Mystic Spider Oc

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An oc for my precious Ototou and for his birthday MarvelousSanazuki

Name: Lucas Marvelous Yamashiro

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Demi

Age: 16-17

Backstory: Lucas Marvelous Yamashiro was once a semi-normal autistic kid, until he found out his father was an evil wizard working for the organization Hydra, causing his mother to die and the boy's inner powers to awaken. Some time has passed and now Lucas has been taken in by the organization known as SHIELD who trained him to become a master in various forms of combat using his powers, which are reminessent of a spider, while he also had the help of magic users like Doctor Strange to become a powerful mage of his own. Lucas is now a teen and that's the beggining of his journey as the hero known as Mystic Spider, but what happens when he finds a device that lets him summon various half-alien women who are all in love with him?

He wears the Chaquertrix:


Overall Powers/Abilities/Hax: Alternate Digestion
Acid Generation
Appendage Generation/Multiple Arms
Arthropodal Limbs
Contaminant Immunity
Danger Detection
Dermal Armor
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Balance
Enhanced Strength
Parasite Immunity
Poison Generation
Poison Inducement
Powerful Bite
Stinger Protrusion
Retractable Stinger
Vibration Detection
Wall Crawling
Mythic Arts: The user can utilize the Mythic
Arts, a specialized system of techniques based
around the powers of mythological creatures.
This set of skills is focused on channeling
mythical essence, forces, magic, energy,
elements, spirits, Items and/or possibly calling
on mythical entities to perform various feats.
Mysticism: User can utilize mysticism, the
practice of causing supernatural effects by
connecting to divine (including holy and/
or unholy) forces in an altered state of
consciousness, allowing users to perform
extraordinary feats such as commanding
concepts, attaining vast knowledge and
possessing powerful dominion. This can
include being able to alter the environment
around them such as classical elements and
being able to alter energy around them into
whatever they can imagine. It is a practice
mostly asso ciated with massive religious
organizations; however, under certain
circumstances, almost anyone can achieve this
ability to some degree.
Unlike Magic, mysticism does not involve
users directly commanding supernatural
forces. Instead, users access power
through either direct intervention of their
supernatural patron or through mechanisms
created by the patron.
Mysticism is predominantly wielded by
religious practicioners, but it can also be seen
to be used by occultists. While most magic
users are not practitioners of mysticism, it is
common amongst wizards and witches.
Mana Manipulation
Mana Projection
Mana Constructs
Fire Suppression (via Mana Constructs)
Mana Construct Tampering
Mana Bursts
Mana-Enhanced Punches
Mana Trail Formation
Mana Telekinesis
Mana Absorption
Size Alteration
Astral Projection
Crushing Forcefield
Body Creation
Mana Field Communication
Memory Erasure
Memory Scanning
Portal Creation
High-Level Technology Detection
Reality Warping
Object Parsing
Hologram Disruption
Dimensional Vision
Mana Scanning Grids
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Speed (via Flight)
Space Survivability
Prehensile Hair
Assimilation Magic is a magic attributes that allows the user to take on the properties of a nearby object, material, substance or beast, and allows them the use of
its special characteristics.
The Throne of Heroes: Allows the user to
have access to the powers and skills of heroes
and anti-heroes whose names and legends
are inscribed on the Throne of Heroes. The
user also has access to the spirits' Noble
Phantasms, weapons based off of the hero's
legend, which he can use just as affectively as
Water Dragon Slayer Magic is a type of
Dragon Slayer Magic which allows the user
to incorporate the element of water into
their body, gaining exclusive characteristics
that are commonly associated with Water
Dragons. Such characteristics include: lungs
capable of spewing water, immunity to most
types of water attacks, the ability to breathe
and move freely underwater at great depths.
The user is capable of producing water from
their body and of manipulating it to attack
their opponents. This water is exceptionally
powerful - equivalent to a tsunami - being
able to break through metal. This water is
capable of extinguishing even the hottest of
flames as well as overpowering energy-based
attacks. The power of the user's water can
increase in force, which is proportional to
their emotional state. Water Dragon Slayer
Magic, being a form of Dragon Slayer Magic,
allows its user to drink large amounts of
external sources of water to restore their
body and replenish their strength reserves.
