Young Charles Xavier (Professor X)

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Magneto had you pinned to the wall with steel bars,holding you Several feet above the ground demanding answers about something that you didn't even know existed.

"Tell me!" He roared in anger, with a twist of his hand another steel bar came from somewhere in the distance and placed its self around your neck, it wasn't enough to choke you but it was definitely not pleasant.

"I don't know what your talking about." You said between gasps of breathe, caused by the steel bar and your crying.

"Lier!" The steel bar tightened,almost cutting off your air ways completely. Darkness started invading your vision,so with what little strength you had left, you cried out in your mind to the person you loved most...

"I love you,Charles!" Then everything went black.

Charles Xavier felt your cry for help so he linked to your mind just in time to hear your words,

"I love you,Charles!" Then it was blank,it was as if you were in a dreamless sleep. But your heart was weak and your body wasn't getting enough oxygen, he tried waking you up though he found it impossible for,you were dying. He quickly scanned through your memories, something he had promised you he would never do and tried to find where you were and what was happening. Quickly as ever, Xavier found your last memory and watched it in terror, his best friend was killing the girl he loved, for none other then power. Charles searches through the country trying to find Eric's mind, once he found it he did all he could to stop Eric's actions. Magneto could feel the pull of his X best friend and stalled on killing you,to have a quick chat.

"I know your there Charles." Xavier steadied himself and held back his tears,he had to keep Eric talking until he got there, Storm was flying the jet in the direction Charles was telling her to.

"Let her go Eric,your killing her!" Magneto gave a chuckle and look at your limp body, knowing Xavier would see what he saw. He walked a little closer and saw your lips turning blue.

"Indeed I am, but she could have prevented this tragedy if only she gave me the correct answers." Charles couldn't hold back the few tears that fell from his frightened eyes,

"She doesn't know what your talking about,I never gave her that information. She is innocent!" Eric had a sudden wave of doubt In his actions towards you and began to listen to his old friends stained sniffles of trying not to cry.

"Please,Eric. I love her."

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