Break Out (Part 1)

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Location: The Vault

Time: 12:00PM

The Vault used to be a prison for super villains that are a threat to humanity but now it is a prison for superheroes who fought against Dr Doom. Steve Rogers was sitting his cell as he looked at Carnage who was on the ceiling guarding the inmates.

Carnage: We don't know why Lord Doom put us on babysitting duty when there is a bunch of superheroes I could crush or maybe... Slaughter! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Steve Rogers: Just because I am behind the laser barrier doesn't mean I give up! You villains will be stopped! Steve walks up to the laser barrier and glares at Carnage.

Carnage: Yeah you think that you'll get out of there! You're lucky that Lord Doom wants you alive because you would be dead already! Carnage laughs like a manic as he forms a sword hand.

Steve sits back down and he looked down at his hands meanwhile outside of The Vault, Batman got into position waiting for Superman, Hulk and Thor to strike while he and Shazam were hiding in the bushes. Batman had his binoculars on looking at the area and he sees Solomon Grundy, Parasite, Juggernaut and Rhino guarding the entrance. Aquaman, Wonder Woman arrived at the area to talk to the guards.

Aquaman: Juggernaut! Have you seen the fugatives that are still at large! Aquaman had his trident in hand as Wonder Woman walked up to Juggernaut. Behind them was the death squad Deadpool, Venom (Eddie Brock), Superboy and Bane.

Wonder Woman: We fear they maybe trying to break out the prisoners and Lord Doom does not need the distractions from the heroes.

Juggernaut: Nope I haven't seen any heroes here yet. Ain't nobody getting past the unstoppable Juggernaut!

The death squad left the area as the guards got back to securing the area and Batman was very concerned that Doom had sent his death squad. Superman, Thor and Hulk had finally arrived to the area and they waited for their que as Batman signaled them to start the plan. The three came charging at the four strong guards as Hulk took on Grundy, Thor took on Rhino and Superman took on Juggernaut. This allowed Batman, Shazam and Nightwing to sneak into the building while Spider-Man went into the vents as a back up in case they were caught. But waiting for them was Black Adam and Shazam flew to him and punched into a laser door.

Shazam: Batman! Go! I'll handle Black Adam you just free the other heroes! Batman left Shazam and Nightwing saluted him and left with Batman.

Batman and Nightwing were knocking out the guards as they went along and they saw the cell of John Constantine. He looked at them and he looked behind them.

Batman: John... We're breaking you out of here! Batman was hacking the little control panel as he was getting past some encryptions when they heard someone from behind them. It was Jason Blood the one who is bonded with Etrigan the demon.

Jason Blood: Batman I can't allow you to break anyone out... You know Lord Doom will reign terror onto the planet if they leave this place.

Batman: Jason you got to let me do this... I am trying to save us all from a fate worse than this.

Jason Blood: I'm afaird I can't let you do that Batman... Gone gone before the man, rise the demon Etrigan! Jason Blood changed into the demon Etrigan and he made a sword appear out of flames and he wielded it challenging Batman and Nightwing.

Nightwing: Batman! I'll handle this guy you just break the others out! Nightwing gets in his fighting pose as he lunges at Etrigan but Etrigan dodges but Nightwing regains his footing. He takes out his Escrima sticks and attacks etrigan with them but the demon dodges.

Etrigan: First I will finish the brat, then I'll take on the bat! Etrigan shot a fireball out of his mouth and it almost hit Richard but he dodged it just in time. But Etrigan was stalling them as Carnage had arrived.

Carnage: Finally! We get to slaughter someone! HAHAHAHAHA! Carnage formed a axe with his symbiote ability and tried to attack Batman but out of nowhere Spider-Man kicked him in the face. Spider-Man! So you finally shown your face to us! Good now I can kill the spider and the bat!

Spider-Man: Well isn't it nice to see your ugly face again! I guess you are ready for this whoopin'! Spider-Man shots some webs at Carnage but he destroyed the webs with ease. Nightwing and Spider-Man held off the threat long enough for Batman to break the encryption.

Meanwhile outside the three heroes are taking on the guards. Hulk had clapped his hands on Grundy's face which dazed him only for Hulk to follow up with a uppercut. But out of nowhere Parasite grabs Hulk as he began to drain his power. Thor threw his hammer at Parasite to get him off of Hulk but Hulk lost some power.