However, this won't work for water they
produced themselves nor if said external
water is either polluted or poisoned. As a
water based Magic, Water Dragon Slayer
Magic is naturally strong against any form of fire but naturally weak against any form of electricity.
Storm Dragon Slayer Magic is a type of
Dragon Slayer Magic that grants the user
various characteristics that are typical of a
Storm Dragon: lungs capable of releasing
powerful and destructive storms, scales that
are immune to the world's roughest weather,
and claws that rend and mold storms like
water. So, a user of this magic is capable
of producing large amounts of wind and
lightning, the titular storm, from their body,
capable of wielding it to enhance their own
blows or use it for its own offensive merits.
The storm produced by this has the offensive
properties of both Lightning and Sky Dragon
Slayer Magic, making it truly and incredibly
deadly and destructive, capable of tearing
through the strongest materials that the world
has to offer if used correctly. Some have even
stated that the storm hasa mind of its own,
as it seems to instinctively seek out points
where it can do the most damage, and will not
hesitate to strike those points, doing all it can
to accomplish said destruction.
Sun Dragon Slayer Magic is a type of Dragon
Slayer Magic that grants the user various
characteristics typical of a Sun Dragon: lungs
capable of spewing flames, scales that grant
protection against All fire, and nails covered
in flames. Consequently, Sun Dragon Slayer
Magic allows the user to produce and control
Sunfire from any part of their body, which
can be used both in melee and as a ranged
form of offense. The generated flames can be
manipulated in a wide variety of ways, their
"type" can be changed at will, and they can
even be given a material consistency. Such fire
seems to have a "blunt" effect to it, seemingly
causing bludgeoning damage alongside
burning. Flames produced by this type of
Magic provide much more heat than Standard
flames and all Fire related dragon slayer
ability flames. The user's body temperature
is capable of melting iron, burning off poison
and stigmata. The users flame are directly
connected to their feelings, meaning the more
emotional they get, the warmer their flame
will become; this effect is referred to as "Suns
of Emotion".
Lightning Devil Slayer Magic allows its users
to use a specific element to slay Demons; in
case of this particular type, the Mage can
create, generate and manipulate the lightning
element for various purposes, primarily
for combat ones. The element of a Devil
Slayer has a slightly different composition
and properties, giving an array of different
perks to the user. It looks like the Devil
Slayers have the innate ability to "resonate",
thus manipulate the souls and the smallest
particles within the matter of their element.
Such unusual properties make the demonic
element highly versatile and capable,
however, it places a higher strain and exhaust
on the user, comparing to other Slayer Magic.
Due to this, the Devil Slayers develop very
strong bodies with vast stamina, everything
that was built up with the help of rigorous
and extensive training just to allow the
practitioner to use their Magic properly.
Holy God Slayer Magic (Seinaru Metsujin no Mahö) is a Caster Magic, Lost Magic, and a God Slayer Magic that
utilizes the element of holiness in the form
of a dark blue light, allowing the user to
manipulate, create and consume light. This
form of magic gives the user the power to
utilize the light of the heavens themselves for
various purposes, a light that far surpasses
its Dragon Slayer counterpart, something that
has been proven numerous times through
Technological Magic: The user is capable
of using magic to affect or replicate
the technology. The user is capable of
communicating with technological entities,
using their own body as a conduit to
technology, enhance technology to greatly
surpass their base potential, operate
machinery no ordinary human can, restore
malfunctioning machines to life and casting
spells and enchantments that result in some
sort of cyber-related effect. The user is
basically utilizing science and technology as
though as if it was a paranormal element like
fire or blood.
True Hero: As part of his training, Lucas was
tasked by Ra to drink the blood of a godly
being. People in the past have drunk this
blood and have all ended up dead because
they were not worthy. When Lucas drank the
blood, when it appeared he died, he actually
survived and grew in strength. Once this
blood entered his body, many of Ash's past
lives appeared within his mind and altered his
body so he could use all of their skills. After he
drank from the blood, he had to train so his
body could handle all of the new skills he has
found himself with.
God Soul: This particular form of Magic allows
the user to relinguish and, presumably like
its kin Take Overs, absorb the God species,
subsequently taking their capabilities and
assets for themselves. These forms allow the
user to completely change their appearances
into that of the gods themselves giving them
control of their bodies and of their abilities.
