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You were staring out of a window on the ship you just got forced onto. For a good reason though, your planet was about to blow up and you didn't have the money for a ship or ticket out of there, but a tree thing offered you a ride and said it was free. Nothing in this world is free, but it was this or die, so you accepted.

Thoughts were falling through your brain trying to pieces together and comprehend what just happened, your life, family, everything you cared about was on that planet, the planet that is now nothing more then floating rocks and sand. A tear made its way down you cheek, you quickly wiped it away but the action didn't go unnoticed. The tree thing that offered you a ride had seen you cry and walked over to you, he stretched out his arm and placed his palm upright in front of you. You glanced up at him curiously before following his line of sight to his open palm. After a few silent moments a tiny flower started to grow right in the center,your eyes lit up as it grew into a beautiful (favorite flower). The tree thing picked the beautiful flower and gave it to you, you smile and looked up at him,

"Thank you..." you said realizing he hadn't given you a name.

"I am Groot." You smiled and hugged him, Groots limbs carefully wrapped around you and hugged back.

"Thank you Groot." You said as you pulled away and went to go find some water for you flower. Peter had seen you hug Groot and wired till you left to ask Groot who you where and why you were here. Once he understood,Peter noticed something in Groots demeanor that was different. When Peter question him about it, all Groot said was,

"I am Groot."

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