I Lose My Pants | Everett Ross x Reader

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Word Count: 1540
Warnings: none

a/n: based off of what I found off of the marvel comics wikia page of Everett Ross

The door to the apartment that you shared with your boyfriend of two years, Everett Ross, swung open. You looked up from your spot on the couch and saw a frazzled looking Everett. His hair was a mess, his shirt was wrinkled, and his tie hung limply around his neck. Oh, and he wasn't wearing any pants. You immediately kept up from the couch and ran to give him a hug. He accepted the hug quickly and held you close. You eventually pulled away and eyed him sympathetically.

"Everett, honey," you sighed. "What happened to your pants?"

Scratching his head and refusing to look at you in the eye, he chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, that's a long story," he mumbled softly. "One I can't wait to tell ya. But first, let me put on some pants."

Attempting to stifle a laugh, you watched him trudge into your shared bedroom. Shaking your head after him, you quickly prepared some tea for him and brought it to the kitchen table. He joined you at the table, (this time wearing pants) and turned slightly pink in embarrassment when you gave him a look saying, "I'm ready".

"So it all started when T'Challa came to visit..."


Everett paced the outside of the airport, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the king of Wakanda. Why T'Challa chose to fly using some airline, was a question Everett did not know the answer to.

"Agent Ross!" a voice exclaimed behind him. Everett wheeled around, coming face to face with T'Challa.

"Your majesty," Everett greeted with a grin, shaking the hand of the king. "It's good to see you again."

Shuri, Nakia, and Okoye came up from behind him. Everett blinked a few times.

"I didn't know you were bringing company," he commented. They all promptly laughed at Everett.

"You should've known that they would've come," T'Challa chuckled. "Now, shall we head out?"

"Yeah, about that..." Everett said, trailing off. "My car was in the shop today so I borrowed  Y/N's car. And it only fits two people since I was only expecting you..." he said sheepishly, mentally kicking himself for thinking that T'Challa, the king of Wakanda, would come unaccompanied.

"Well, we'll have to make do with what we got," T'Challa stated. "Lead the way, Agent Ross."

"This is gonna be a long day, isn't it?" Everett thought to himself.

Somehow, your little two-seater convertible was able to fit Everett, a king of Wakanda, his girlfriend, his sister, and a warrior from the Dora Milaje. Sure, they had to cram everyone in the tight space and they may have had to put Shuri on the roof of the car but they didn't get pulled over, much to Everett's relief. On the way to the Avengers facility, they decided to stop for some lunch at a little Chinese restaurant. Everett ordered some lo mein and-


"Everett, sweetie just get to the good part," you said, interrupting his story while tapping your foot impatiently. "I don't care about what anyone ordered."

He glanced at you and reddened and rubbed his forehead.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll get there in a second babe," he commented. "Anyways..."



T'Challa and his entourage quickly devoured their lunch while Everett merely picked at his food. Something bad was going to happen, he just had that feeling. Everett stepped out of the restaurant and began to head back to the car while the Wakandans waited for him to bring the car around. But poor Everett was right. Something bad was about to happen. It started when some street punk started throwing pebbles at Everett from behind and started calling him a "Hobbit." Then "shorty". Then some other things that Everett refused to tell you. Luckily, a police officer was nearby and was able to save Everett from the street punk. As Everett retrieved the Wakandans, he realized that his CIA identification was missing. That street punk had stolen it. T'Challa insisted that they go track the punk and Everett reluctantly agreed. Fortunately for Everett, Shuri was able to track the thief down. Unfortunately for Everett, the thief was at a strip club.

The confrontation ended up in a fight between the thief and some strippers against the Wakandans and Everett. Which somehow resulted in Everett losing his pants.


"Wait, so you lost your pants, in a fight, in a strip club, because some 'street punk' stole your identification?" You questioned your boyfriend. He sighed and buried his head in his hands.