The Hero: A type of Caster Magic and a type
of Requip. This Magic allows the user to store
equipment and suits in pocket dimensions
and summon them during battle. Each suit
or equipment grant the user an increase in
fighting capabilities whether it be offense,
defense, stregnth, speed, durability, Magic, etc.
Each suit represents a Superhero, granting the
user a wide range of different Magics based
on the suit the user is wearing. Each suit has
its own set of stregnth and weakness, granting
the user a wide range of skill that most Mages
dream to attain throughout their life-time.
The Figher is a Caster Magic, a type of Take
Over and a type of Requip. This Magic shares
a shares similarity to the transformation and
equip of magic as Take Over and the storage
and use of weapons of Requip. In which the
user incorporates the power of beasts' souls
in combination with various armors and
weapons stored in another dimension. These
forms give the user a variety of different
abilities such as flight, enhanced speed,
strength, reflexes etc. Each form represents
an echo of a greater being, meaning that each
form posses personalities and desires that are
invoked when that form is taken.
Extinct Soul (Purehisutoriku Sõru) is a Caster Magic anda
form of Take Over that allows the user to take
the formn of different types of dinosaurs and to
transform their body partially or entirely into
that of these creatures.
This particular form of magic allows the user
to take the form of different types of creatures
that they can clearly imagine in their mind
based on information from ancient bones
found in nature. Dinosaurs, as they are called,
were extraordinary creatures witha reptilian
appearance very similar to the dragons,
except their inability to use elemental magic.
Their skin were as hard as steel and their
claws were sharp as swords; their jointed legs
afforded them a good locomotion and their
fangs were so tough that they would be able to
pierce a reinforced armor.
Take Over: Spirit Soul grants the wielder of
the magic the ability to assimilate anything
that is capable of being categorized as a
spirit and from there assume the form of the
absorbed being in order to perfectly replicate
their powers. Seemingly one of a kind, Take
Over: Spirit Soul is a Take Over that attacks
the incorporeal as well as the things which
hail from alternate dimensions and/or are
Created/born differently than a vast majority
of the other races which roam the mortal
plane that's referred to as Earth Land.
DISK Magic: To release those stored within the DISKs, they
are hurled at the ground while announcing
the name of the release procedure, D-Smash.
The subject is then released. People with
proper Biocodes can release a person
indefinitely, but if a Biocode is incomplete,
the release lasts only several minutes, after
which the person is returned to the DISK.
Tech: Tech-based heroes and villains are
stored within red DISKs.
Fight: Heroes and villains who use martial
skills and physical attacks, or do not fit the
other categories are stored in blue DISKs.
Animal: Yellow DISKs contain heroes and
villains with animal-based powers or motifs.
Energy: Purple DISKs are used to store those
who use mystical or energy-based abilities.
Power: Green DISKs are reserved for those
heroes and villains who possess vast Super
An Abnormal is an individual possessing
overwhelming capabilities such that the
individual is unable to control that aspect of
themselves and inherently seeks to master this
power. An Abnormality is the specific, beyond
human ability that an Abnormal possesses.
Abnormalities manifest solely as internal
powers, and rarely can be projected outside of
the user's body.
The End: Saito is capable of learning other
talents and completely mastering them, to the
extent that he can use them to one hundred
and twenty percent of their capability,
becoming more skilled with them than even
their original owWners. Described as taking an
incomplete puzzle, and taking a part of that
incomplete puzzle and putting it together
with another puzzle that has some similarities
to complete it. This ability allows him to
learn any skill quickly, from simple skills like
baseball to impossible feats.
However, The End does have its limits. While
Saito can learn skills that exceed his physical
capabilities, he cannot copy the physical
capabilities of the original skill holder. Saito
is unable to stop himself from learning an
abnormality when he experiences it.
Compress: This allows him to "compress" anything in a spherical area around his arm into a small, marble-like object without actually damaging it. He can only compress his target if he is touching it.
The weight of the target is reduced alongside
them, making them very easy to carry. If
used on a person, it effectively entraps them,
terminating the fight instantly and allowing
him to abduct them without difficulty.
