman: So if we could break them out we will have a winning chance and make the resistance stronger. So what is this resistance called Bruce?

Batman: We don't have a name yet but our goal is to stop Dr Doom's Regime. Clark this is serious. Bruce looked over to Alfred who was letting someone who wore a red and blue costume. Alfred thank you for letting Spider-Man in. Hold on Clark we'll finish this talk later.

Alfred: Is there anything else you need master Bruce? Alfred walked over to Batman.

Batman: I am good Alfred... Spider-Man what report do you have for us?

Spider-Man: Well Doom is sending his followers to search the city for us... He's got the Injustice Society searching for us also. But I found someone who avoided Doom. He help Barry Allen into the room as he was limping due to a battle. There was a wound on his leg but he was healing by the moment.

Flash: Bruce! Doom is gonna send his men to find u-

Batman: We know Barry and we are gonna break the heroes in the Vault out. Batman interrupted Barry as he laid him down on a medical table. The wound is not fatal and your healing factor will take care of it. Clark since you, Thor and Hulk are our big guns you guys can distract the super villains while me and Spider-Man sneak in undetected and break out the other heroes.

Hulk: Hulk look forward to fight alongside with puny man! Hulk pats Superman's back as he flinches a little due to his super strength.

Superman: As long as we stuck together we will overcome the odds that stand against us.

Thor: Aye! Doom will know the might of the son of Odin! Thor drops his hammer as it shakes the ground a little bit.

The resistance got to work on their plans to break out the other heroes. This plan would decide the fate of the left over heroes meanwhile Deathstroke got up and he had a hair sample from Superman.

Deathstroke: You may have gotten away man of steel but I will he getting that bounty for your head and with this hair sample... Lord Doom will soon have an army of Supermen to command at will.

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