You burst into a fit of laughter. He snapped his head up and turned an even darker shade of pink.

"It's not funny Y/N! And that's not even the worst part!"

"Oh, do enlighten me."

"Well then. So we ended up getting arrested..."


"I'm gonna be in so much trouble when I get back," Everett grumbled as his mug shot was taken. Somehow, the brawl at the strip club was blamed on himself and the Wakandans, even though they didn't start it.

Thankfully, T'Challa was a king which granted him and everyone else he was with, diplomatic immunity, allowing them to leave the police station without any charges pressed against them. When they arrived at the compound, T'Challa left to discuss matters with Tony Stark while Everett stayed with the rest of the group, making small talk with the Wakandans.

"So," Shuri said with a smirk. "The colonizer doesn't have to be fixed up this time?"

"No," Everett sighed. "But I could use some pants," he said, looking down embarrassed once again. "How's Wakanda doing? No threatening cousins or-"

He was cut off by a sudden rap at the door. Everett scrambled to get it and was greeted by a demon of some kind.

"What the f-"


"A demon?!" You exclaimed in shock.  Your eyes widened and you grabbed Everett's hand. He squeezed it tightly and gave you a sad smile.

"A demon thing. Anyways, everything went black and the next thing I knew, I was sitting next to Mephisto himself...."


"So," Everett coughed. "Why am I here again?" He asked nervously, his voice rising an octave higher. Mephisto sighed in disappointment.

"You're bait for that king of Wacky World." He glanced down at Everett from his throne. "Why don't you have pants?"

Everett quickly explained his misfortune, growing more and more anxious by the minute.

"You say they took your pants," Mephisto scoffed.

"Ah, yes that is accurate."

"So I see."

Everett scratched his head again and twiddled his thumbs. He desperately hoped that T'Challa would come soon.

"I will give you a gift then," Mephisto stated as an attempt to calm the quivering CIA agent. "To make you more...comfortable... while we await T'Challa's return." With the wave of his hand, pants suddenly appeared on Everett.

"Um, thanks?" Everett said awkwardly. "You can't imagine how..." he trailed off, reality hitting him.

" I just sold my soul to the devil for some pants, didn't I?" Everett thought to himself. "Y/N is gonna kill me." He immediately stripped off the devil pants in a panic. But to his dismay, another pair of pants appeared under them. He stripped those off too. And yet, another pair of pants appeared.

"This is kindergarten all over again!" He thought to himself. A flashback of kindergarten bullies pantsing him on the playground haunted his mind. Seeing his frantic mood, Mephisto chuckled loudly. Everett looked up, his eyes wide in fear.

"I only collect the souls of those who are pure and noble. And since you work in Washington D.C., you don't have to worry about that."

Pouting, Everett slumped back into his chair and prayed that T'Challa would come soon.


"You thought you sold your soul to the devil for some pants?" You questioned Everett in disbelief.

"Yes," he moaned. You burst into another fit of giggles.

"It's not funny!" He pouted, his lower lip sticking out. He sighed again and gave you a small smile. "Okay, maybe it's a little funny."
He straightened up and continued to speak.

"Anyways, T'Challa came to the rescue and fought Mephisto while I hid behind the chair. We got teleported back here and since the pants technically belonged to Mephisto, they were taken from me and I just wanted to get home so now I'm here and that's why I don't have any pants."

You looked up from your cup of tea and noted that Everett was now an extremely pink color, for his was extremely embarrassed.

"Aw honey, it's okay," you reassured him, pulling him into a hug. "You made it out alive and you're here with me and that's all that matters, okay sweetie?"

"God, I love you Y/N," he mumbled in the crook of your neck.

"But I gotta see if Shuri can get footage of you losing your pants at a strip club brawl," you giggled as you pulled away. "I'm sure she's already found it."


Hope you guys enjoyed! Also, since the Fourth of July is in three days, how do you guys feel about a Steve Rogers Fourth of July special imagine?

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