Spider Physiology: Mystic Spider possesses
the proportionate powers of a spider, granted
to him from an iradiated Common House
Spider (Achaearanea tepidariorum). The
radioactive, complex mutagenic enzymes
in the spider's blood that were transferred
at the time of the bite triggered numerous
body-wide mutagenic changes within him,
granting him superhuman strength, speed,
toughened flesh, and numerous arachnid-like
abilities. That mutation granted him an
"enhanced chromosome pattern."
Radio Frequency Detection: Mystic Spider's
spider-sense also enables him to track certain
radio frequencies.
Telekinesis: Projection of psychokinetic
energy enables him to levitate objects, propel
or manipulate them however she wishes, lift
himself and move through the air to simulate
flight, stimulate individual molecules to create
heat, generate concussive force as blasts or
bursts, and create protective shields.
Psychic Spider: He can manifest his telekinesis
as a psychic spider, whose legs and fangs can
inflict both physical and mental damage.
Telekinetic Force Field: He can create
a telekinetic field to shield him and his
Tactile Telekinesis: He has the power to utilize
a personal force field of telekinetic energy.
Telekinetic Weapons: He can create psionic
weapons and constructs out of psychic
energy that damage a target either physically,
mentally or both in some point.
Telepathy: He is able to read minds and
project his own thoughts into the minds of
others within a radius of 250 miles (on Earth).
With extreme effort he can greatly extend that
Telepathic Ilusions: He has the ability to
create realistic telepathic illusions and cause
people to experience events which are not
actually occurring.
Telepathic Cloak: He can mask his presence
from being detected by others. His
abilities could at times go undetected or
be counteracted by other more powerful
telepaths depending on their level of skill in
using their own psi abilities. He can extend
these defenses to others around him as wel.
Mind Link: He has the ability to develop a
mentallink with any person which remains as
a connection to that individual.
Telepathic Camouflage: He is capable of
masking his and/or other peoples' presence
from those around him. He can telepathically
disguise himself, making his appearance to
those around him quite different (changing
the appearance of clothing, as well as more
involved disguising).
Ghost Sense
Paranormal Strength, Speed, Agility and
Healing Factor
Wall Walking
Spectral Manipulation
Ghost ray
Ecto-Energy Constructs
Energy Absorption
Ectoplasmic Energy Blast - "Ghost Ray"
Ectoplasmic Energy Shield - "Ghost Shield"
Ghostly Wail
Portal Creation
Paranormal Immunity
Superhuman Physical Characteristics
Transformation (Can transform parts of, or
his entire body into his dragon form)
Flight (Wings)
Enhanced Senses (Eye and Ear of the Dragon
grant him enhanced sight and hearing
Natural Weaponry (Claws)
Fire Manipulation (Can breath fire and project
it from his hands in both human and dragon
Martial Arts
Air Manipulation (His wings can generate
gusts of wind)
Chi Manipulation and Duplication
possible Non-Physical Interaction
Genetically Enhanced Attributes
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Endurance
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Equilibrium
Superhuman Reflexes
Regenerative Healing Factor
Magic Resistance
Monster Emblem: This is an ancient power
that relates to monsters. It makes the holder
immune to the special abilities of monsters.
Once the holder has a special moment with a
monster, a mark will appear on that monster
and they will gain that monster's power.
