Break Out (Part 2)

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Location: Castle Doom

Time: 10:00PM

Dr Doom was  sitting on his throne with his hand under his chin as he drank wine with the other hand. He received a message from Juggernaut.

Dr Doom: Juggernaut! What news do you bring me?! Doom looked a bit annoyed as he was disturbed by the interruption.

Juggernaut: Lord Doom! The rebellion has broken into the vault! He yelled it as he was thrown to the ground by someone.

Dr Doom: Those rebels have been a inconvenience to my plans long enough! He slams his fist on the arm of his throne and he spills his wine. He had a very angry expression on his face. No one beats Doom! Send the death squad to The Vault!

???: No need for them... I've got something better for you. The mysterious man holds out a hair sample for Doom. I've got the hair sample of Superman for you Lord Doom...

Dr Doom: Ah... Deathstroke you've brought something of use to me. He picks up the sample and a Doombot takes it down to a lab. With this I can create a army of Supermen and the rebellion will be no more! Victor begins to laugh as his Doombots begin to create a Superman clone that will serve him.

Location: The Vault (Outside)

Time: 10:15PM

Superman was busy fighting Doombots while the others began to free the other heroes. But then he was knocked back by a blast from a Doombot that had a laser cannon but Superman destroyed it with ease.

Superman: These Doombots keep coming. I hope Batman is doing fine. He begins to talk on the com with Batman. Batman! This is Superman have you finished freeing all the superheroes.

Batman: He speaks on the com link with Superman. Almost finished Clark just need to free Captain America. Batman was heading for Steve's cell when he finally got there.

Steve: Batman... Is Spider-Man back with my shield and costume?

Batman: No but I'm breaking you out! He hacks the terminal and the laser barrier disappears allowing Steve to break out. Suddenly Spider-Man came out of nowhere

Spider-Man: Batman catch! Spider-Man threw Cap's shield to Batman and he caught it.

Batman gave Steve his shield and Spider-Man handed him his costume as he went to suit up in his Captain America attire.

Captain America: Spider-Man, Batman where are the other heroes? Cap puts his shield on his back and he puts his mask on.

Batman: When I freed Dr Fate he teleported the heroes to my cave because we don't want to risk all of us getting captured again! He begins to speak into his com link to talk to Superman. Clark we freed the heroes and now we can go back to the base.

Superman: Well we need to hurry because I'm sure Doom knows by now! Superman begins to destroy more Doombots with his heatvision and suddenly he was punched away by something. Holy... Crap! Superman sees a giant Doombot and he catches a giant fist that almost hit him. You think you are so tough well I'll show you whose tough! Superman uppercuts the giant Doombot as Batman and the others got out of The Vault. Thor began to help Superman as they both flew into the Doombot and they destroy it from the inside. The Doombot blows up as both Superman and Thor jump out of the explosion.

Spider-Man: Wow just wow... So Doom sent a giant Doombot to stop us and we still won! Woo! Score one for the good guys!

Batman: That was too easy for them... Let's hurry back to base before he sends anymore people after us!

The group left the area as the fire began to spread through the area even setting the woods on fire but everyone made it back to base. But in debris was a creature who had gray skin and bones sticking out as it looked around the area for anyone.

???: Superman... The creature began to roar at the top of it's lung as it sees the other villains get out from The Vault.

Carnage: The heroes may have gotten away for now! But when I find them we'll tear them up and rip them bone by bone! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Juggernaut: But for now the heroes will have their Doomsday!

All the villains begun to laugh as the grey monster leaped over the area destroying everything in it's path.

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