The Sun Will Shine On Us Again | Loki x Reader

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Amount of Words: 981
Warnings: spoilers for infinity war and lots of angst. Also, some quotes may be slightly incorrect since I've only seen it twice and I was crying the entire time.


*I'll put the title up later since it's kinda spoilerish

The Sun Will Shine On Us Again | Loki Odinson x Reader

Dedicated to hungergames36 because I know she misses Loki

"I can't believe it's gone," you sighed, staring at the ruins of what was once Asgard. Loki stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"We'll be fine, Y/N," he reassured you in a soothing voice. "I assure you, the sun will shine on us again my love." You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder.

"I hate to break this love fest, but I think you spoke too soon," Valkyrie commented, nodding to the window. An enormous ship was coming towards you. Loki's breathing quickened and held you even tighter.

"Thanos is coming," he breathed.

"We can never get a break, can we?" Thor grumbled. "Valkyrie, Korg," Thor ordered, "get as many Asgardians as you can to safety!" Valkyrie merely nodded, knowing what was at stake. She took off with Korg, ushering several Asgardians to the escape pods.

"Loki and Y/N," Thor said, diverting his attention to the two of you. "Be prepared to fight."

The battle was ruthless and unforgiving. Thanos and his children slaughtered all who opposed him. Luckily, Valkyrie and Korg were able to escape with half of the Asgardians. Thor laid on the ground, barely breathing. Loki held you tight, crouching in the shadows. Ebony Maw began to speak, addressing any survivors.

"I have to do something Y/N," Loki whispered. "I can't let them do this."

"Don't go Loki!" you retorted. "I can't lose you again. I love you." Tears began to stream down your face, for you knew what was about to happen. Loki cupped your face in his hands, wiping away your tears.

"I love you more than anything Y/N," he said softly. "But I have to do this for Asgard. For Thor. For my people. For my father, Odin." You nodded tearfully. He drew you close and pressed his lips against yours, giving you a bittersweet kiss.

"Stay here. No matter what happens, do not move from this spot. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you." he said as he pulled away. He pressed one of his knives into your hands. "Stay safe my love. I assure you, the sun will shine on us again."

He stood up and ran off to where Thanos and his children stood. Thanos grinned evilly and picked up Thor's body like a rag doll.

"The Tesseract... or your brother's head." Thanos questioned Loki. "I assume you have a preference?"

"Oh I do... kill away!" Loki responded. Thanos pressed the gauntlet to Thor's head. Thor screamed in anguish. Seeing his brother's pain, he sighed. He couldn't do this to Thor. Not again.

"Alright stop!"

"We don't have the Tesseract, it was destroyed on Asgard!" Thor grunted. With tears in his eyes, Loki revealed the Tesseract.

"You really are the worst brother," Thor grumbled. Loki gave him a meaningful look.
"I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again!"

"Your optimism is misplaced Asgardian!" Thanos chuckled. Loki smirked at him.

"Well for one thing, I'm not Asgardian. And for another thing, we have a Hulk!"

Hulk came through and roared punching Thanos as hard as he could, knocking the Tesseract to the ground. But it wasn't enough. Thanos threw Hulk to the ground. Heimdall muttered a few words and summoned the Bifrost and sent Hulk to Earth. Shaking his head, Thanos stabbed Heimdall in the heart. You let out a gasp. Loki grit his teeth.

"No!" Thor shouted. "You'll die for that, monster!"

"Shh," Maw hissed, shutting Thor's mouth shut. 

Thanos crushed the Tesseract in his palm and placed the space stone in the gauntlet.

"There are still two more stones on Earth. Find them and bring them to me," he ordered to his children.

"If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena," Loki spoke, stepping out of the shadows.

"Well, if you consider failure experience," Thanos retorted back.

"I consider *experience* experience," Loki responded, striding towards Thanos. "I, Loki, prince of Asgard, rightful king to Jotunheim," he paused and glanced at Thor. "Odinson, give my undying fidelity to you." He whipped out his knife in an attempt to slaughter Thanos. But Thanos knew what was about to happen. Using the gauntlet, he stopped Loki from stabbing him. He grabbed Loki by the neck and picked him up.

"Undying?" He chuckled. "You should choose your words more carefully."

Watching from the side, you gasped, placing your hand over your mouth, quivering slightly. Damnit Loki, don't die on me! You thought to yourself. You felt Loki enter your mind one last time. The sun will shine on us again, my love. Tears dripped down your face, for you knew what was about to happen.

Squirming in his grasp, Loki stared back at Thanos, vengeance in his eyes. "You...will never be....a...god..."

Sighing, Thanos snapped his neck and threw him to Thor. "No resurrections this time."

Using the space stone, he teleported away. You ran from your hiding spot and crouched next to Loki's body. Thor joined you, severely injured. You both wept silently, remembering his last words to you.

The sun will shine on us again.

I'm back :)

Also, that picture was edited by me (even though it's technically from Ragnarok)

Next up, a Steve Rogers x Reader!!!

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