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Location: Batcave

Time: 1:00AM

The breakout plan was a success for the heroes as they now have their friends out of The Vault. Now Batman can move on to faze two of his plan. Flash injury had fully healed as he is now ready for any mission that Batman assigns him. Now that Dr Fate, The Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, Daredevil, John Constantine, The Atom, Ant-Man, Zatanna and Captain America are all out of The Vault Batman now has his plan in action.

Batman: Now that you all are free from The Vault... We still have one main concern and that is Dr Doom, aka Victor Von Doom. Now while I was gone in Gotham for a while I've heard the speech Doom gave when he conquered the Earth. But what I've seen ever since Doom began supreme overlord of the Earth is tyranny and I've made contingency plans to take him down. Batman walks over to a container with his bat logo on it and he opens it up to see a batsuit that was similar to the one he wore when he fought Superman. He began to put it on as the suit activates the eyes began to glow green and a green streak of lights all over the suit. When Batman began to make his voice sound robotic in a way. I plan to take Victor out but the only way to do that is to get rid of his powers. Because those powers belong to none other than the planet eater Galactus. He's used that power to make our friends, partners into his own heralds or slaves but I plan to get them back on our side. Ever since Doom took over I created this resistance with the help of Spider-Man because we searched the city for people who wanted to take Doom down. But today I gather you here to tell you that if we plan to win, we go in smart don't let emotion get in the way because this is Dr Doom we are dealing with and thanks to Reed Richards who has discovered a way to weaken Doom with the Ultimate Nullifier, once we use it on Doom we taforhim down hard! Batman punches his right palm with his left hand.

Dr Fate: What Batman has said was true as Doom thinks he is using the powers to bring order but from what I've seen, he is only bringing chaos and if that powers goes unchecked for too long he will rip a hole in the space time continuum!

Superman: Now guys this mission will be very risky but what we fight for today is the world we have known back. If it wasn't for Batman we would all be sitting in The Vault until the world ends. But I've seen what all of you are capable of and if you use that skill to take Doom down! We can save everyone we know and love.

The Thing: Great I get pay back on Victor for lockin' us up! Because it's clobbering time! Thing clenches his fists as he looks at Batman smiling.

Ghost Rider: Doom has corrupted souls and I think it is time for vengeance!

John Constantine: Bloody hell this day is gonna be long but I guess I am in too. The sooner this is done the better!

Spider-Man: Great to see that everyone is with us because we are gonna need all the help we can get!

Captain America: Like the war we all fight for freedom! But what should we call this resistance?

Batman: "League Of Tomorrow"!

As everyone was getting ready for the mission. Superman can hear something but it wasn't too clear because of the lead so he flew outside and took cover as he began to hear the sound of buildings being destroyed so Superman began to fly over there and he caught the building before it fell and below he could see the people running from their lives below as they all saw a creature and if lunged at Superman, knocking him through multiple building while it held onto him. Superman looked up and what he saw shocked him.

Superman: Doomsday... how are you here I just flew you into space!

As Doomsday ignored what Superman said he began to slam both his fists down on Superman but he caught them and he punched Doomsday upperward but Doomsday was tough as he began to belly flop down onto Superman causing him to cough up blood. Superman grabbed Doomsday by his hand and he threw him away from the city into the water. But Doomsday leaped up out of the water and caught Superman by his cape and he began to punch Superman multiple times in his back but Superman bear hugged Doomsday and he began to fly down fast like a astroid and Superman let go at the last second and let Doomsday fall to the ground which the collision was so great it made a giant crater.

Doomsday got up and looked up at Superman and he began to roar because he was pissed off. So Doomsday leaped up again at Superman but this time he uppercut Superman so hard that the force cause Superman to go all the way into outer space. Superman wasn't finished as he flew down at amazing speeds and his upper half of his costume was ripped so badly that it showed a lot of skin and Superman was down like a rocket as he slammed into Doomsday so hard that it made a sonic boon then they both went into the ground that it made a giant hole in the ground. Superman was punching Doomsday multiple times that he had a hard time keeping up with them. But then Doomsday grabbed Superman by his throat as he tried to choke Superman but Superman quickly used his heat vision to burn Doomsday's eyes and he let go of Superman. Both Superman and Doomsday had battle damage as Superman had blood dripping down from his mouth.

The two went in for a punch and they both hit each other in the faces that sent them flying into the dirt and it was about to cave in on them but Superman used that as a chance as he flew over to Doomsday and punched him up towards the rubble and Superman caught him mid air and began to fly all the way into outer space.

Superman: AHHHHHHHHH! Superman yelled at the top of his lungs as he finally let Doomsday drift through space as he couldn't fly but Superman shot his heat vision to knock Doomsday into deep space. Don't come back if you know what is good for you!

Location: Castle Doom

Time: 1:56AM

Doom was looking into a orb as he saw Superman knock Doomsday into deep space and he slammed his fist down on the arm of his throne again.

Dr Doom: Loki! Come here at once! Doom yelled angrily as Loki the god of mischief teleported in front of him.

Loki: Yes Lord Doom?

Dr Doom: Loki what do you think about getting revenge on your brother Thor...

Loki: I love the sound of that and when he finally loses to me! Ohh how Odin will be disappointed of him! Now what do you have plan for this?

Dr Doom: All I need is for you is trick Thor to think that the resistance is a bunch of Frost Giants... Then he will turn on his teammates and attack them! Then you can go in an finish them off! Now go! Do not disappoint me!

Loki: As you wish my lord... Loki Began walk out of the throne room as he had a devious smile on his face and he began to whisper so Doom didn't hear him. Now once I finish off my brother and the resistance I can take care of Doom and take my rightful place as ruler of Asgard! HAHAHAHA!

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