Loki's Mischief

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Location: Batcave

Time: 2:00PM

As Superman returned to the Batcave everyone looked at Superman because of his battle damage costume. Batman glared at him.

Batman: Clark what happened to you? Batman thought that their location had been found. Have you've been followed?

Superman: No but I had a run in with Doomsday! But I sent him off into space.

Batman: Okay Clark... we got to get the Ultimate Nulifier! But it is at Stark Towers and Tony Stark is under Doom's control. Now we need someone to protect the ground squad from the iron armors that will be patrolling the area.

Mr Fantastic: Doom knows that the Ultimate Nullifier would weaken him so he is keeping it well protected and I am sure he has his death squad there also. Now if you can sneak me in I could fix it. But here is the thing, it might take me a while so I need someone to guard me while finish the repairs.

Batman: That is why we all need to separate into teams. Superman, Hulk, Thor, Shazam and Thing you guys are gonna be the power team. Spider-Man, Nightwing, Atom and me will be the stealth team. Mr Fantastic, Ant-Man and Atom will be in charge of fixing the Ultimate Nullifier. Now Dr Fate will be in charge of getting us there and back. Now John Constantine, Human Torch will be in charge of distracting any Doombots and Armors. You guys got that?

Hulk: Hulk beat more bad guys than Rock man and Goldilocks!

The Thing: Oh yeah you wanna bet on that greenie...

Superman: Guys this is a serious matter right here! This could the mission that will free us all from Doom's tyranny!

Thor: Aye! Superman is right... We fight together like Avengers! This is not just for us but this is for the world.

The Thing: You know what Thor and big blue are right... How bout we have a truce big guy?

Hulk: Hulk will get along with rock man... Hulk extends his fist out as he and Thing do a fist bump.

Human Torch: Now what about Black Panther? Shouldn't he be helping us?

Batman: Black Panther is helping us as he is the one who supplied us with some vibranium... Plus he actually is keeping tabs on the death squad.

John Constantine: Now what about Shazam and Z... What are they gonna do?

Batman: They are gonna stay here and watch the Batcave with Red Hood. Alright let's head out team!

Location: Unknown

Time: 3:00PM

In the middle of outer space as from the previous battle Doomsday drifts in space as someone else was also imprisoned there. Doomsday bumped into a asteroid sending him far away. Out of no where a portal Appears as Loki walks out of it with his staff. He walks over to someone who was in chains as he glared at Loki.

???: What brings you here Asgardian? Come here to gloat or are you looking for the infinity stones.

Loki: No! I've come here to make a bargain with you... If you help me I can free you from your prison!

???: Why should I help you? I could crush you like the weakling you are!

Loki: Oh Thanos... I know you want revenge on the ones who locked you here... All I want you to do is let me use the mind stone and I'll free you.

Thanos: I know what you are Loki... I know how you want to be king of Asgard which is a worthless title... As soon as I break out of here I'll kill you then I'll kill everyone on Earth! But I shall let you use the mind stone then you be gone from my sight!

Loki: Alright Thanos. Loki shot a beam out of his staff as the chain on Thanos explode and the Mad Titan gets up and he opens a secret compartment revealing the Mind stone. Loki gets the Mind stone and leaves.

Thanos: Soon I'll get my revenge on those weaklings and kill them all! For now I'll Doom have his fun with them until it is my time to strike! Thanos puts his hands behind his back as he begins to laugh evily.

Location: City (Ruins)

Time: 3:17PM

Thor, Hulk, Superman, Shazam and Thing were standing outside walking around looking for anyone who needed help as Loki appeared right in front of them. He had a very sinister grin on his face as he saw his brother Thor.

Thor: Loki! What is this treachery!? Thor begins to swing his hammer around in circles ready to attack Loki.

Loki: Brother... I know you want the Ultimate Nullifier and well you can't have it! Loki gets ready for Thor to attack as he looks at the others. So you are the one who defeated Doomsday! Now you face the god of mischief! He aims his staff at Thor and blasts a beam but Thor dodges it and the beam hits Hulk knocking him back. Look Thor! Look what you have done to your comrade. Loki laughs a sinister laugh as Hulk got up and his eyes were blue as he was angry.

Hulk: HULK SMASH PUNY MEN! HULK IS THE STRONGEST THERE IS! Hulk began to run at Thor tackling him into the ground while Superman flies over to Hulk but Loki blasts him away.

Loki: Wait your turn mortal... Loki began to laugh but a lightning bolt struck him making him go fly. Shazam (Captain Marvel) was floating over Loki.

Shazam: How about you fight someone with the power of multiple gods! Hey guys try to snap Hulk out of his trance while I deal with sheep horns over here...

Loki: You dare mock me! I shall make you suffer for striking me like that! He stands up and teleports to Shazam but he gets punched in the face that send him into a building.

Thor: Aye Hulk! I wish not to fight a fellow Avenger but tis the time for you to calm down! Thor's hammer shot lightning at Hulk getting him off him. Thor began to fly at Hulk but that didn't work as Hulk caught Thor by his face and threw him to the ground. Thor wasn't going down easy as he hit Hulk so hard with the hammer sending Hulk into the air.

The Thing: Hey blue boy! Throw me up there! Thing got into a throwing position as Superman threw him up at Hulk allowing him to slam Hulk down to the ground hard letting Thor summon lightning to strike down at the green beast.

The battle was not over yet as Hulk got up and he was even more pissed off and he leaped at Thor which knocked them both into a building. Superman had caught Thing and the two followed Thor and Hulk in the building. Meanwhile Loki and Shazam were going at it as Loki managed to blast him with a beam but it was not enough to put him down as he grabbed Loki and slammed him down on the ground hard.

Loki: I will not be beaten by the likes of you!

Shzam: You misuse your powers trying to harm your family! You're a coward who mistreat others for your own selfish gain! I think you need to take a nap... SHAZAM! As he said those very words a lightning bolt struck down but billy dodged it and it hit Loki which seemingly knocked him out. Now you have to wake up in shame knowing that you were defeated by a kid...

Thor was on Hulk's back slamming his fists on his back multiple times trying to take Hulk down but it just made him more angrier. Superman comes our of no where and punches Hulk in the face allowing Thor to knock him down on the ground. Thing arrives and all three of them uppercut Hulk so hard that it knocked him unconscious. As he was knocked out Hulk turned back into Bruce Banner. Superman picks him up and takes him back to the base while the others stay to confront Loki but he was gone from the battle. Suddenly Shazam was knocked into a wall as a man dressed in black arrives. He had the same features as Superman but he had no cape.

The Thing: Big blue what us with the get up!

???: Big blue... Heh no I think that is a stupid name. I guess my brothers will have to teach you guys a lesson for Lord Doom!

Behind him are a bunch of clones of the mysterious man all in different outfits as they slowly walk towards the heroes and they all get in a fighting pose.

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