Rhino: You super losers will answer to Lord Doom! He charged at Thor like a rhino and almost hitting Thor but he caught Rhino and flipped onto his back. Hey! No fair I can't get up!

Juggernaut: Do you know who I am? I am the unstoppable Juggernaut bitch! He charged at Superman but he got out the way only for Juggernaut to ram into a wall.

Superman: I don't care who you are! Hey Hulk need a hand! He looked over to Hulk who was trying to avoid Parasite.

Hulk: Yes... Hulk feel a little weak. Hulk jumped back leaving Parasite confused.

Parasite: What's the matter! Scared of me Haha! He was stronger because of Hulk's powers but out of nowhere a truck landed on him and it exploded due to the amount of force it had. It knocked Parasite out and Hulk threw a pebble at him.

Superman: I'll finish fighting Juggernaut you guys go help Batman and the others! Because I heard that Doom is sending more troops over here. Superman flew to Juggernaut who tried to punch him but he dodged it and Superman grabbed Juggernaut's helmet and threw him onto the ground. It mad Juggernaut angry and he punched Superman into a wall but Superman got out and punched Juggernaut up into the sky and Superman grabbed him and slammed him into the ground while Hulk and Thor enter The Vault to help Batman and the others.

Batman had freed John Constantine and Ray Palmer. He then walked to the cell of Reed Richards and Hank Pym.

John Constantine: It was getting really boring in that cell. John grabbed a cigarette and lighter to light it up and his cigarette smoke made a map of The Vault. Bloody hell this place is dull and lifeless.

Batman: By the looks of the map all of the other heroes are in most secure part of the prison. Batman scowled as he threw a batarang behind him that shocked both Carnage and Ertigan and it stunned them as both Spider-Man and Nightwing  knocked both of them out.

John Constantine: Jason let himself be controlled by Doom. Poor bastard didn't see it coming.

Ray Palmer: We need to free Richards and Pym. The three of us can make a device that take the power Doom has.

Batman: Ray you free the other scientist with the help of Nightwing while me and Constantine go free Captain America and the others. Spider-Man you go into the vents to patrol for us see if anyone is coming our way.

Spider-Man: Sure thing Batman! Spider-Man webs up into the vent as he moves ahead of the other heroes.

Thor and Hulk catch up to Ray Palmer and Nightwing as they look at the two heroes. Ray gets defensive but Nightwing is calm as he knows they are on their side.

Nightwing: Don't worry Ray they are with us. Nightwing goes up to Hulk and Hulk pats his back and it causes him to flinch a bit. Where's Superman?

Thor: Superman had told us to go see if you guys needed help.

Doombots began to arrive at the prison and Superman was standing outside waiting for them to strike and as they did Superman began to destroy them one by one as his eyes turned red and he shot a beam out is his eyes that destroyed the Doombots. Spider-Man was crawling through vaults as he heard Steve Rogers below him as he saw that Steve looking at the laser barrier mad.

Spider-Man: Pssh! Hey Cap!

Steve heard Spider-Man as he looked up at him waving to him.

Steve Rogers: Spider-Man! Thank god you are here buy what about the guards.

Spider-Man: The guards were taken down by Batman and the others! Superman, Hulk and Thor had returned to aid us in this battle.

Steve Rogers: It's good to see people who are still here to do the right thing. If you can get my shield and costume I could break out of here and aid you but the weapon storage room is being guarded by Electro.

Spider-Man leaves Steve Rogers to go to the weapon storage area where he sees Electro from the vent.

Electro: Hmph! This boring playing guard dog for these weapons. But if any heroes come by here I'll shock em! Electricity begins to flow from Electro and it causes Spider-Man to back up in the vent a little. Electro heard someone in the vent so he blew it up causing Spider-Man to fall in front of him. Looks like the wall crawler came out to play in the big leagues haha!  He forms an electric ball and he throws it at Spider-Man causing him to dodge.

Spider-Man: Whoa! Hey sparky we can talk things out... Spider-Man begins to laugh at Electro making Max mad and Spider-Mam dodges the electricity and he webs Electro's mouth. Then he goes in for a kick which knocked Electro out and Spider-Man walked around the weapons storage looking for Cap's shield and costume.

{End of Part 1}

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