Promises | Steve Rogers x Reader

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request: Hey love I was wondering if I can have a Steve fic. Using "its lonely out in space, I never knew me a better know you can't hold me forever, picture my face in your hands, but more than ever, I simply love you...let her know you need her, let her know how much she means and that's where you found me, when you put your arms around me.. I know it's a bit lol but can I have a whole lot of angst but happy ending please! I love your work btw!! Thank you love!!

warnings: cussing, angst, and then fluff at the end

word count: 1.6k

Y/F/F = your favorite food
Y/F/D = your favorite drink
F/F = favorite flower

You thought you were going to have a bittersweet yet happy ending. The team defeated Thanos and his cronies and your boyfriend of seven years, Steve had been by your side the whole time. That is, until he saw Peggy. Peggy. You thought that he had gotten over her after you started dating. But you were wrong. When you learned that he had gone back in time to be with her, you were crushed. How could he do this to you? You had just lost the woman you called your best friend, Natasha, and the man who was as close as a brother to you. And now, you lost the love of your life.

You sought comfort in Bucky. Bucky was just as devastated as you. The two of you formed a tight knit bond over your loss, and Bucky soon became your best friend. He was always there to comfort you whenever you felt the pain of losing Steve. Whenever you had a nightmare, Bucky welcomed you into his bed. No sex, he just held you. Held you as you wept because you thought you had lost the love of your life, forever.

The day Steve returned, you thought you had seen a ghost. Maybe you were hallucinating. But you weren't. You, Bucky, and Sam, had just returned from another mission and as soon as you stepped off the Quinjet, you saw him standing there. You couldn't move, couldn't breathe. All you could do was stand there and gape. Bucky was the first to react. He pulled Steve into a tight hug, and then, punched him in the jaw. He straight up punched Steve. Rubbing his now sore jaw, Steve chuckled lightly.

"Guess I deserved that," he mumbled.

"What the HELL were you thinking, Steven Grant Rogers?!" Bucky shouted angrily. "You told me to not do anything stupid until you came back and I guess I was right when I said that you were gonna take all the stupid with you, wasn't I? God, Steve, do you know what you did?" Bucky gestured towards you. "You broke her heart, Steve. You broke my heart, Steve. What happened to being with me till the end of the line? What happened to being by Y/N's side? She already lost Tony and Nat, and then you. You had to be selfish and leave all of us behind. What kind of person does that?"

And with that, Bucky stormed off. Only giving Steve a fleeting glance, you ran after Bucky. Steve gazed after you, longingly.

"I 'spose you want this back," Sam said quietly, holding out the all too famous, red, white and blue shield to Steve.

"Keep it," Steve sighed, meeting Sam's eyes. "You deserve it more than I do."

"He'll come around, Steve," Sam chided. "And so will Y/N. You just gotta give them some time."

"I will," Steve said solemnly. "I'm gonna make things right." He pulled Sam into a tight hug. "You're a good man, Sam."

"I know, and now go get your woman. And your man."

Steve decided to go to Bucky first. He found him aggressively punching a punching bag in the gym. But after some yelling, a few punches thrown, a lengthy explanation and some tears, Bucky had (mostly) forgiven Steve.

"You need to fix things with Y/N," Bucky pressured Steve. "You hurt her, Steve. A lot. I had to spend countless nights comforting her because you left her. I had to put on a brave face and tell her it would all be okay even though I was hurting too."

"I know, Buck, I was stupid," Steve admitted sadly. "Do you know where she'd be?"

"Avoiding you."


Bucky sighed. He knew Steve wouldn't give up until he found you.

"She's probably in the garden on the roof. That's her new favorite spot."

After profusely thanking Bucky, Steve ran as fast as he could to find you. And Bucky was right. You were sitting on a bench swing, staring out into the sunset. You heard heavy footsteps approaching and you looked up to see Steve approaching you.

"Y/N?" You could detect the nervousness in his voice. "Can we talk?"

You turned away from him, not wanting to even look at him. You felt him sit down next to you and he cautiously put an arm around you. When you didn't react, he relaxed a little bit more.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry doll, I shouldn't have left you and Buck and Sam and the team and I-"

Angrily, you cut him off.

"Why'd you leave?" You spat out. "Why? Was it Peggy, Steve? Was it Peggy?" When he didn't respond, you swallowed thickly and asked him a third time. "Was it Peggy?"

"Doll, when I saw her, I lost track of all time. It's lonely out in space, I never knew me a better time..."

"You mean you couldn't think of all the times we spent together, the memories we made?" You retorted.

Desperate, Steve grabbed your wrist to prevent you from leaving.

"Steve, what are you..." You trailed off when he fell to his knees and pulled out a small, black and velvet box.

"Y/N, I know I fucked things up, and I can't even imagine how much pain you felt. I'm so sorry, Y/N. But more than ever, I simply love you. Let me make this right." He opened up the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. "Y/N L/N, will you marry me?"



You gently removed his hand from your wrist and he snapped the box shut, embarrassed. He stood up and looked at you sheepishly.

"You're right, Steve. You don't know how much you hurt me. And it's gonna take more than a ring and sappy words to make things right. I can't forgive you right now. In time, maybe. But it's gonna take a while." And with that, you were gone, leaving Steve alone.


Things slowly started to return to normal after Steve returned. The tension between you and Steve finally began to thaw. You finally began to talk to him and whenever things became too much for you to handle, he respected that. And one day, you finally agreed to go out on a date with Steve. He was ecstatic. He spent the whole day planning and setting everything up. It had to be perfect. When you met him on the garden rooftop, you were in shock. In the middle of the courtyard, Steve had set up a table for two, with Y/F/F and Y/F/D placed on it. Candles and string lights lit up the garden and bouquets of F/F were placed everywhere.

"Steve, you didn't have to do all this," you said in awe.

"But I did," he responded with a smile. He pulled out the chair for you and you sat down. He took the seat across from you and poured you a glass of Y/F/D. "You look beautiful tonight, doll."

You responded with a simple thank you and blushed. He took your hands in his. The date continued without a hitch until there was a break in the conversation. You took a breath and decided to finally ask him the question you'd been holding onto since he returned.

"Why'd you come back Steve?"

Steve explained to you that when he had gone to reunite with Peggy, she was with another man. She and him had a long discussion that ended with her smacking him upside the head and telling him to return to you, because you were the woman Steve loved, not Peggy.

"In her words, let her know you need her, let her know how much she means," Steve admitted.

After his lengthy explanation, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring once again.

"I love you so much, Y/N, and I don't want to lose you again. Will you marry me?"

And this time, you said yes.


You were standing in a beautiful chapel, surrounded by your closest friends and family, Steve standing across from you, finishing up his vows.

"I was lost when I first met you, Y/N. I was a man out of time. But, that's where you found me, when you put your arms around me, a man who fell in love at first sight with you. When I left you, I knew I had made a mistake. All I could do was picture my face in your hands. But I promise to stay by your side doll. I promise to never leave you. I promise to never hurt you ever again. I love you so much."

You began to tear up and mouthed thank you to Steve. Then, you began your vows.

"Steve, I never, in my life, thought I'd end up being in a romantic relationship with a superhero, nevertheless, Captain America. When I met you, I was on cloud nine. And when you asked me out, life felt perfect. We've been through so much, Steve. You were on the run when I met you, a so called "war criminal". But I saw past that. I saw a man who'd do whatever it took to do the right thing. And yeah, we went through a rough patch. A really rough patch. But you never gave up on me. Steve, I promise to support you in all that you do. I promise to be by your side and to never hurt you. I love you Steve. Till the end of the line."

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