Steve Rogers x Reader | One-Shot Competition Winner

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This one-shot was written by Madelinel0we  . She was the winner of my one-shot competition. Congrats!

Saturday night at the Avengers tower equals, another wild party. Thanks to Mr. Tony Stark himself. All you wanted was a nice,quiet Saturday with friends or with a super soldier that you have your eye on. Every since you were added to the dysfunctional family, you two hit it off perfectly. The team had bets on how long it would take for you two to get together, in the end Thor won. (I know, he was the last person you thought would win) Looking in the mirror, you smoothed your ivy green dress. Normally, you never dressed up for these things but Steve asked you if you would. The way he looked at you when he asked made your heart melt even more than it did daily.
Okay, (y/n). It's just the weekly crowd. A bunch of people Tony felt he needed to provide drinks to. Just find Steve and hang with him.
Taking a deep breath, you turned and walked out your bathroom and slipped on your heels and open your room door to find your soldier with his fist against the door ready to knock.
"Wow you look stunning!"
It was the normal greeting, it was everyday for the last year, but still made your cheeks red. "Me, look at you."
He was in a red button up (you loved when he wore it, it showed off his arms) with his leather jacket, dark wash jeans and some brown shoes. He leans down and pecks your lips. All the stress you was feeling just seconds ago, gone.
"Do we have to go?" You ask sounding like a child. He chuckled as he pulls into a hug, his strong arms wrapping around you like a blanket.
"Sadly yes. Trust me I much rather have a quite night with you, sweetheart."
"(Y/n), Steve. This thing is about to start." You both turn to see Tony, doing some dance with a bottle of champagne in his hands. Rolling your eyes, you turn toward Steve. His expression was showing how already 100% done he was with Tony. Taking his hand you head toward the party.

~Two hours later

After about a hour, you lost Steve. He's probably playing pool with Sam. So you walk over to the bar where Nat was playing bartender.
"Nat why do you always play bartender? You should be out here having 'fun'."
"(y/n)" she pointed out to the crowd "this is not fun."
The first couple parties was a blast, but after they started happening every weekend they got real old, real fast.
"Get me a glass of wine, will ya."
"Make that two."
You turn to see Steve, with a wide smile on his face. In your gut you felt something was being planned.
"why are you smiling this big?"
"Am I not allowed to smile, when I see my girlfriend?"
You wanted to ask how many beers he had, but it wouldn't matter he couldn't get drunk. You both took your wine. After getting away from the bar he pulled you down the hall, away from everyone else. You could see it in his beautiful blue eyes, he had something planned. He pushed you against the wall and kissed you hard, you couldn't help but kiss him back. His soft,warm lips. He pulled away.
"Ooo that was unexpected." You smirked. With saying that the lights began to flicker, and then it went black. You held your hands out to find Steve but it was only empty space.
"Steve? Baby where are you?" No answer. You pull out your phone and turn on the flash light. It light up the whole hallway, you felt a cool breeze. Staying close to the wall you see that the window at the end of the hall is open. Fear rushes over you.
"Steve!? Steve!!"
Walking to the window you look out, and see the busy New York night nothing out of the ordinary. The a pair of strong familiar hands found their way to your waist and pulled you back in the window, hitting your head in the process
"What the hell!" Rubbing your head, you turn to see Steve. You slap his chest hard.
"Oh my god you scared me! Don't do that again Steven Grant! Ever!" You scolded, closing your eyes a pinching the bridge of your nose, trying to ease the pain coming from you head. When you open you see two Steve's, closing your eyes again and opening them taking a double take.
"What's wrong babe?" They both held their arms out for you.
"There is two of you Steve."
"No there isn't, it's just you and me. You hit your head pretty hard. Do you need Banner to look at it?"
"No,I need a drink, I'll be right back." You hold your hands and walk toward the party. Steve waits till your out of sight and holds his hand up for a high-5. Getting an answer from the other man standing beside him.
"Phase one complete."

You return to the hall to still see the two images of your super soldier. He hadn't noticed you yet so you stay quiet and listen to the conversation. Steve I know your old but dang sweetie your talking to yourself.
"Okay so when she gets back you're going to start kissing her."
"Steve I don't know how I feel about kissing your girl"
"Johnny, when has that stopped you before? I'm not going to kill you for it. She might but I'm not going to."

Really Steve, you call in Johnny Storm to help you prank me. You're low.
You slowly walk behind the two men and slide your hands down their shoulders.

"So fellas, what's the plan?"

They shoot up and turn, faces of two boys that got caught stealing from the cookie jar. You have your hands on your hips.

"So Cap, do we still use the plan?" Johnny asked.
"No Johnny, we don't."

You could see a small box in the real Steve's hands. He looked down at it and smiled. He stepped closer, you knew what he was doing. He started to get down on one knee but you stop him.
"Hey, you're too old be be on one knee. But the answer is yes!" Opening the box it revealed the most beautiful ring you had ever seen. Tears began to form in your eyes. He slid the ring on, you reach up and wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his lips. Deepening the kiss he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you as close as he could.
"Well this is awkward."
You had totally forgot about Johnny, but you didn't care. Nothing was going to ruin this moment.

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