Ace Richards

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Name: Ace Vitaly Richards
Nickname: Ace
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: strait
Alias: Golden Crowne
Alignment: Villain
Teams: Villains


Parents: Nathaniel Richards, Kang the conquerer, & TBD
Siblings: Owen & Kanna
Grandparents: None
Aunts & Uncles: None
Cousins: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: Presumed descendants of Reed Richards
Love interest: Bianca Grey


Gifted powers
Energy blasts, Energy control, Electricity Control, Electronic Disruption, Energy Absorption, Energy Based Constructs, Energy Manipulation, Energy Shield, Energy-Enhanced Strike, Flight, Force Field, Time manipulation, time control, enhanced strength, enhanced speed, enhanced stamina, enhanced durability, technopathy, telekinesis, telepathic tech linking, gravity control, anti gravity blasts

Race: Black
Species: Human
Hair: black
Hair style:short shaved black hair
Eyes: green
Height: 6'0
Piercings: ears are pierced
Weapons: advanced technology
Other: has no powers of his own, only high intellect.

Everyday clothes

Super suit

❝I know him. That can't be. That's- that, little guy, who spoke to me. All those years ago, what was it, 85'? That poor man, they're gunna eat him alive!❞

Backstory Info
Power is what I desire. One may want a kingdom, another a business venture, I want the power. I want to say I killed a god. Slain an emperor, took power from the divine. I'll be the king of time, a god of gods. Just wait, you'll know when it's time... is sometimes what I think I want. I feel like I should do something, but I already have seen how it's destroying Owen. I'm not a physical warrior like he is. I'd rather get under the skin of those I fight, see what makes them crack. My relationship with my siblings... is just okay. Owen is too prideful to ever ask for help, sometimes I have to assist by force so he actually takes care of himself. Kanna, I just enable her chaos. I kinda just let her do whatever and she leaves me be. I have next to no relationship with our father, he's just... I don't think he loves us. I'm not ever sure why he had us, there really was no intentional reason for it, he never showed our mother Real affection.he's no longer with us either, but that doesn't matter, we have no relationship with them, they're jus5 strangers in our eyes.
There's this girl, Bianca, who has indeed caught my eye. I can't help but feel Horrible seeing her alone all the time, her sisters always seem to run out for the day. I have no doubt in my mind they're all spending time with their lovers, and Bianca has no one. I hope she'd like me, though I get nervous she won't... she has such a soft and comforting smile, and I can't help but want to hug and hold her. Of course, I'm carful, I don't want to seem overbearing, but I'm slowly trying to get her to do stuff with me, take her mind off her sisters. She shouldn't be hung up on what they're doing without her, instead she should do something she wants. I hope I can figure out everything she enjoys, I want to be able to surprise her with her favorite things, and maybe... just maybe... ask her out on a date?

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