Super Strength
Spiritual balance
Super speed
Astral projection
Heat beam eyes
Shendu: Fire Magic and the 12 Talisman
Po Kong: Giant, Crystal, Lava, Metal Magic,
Super Eating, and Infinite Digestive System
Xiao Fung: Wind and Sound Magic
Tchang Zu: Lightning and Storm Magic
Tso Lan: Gravity and Darkness Magic
Dai Gui: Earth, Sand, and Tree Magic
Hsi Wu: Illusion, Flight, Reflection Magic,
Wing Manifestation, Tail Manifestation, and
Sharp Claws
Bai Tza: Water, Ice, and Steam Magic
Enhanced Leap
Armor Creation
Multiple Arm Manifestation
Enhanced Punch
Gravity Deviance
Monkey Physiology
Hair Imprisonment
Portal Creation
Dragon Physiology
Crystal Transformation
Fire Breath
Anatomical Liberation
Self Duplication
Enhanced Vision
Chi Manipulation
Power/Effect Reversal Reflection
Lightning Movement
Manta Ray Physiology
Attack Deflection
Wing Manifestation
Attraction & Repulsion
Lightning Bolt Generation
Armadillo Physiology
Insect Manifestion
Web Generation
Time Travel
Mind Reading
Fear Manifestation
Cougar Physiology
Snake Physiology
Leg Extension
Butterfly Physiology
Lunar Manipulation
Binding Object
Fish People Physiology
Beetle Physiology
Intelligence Augmentation
Kangaroo Physiology
Stupidity Inducement
Fly Physiology
Time Stopping
Error Reparation
Mouse Physiology
Yin & Yang Manipulation
Erase Memories
Elemental Enhancement
Decay Reversal
Super Speed
Enhanced Strength
Cannonball Mimicry
Preternatural Perception
Enhanced Strength
Immense Speed and Reflexes
Immense Agility
Enhanced Stamina
Advanced Durability
Enhanced Endurance
Muscle and Joint Control
Healing Factor
Genius-Level Intellect
Master Strategist
Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant
Superhuman Physical Characteristics
Regeneration (At least Mid-Low)
Energy Manipulation and Projection
Light Manipulation
Electricity Manipulation
Attack Reflection
Time Manipulation
Information Analysis via Magic
Clairvoyance & Ilusion Creation
Dimensional Travel
Martial Arts
Vast Occult Knowledge
Resistance to Temperature Manipulation
Monster Morphing: The user can transformn
into beasts, as well as use the abilities, traits
and appearance/physiology of beasts by
rearranging their own DNA structure. Users
may be able to transform into beasts they
have never encountered. Some may have this
ability from an empty genetic code, allowing
them to accept any form from which they
have a DNA sample, others may be able to
alter their form mentally and change just by
seeing and mimicking beastly features.
Laser Vision
Sonic Hearing
Brain Blast
Power Orb Randomizer
Quantum Quack
Aqua Dense
Tornado Maximizer
Thunder Mode
Magnetic Manipulation
Molecular Regeneration
Sonic Speed
Global Positioning
Symbiotic Substance Manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate symbiotic substances; substances that possess a symbiotic and harmonious connection with other entities. These substances are typically entities or materials that coexist and interact in mutually beneficial manner with the users as they can influence and shape these substances, exerting control over their properties, behaviors, and interactions. Users can manipulate the symbiotic relationships between different substances, enhancing their cooperative effects or disrupting their harmony to create discord. This power can extend to both living and non-living substances, enabling users to manipulate anything mainly a biological organism or something else that share a symbiotic bond to materials that exhibit synergistic properties when combined with the user.
Symbiotic Costume: The user possesses a living costume that is symbiotically bound to them, thus becoming a symbiotic exoskeletal entity that generally grants them an enhanced condition and new powers and abilities, among other attributes. The nature of the costume can be organic, inorganic, elemental, technological, supernatural, etc, all fundamentally bound to the user serving it's hosts ever desire needed in given situations from weapons, disguises, armor, apparel, etc, all made from the symbiotic substance the suit is made out of.
Symbiotic Shapeshifting: The user can transform/reshape their symbiotic form as desired to adapt to varying situations, impersonating others, enhancing their body to combat, turning into animals, monsters, etc.
Symbiotic Substance Attacks: The user can release/use symbiotic substances to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.
Genetic Mimicry: The user can mimic properties of a creature's physiology through supernatural means. Alternatively the user's genetic structure can alter itself to become identical to a biological creature upon contact. Unlike Shapeshifting and DNA Replication, the user does not necessarily take on the appearance of the target but rather select parts of their physiological make up. One with this power could touch a spider and climb walls, a fish and breathe underwater, or a bear and gain amazing strength. Many users can take on whole physiologies by either touching the creature itself or someone who has the physiology as a superpower. Experienced users can mix and match certain aspects of different physiologies gaining a chimera type effect to their own bodies (having multiple genetic qualities at once)
Antibody Manipulation: The user can create, enhance/shape and manipulate antibodies of oneself and others to detect and destroy viruses and bacteria in, allowing them to speed up by enhancing them or slow down their recovery from a sickness. Users can also produce more or less antibodies as they want in a target.
