Actually, I'm a Panther | T'Challa x Reader

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Word Count: 683
Warnings: None

A little short imagine for all my T'Challa fans

Also it was supposed to be called "don't freeze" but i ended up changing it to fit the story

"Well, if it isn't the king of Wakanda," you commented to your partner, Everett Ross, as you saw the king enter the room.

"What's he doing here?" Everett questioned.

"Probably the same reason why we're here," you replied. "Klaue."

T'Challa noticed the two of you quickly and came to join you. You had first met T'Challa during the Civil War between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. And yes, you did fancy him. Who didn't?

"Agent Ross," he said, greeting Everett with a curt smile. He looked at you and grinned widely.

"Agent L/N," he said sweetly, taking your hand and pressing a small kiss to it. "You look just as beautiful as the day I met you."

"As do you, your majesty," you said with a small giggle. You both stared at each other for several moments, until Everett coughed loudly.

"Ahem," he coughed, breaking the stare . "If you're done giving each other goo-goo eyes, I'd like to get back to business," he grumbled as he elbowed you.

"What are ya, jealous, Ev? " You questioned him with a little chuckle.

"So," T'Challa stuttered. "You two know..." he said, trailing off.

"Dating?" You finished. You glanced and Everett and you both broke into a fit of laughter.

"I'd never date this little shorty," you giggled, patting the top of his head. "We're just friends, ya know? He's my partner. We gotta keep it professional."

"I'm not that short!" Everett protested loudly. "Anyways, back to business." He continued with some more secret agent talk and you stopped listening to what they were discussing, for you were too busy staring at T'Challa. God, how you loved how his suit hugged his figure perfectly, and his beard was trimmed to perfection as his eyes sparkled with energy and...

"Y/N? Hello? Y/N!" Everett snapped, getting your attention.

"Whuh?" You stammered, slightly embarrassed that you got caught staring. T'Challa winked at you and walked away, smiling to himself.

"There's a little pile of drool from your love of T'Challa."

"Shut up."

Everett laughed at you.

"Somebody's in looooovvvveeee," he said, in a sing-songy voice, stretching out the 'love'. You rolled your eyes at him.

"Shut your mouth Ross," you grumbled, pouring a little up.

"Chin up darling, Klaue's coming this way," he replied, straightening up. You followed suit and before you knew it, he and Klaue began to talk business. You began to tune them out, mostly because you were bored and because you were trying to find T'Challa. All of a sudden, you felt somebody pushing you to the ground, in the midst of an explosion. You shifted yourself around and found yourself face to face with the king of Wakanda.


"I got you Y/N," he breathed. You stared up into his eyes. God, he was so handsome. Your lips were just mere inches apart. If you just moved your head slightly then...


You heard Everett call your name. Damnit Ross, you thought to yourself. T'Challa stood up and dusted himself off. You attempted to push yourself up but found that you couldn't move your left leg, as you winced in pain. A piece of debris was sticking out of it. How it got there, you had no idea.

"She needs medical attention!" T'Challa cried as he scooped you up in his arms, bridal style. You couldn't help but smile a little bit as you sank into his strong arms.

"I got you, Y/N," he whispered sweetly into your ear, as he carried you to the car. He placed you gently in the back seat as Everett hopped into the driver's seat.

"I have to go Y/N, but I promise to return for you," he said softly.

"Wait!" You exclaimed, grabbing his hand before he left. You pulled him close and kissed his cheek.

"Go get em tiger."

"Actually, I'm a panther."

I'm back y'all!!

Up next:

I Lose My Pants | Everett Ross x Reader

221B Baker Street | Stephen Strange x Reader | Sherlock/Marvel Crossover

On Your Left | Sam Wilson x Reader

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