Owen Richards

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❝My empire will rise in due time❞

Name: Owen Austin Richards
Nickname: Owen
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alias: Conquerer of Kings
Alignment: Villain
Teams: Villains


Parents: Nathaniel Richards, Kang the conquerer, & TBD
Siblings: Ace & Kanna
Grandparents: None
Aunts & Uncles: None
Cousins: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: Presumed descendants of Reed Richards
Love interest: Angelo Blaze


Gifted powers
Energy blasts, Energy control, Electricity Control, Electronic Disruption, Energy Absorption, Energy Based Constructs, Energy Manipulation, Energy Shield, Energy-Enhanced Strike, Flight, Force Field, Time manipulation, time control, enhanced strength, enhanced speed, enhanced stamina, enhanced durability, technopathy, telekinesis, telepathic tech linking, gravity control, anti gravity blasts

Race: Black
Species: Human
Hair: dark brown fading to purple
Hair style: in dreads
Eyes: brown
Height: 5'11
Piercings: ears are pierced
Weapons: advanced technology
Other: has no powers of his own, only high intellect.

Everyday clothes

Super suit

❝Oceans rise, empires fall, we have seen each other, through it all❞

Backstory Info
When one kingdom falls, another empire rises to take its place. A prince of time, I will be next to take on my father's legacy, it is for not I will not fail. I've been defeated countless times before by him, but May that not dissuade me. It only gives me practice and strength. A man so intelligent, a human who could take on the likes of earth's mightiest heroes, only relied on technology and intellect far superior to that of anyone the world has ever seen before. I will rise to take the king's place. I will win next time. I will...
I have two siblings, Ace & Kanna. I am Prideful, Egotistical, Calculated and cunning. I must win... I have to. I express no shame, I refuse help, I refuse for my ego to be bruised. I accept no defeat, I will win, I have to... Ace puts up with my antics, I may rival with him but he tolerates me. Kanna is a menace, just pestering others in her arrogant ways. We have next to no relationship with our father, just being unintentional offspring. Our mother is gone, dead. I have no connection to my parents, I feel nothing when talking about them, they're... strangers. My family gets in my way, prevent me from succeeding... from winning.
Angelo is an interesting case. I do have softer emotions, even if they are usually hidden by my pride and arrogance. I'm not sure what to make of him, on one hand I feel pity for his situation and stress, especially after Kendall's antics, while on the other, I'm not sure how I feel. Everyone seems to have decided I need to be his boyfriend, but I know nothing about him- as himself! What are they hoping to achieve if we date?  It's not that I don't like him, I'm just not sure I 'Love' him. I'm sending mixed signals, okay let's restart. I don't know how I feel about someone I barely know. Is he kind to me? yes. Did he tell me he likes me? yes. Do I know why? No... I do push buttons out of curiosity, some things I do are intentional. I just... I don't know yet. And all this talk about sappy emotions and relationships, it's stressing me out, because I simply don't know, and it's distracting me from my goals...

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