Curing: The user can remove various conditions from themselves or others, returning to the original, unmodified state and/or gain a pure condition free from all outside conditions. This is a variation of healing that restores their normal condition by removing any form of illness, diseases, mutation or transformations.
Fictional Physics: The user can alter the laws of physics to mimic any and all kinds of fiction. This power can give the user a wide variety of abilities.
Live Action Physics: The user can alter the laws of physics to mimic any and all live action movies and shows. This power can give the user a wide variety of abilities.
Toon Magic: The user is able use a form of magic that allows them to cast magical spells dealing with toons and logic present in cartoons.
Cartoon Physics: Users possess the ability to impose the laws and physics of cartoons into reality, essentially allowing to warp the world around them however they see fit usually in a comedic fashion. Basically, cartoon physics is a jocular system of laws of physics (and biology) that supersedes the normal laws, used in animation for humorous effect. Most users can rewrite the strict laws of physics in their universe to their convenience and is allowed to overwrite the laws with more lenient and much more absurd physics with much more ridiculous ones in service of hilarity.
Cartoon Mimicry: The user is or can transform completely into a cartoon character. The user is able to do many cartoony things with this power with the cartoon form, and can be hard to kill. They can also break the laws of physics as well. The user can either have a western animated cartoon physiology, anime cartoon physiology, a 3D cartoon physiology or any other type of animation.
Comic Physics: User can alter the laws of physics to mimic comic books. This power can give the user a wide variety of abilities like seeing and physically interacting with lettering and caption boxes, and touching and even breaking through panel gutters.
Anime & Manga Physics: User can alter the laws of physics to mimic anime and manga. This power can give the user a wide variety of abilities.
Video Game Physics: The user can alter the laws of physics to mimic any and all video games. This power can give the user a wide variety of abilities.
Smoke Manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate smoke, collection of airborne solid and liquid particulates and gasses emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis, together with the quantity of air that is entrained or otherwise mixed into the mass. It is commonly an unwanted by-product of fires, with smoke inhalation being the primary cause of death in victims of indoor fires. The smoke kills by a combination of thermal damage, poisoning and pulmonary irritation caused by carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and other combustion products.
Neon Manipulation: The user can create, perceive, shape and manipulate neon, a colorless, odorless, inert monatomic gas under standard conditions, but when under low pressure glows a bright orange-red if an electric current is passed through it. Although neon is a very common element in the universe and solar system, it is very rare on Earth. Neon is used in signs, vacuum tubes, high-voltage indicators, lightning arrestors, wave meter tubes, television tubes, and helium-neon lasers. Liquefied neon is commercially used as a cryogenic refrigerant in applications not requiring the lower temperature range attainable with more extreme liquid helium refrigeration.
Video Manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate video images and energy, allowing them to create energy constructs in shape of beings, tools, weapons, aspects of fantasy (such as an NPC, a person from a movie, etc.), and to use powers used in videos like turning invisible and summon mighty weapons. They may also develop the ability to become digital energy and travel through electronics, wires etc. in video form.
Concrete Manipulation: The user can create/ generate, shape and manipulate concrete, a composite material composed of coarse granular material (the aggregate or filler) embedded in a hard matrix of material (the cement or binder) that fills the space among the aggregate particles and glues them together.
Paper manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate paper, a thin sheet material produced by mechanically and chemically processing cellulose fibers in water, that are derived from vegetable sources, such as wood and grass, and/or manipulating paper-like substances, such as papyrus and parchment that are close to standard paper. Among the more impressive abilities paper could provide is the ability of flight. With enough of the material, paper can be strengthened to lift the user or even an object due to its natural lightness. Paper can also grant a form of liquid absorption, as it is still an altered form of a plant thus can hold, store and clean away fluids albeit to a degree. Though paper is normally bland in colors, its beauty comes in more shapely differences (for example Origami) so what it lacks in flash and pizazz, it makes up for in physical phenomena.
Electrokinesis gave the user powers through the neuro-electric energy of others. With this ability, one is able to channel electricity in and out of their body, which can be made use of, both as a weapon, and as a way of recovering from injuries



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