Losing You | Steve Rogers x Reader

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Word Count: 1059
Warnings: Spoilers for Infinity War which means it's gonna be angsty

Losing You | Steve Rogers x Reader

dedicated to all my Steve lovers especially Mad-dog-maddie

It had been two years since you last saw him. Two years without him to comfort you and to hug you and to kiss and hold you and whisper I love you in your ear when you both laid in bed at night. You were supposed to get married to him. Two years ago. But then, the civil war between him and your brother, Tony Stark had to come, forcing you to choose between the two. You chose the side of your brother, because he was the last of your family and the accords seemed like a good idea at the time. But with all the rules and regulations that forced everyone on Steve's side to go including Steve himself, you realized that it wasn't worth it. But it was too late. Steve was gone and stupid Ross wasn't going to change his mind.

Following Steve's departure, you stayed behind, training the new Avengers. Vision, Rhodey and Peter. Yes, you loved them dearly yet it wasn't the same without the old crew. You and Tony were all that were left of the original crew that fought off the Chitauri in New York. Then one day, Bruce came back, after being missing for some years. You greeted him with a hug and he trembled in your embrace and whispered, "Thanos is coming."

You and Bruce ran off to warn Rhodey as Bruce updated you about the events that had taken minutes prior. Tony and Peter and this Doctor something dude were in space. I'm never gonna get a break, am I, you thought to yourself. Your thoughts were cut off by Bruce telling you something you'd never thought you'd hear again.

"I called Steve," he spoke softly, eyeing you nervously. "Tony, he told me about the breakup of the Avengers. And that you chose him over Steve. Please don't be mad at me. But we're gonna need everyone we can to win this battle."

You froze at the sound of Steve's name. You didn't say anything, only breathing heavily in shock, your fingers twisting the ring that Steve had given you two years ago when he proposed.

"They're coming back Y/N," Bruce whispered. "They're coming home. Steve's coming home."

Right after he said that, you heard his voice again. Steve. He was here. You and Bruce ran to find them. And you saw him, standing there with Nat, Wanda, Sam, and an injured Vision. He looked different, rugged and tired. He had grown a beard and his hair was darker. His eyes were tired, as if he had spent many sleepless nights thinking of something.

"Steve?" You whispered, his name falling out of your lips. His face broke into a smile and his eyes immediately brightened. He ran to you and embraced you, holding you in your arms, not wanting to let go. Tears flowed out of your eyes as you hugged him back. You inhaled his familiar scent. He was here. Steve was back. The team smiled and left the two of you alone, allowing you two to talk freely.  You pulled away from Steve's embrace and he held your hands, his eyes never leaving you.

"I like the beard," you chuckled softly. "The whole "bad boy" look suits you."

"Y/N..."he murmured, stroking the side of your face. "You have no idea how much I missed you."

"I'm sorry Steve," you said, looking downwards, not wanting to meet his eyes. "I couldn't abandon Tony. He's my brother. But you were right. The accords were wrong. I never shoulda signed them. I should-"

He cut you off with a chaste kiss. You closed your eyes and pulled him closer, running your hands through his hair. God, how you missed this. Reluctantly, he pulled away, yet he still held you close.

"Don't be sorry," he said gently. "I understand why you chose Tony. He's your family." He paused for a moment, taking your hand. "I love you Y/N. I don't care what happened. I will always love you."

You smiled at him, more tears forming in your eyes.

"I love you too Steve."

"You still have your ring," he commented with a grin. "Does this mean you'll still marry me? Once all this Thanos shit is done?"

"First of all, language. And second of all..." you trailed off, draping your arms on his shoulders and pulling him close.


*time skip to the battle of Wakanda brought to you by Peter and Shuri becoming close friends and making lots of vine references and annoying the heck out of Tony*

"I have a bad feeling about this," you sighed as you saw the weird creature thingys running towards you. T'Challa began his battle chant and thus the battle began.

It was the toughest battle you had ever been in. Thank the lord for Thor and his new magical axe. Then stupid Thanos had to come. You and the rest of the Avengers fought hard to try to stop him from getting to Vision but it wasn't enough. He knocked away everybody that tried to stop him, even Steve, who laid on the ground beside you, breathing heavily. You held his hand, not wanting to move.

You couldn't believe it. You lost. The Avengers lost to that grape. Thor stabbed him through the heart but it wasn't enough. He snapped his fingers and everything changed.

Steve helped you up to your feet and you clung to him, not wanting to go. Bucky was gone. Groot was gone. Sam was gone. T'challa was gone. Wanda was gone. Hundreds of other Wakandan warriors were gone.

"Steve?" You whispered fearfully. You felt yourself starting to fade away.

"No, Y/N, don't go!" He choked. "I can't lose you again!"

"I'm sorry Steve," you breathed as you faded away. "I love you."

Steve collapsed to the ground in defeat and disbelief, by Vision's body and by where you once stood in his arms.

"Oh God..."


Next up: Peter Parker x Reader

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