Skylar Galaxtra

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❝I don't care who or what you are, I will do whatever it takes to get all the infinity stones.❞

Name: Skylar Kovu Galaxtra
Nickname: Skylar
Age: 19
Gender: Non-binary, Intersex
Pronouns: They/Them, any are really fine with them though
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alias: Galaxia; Alter Ego Bailey
Alignment: Antihero
Teams: Loner


Human form

Parents: Unnamed & Deceased
Siblings: Unnamed & Deceased
Grandparents: Unknown
Aunts & Uncles: Unknown
Cousins: Unknown
Nieces & Nephews: Unknown
Other family members: Unknown
Love interest: None?


Psychic abilities, telekinesis, telepathy, mind control, mind warping, Telepathic Cloak, Psionic Shield, Telepathic Camouflage, Mind Alteration, Telepathic Illusions, Mental Paralysis, Mental Amnesia, Psionic Blasts, Mind Transferal, Mental Detection,  Astral Projection

Inherited abilities
Flight, dark vision, aquatic breathing, shape shifting, power mimicry, aquatic form, Energy Blasts, Energy Absorption, Energy Based Constructs, Energy Manipulation, Energy-Enhanced Strike, cold immunity, Thermokinesis, Cryokinesis, Hydrokinesis

Gifted abilities
Aerokinesis, Chlorokinesis, Electrokinesis, Ferrokinesis, Geokinesis, Geo-Thermokinesis, Photokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Typhokinesis, Umbrakinesis, Crystalkinesis

Race: Presents as Asian Indian in human form, lilac skin
Species: Alien from the Moon Europa
Hair: green fading to blue then purple, has brown hair in human form
Hair style: side bang with hair pinned up in a fishtail braid bun
Eyes: left is green while right it's blue, human form both eyes are brown
Height: 5'0
Piercings: ears and septum are pierced
Weapons: a sword
Other: last europan alive

Everyday clothes


Super suit

❝Everybody says there's two kinds of hearts, Where one loves and one goes to war. Some make peace and others get even, No solid ground to stand for. Surely, it's not easy or that simplified, I'm dying while you walk away, And I, wanna put my boots and march to the front lines... I will be your lover. Fighter. Harder. Higher. Lover. Fighter. I wanna fight for lover. Fighter. under. fire. Lover. Fighter. I wanna fight for love, love, love... Wanna fight for love, love, love...❞

Backstory Info
I hade one goal, collect all the infinity stones. I wanted to stop all the chaos in the universe, it's how my world fell. We had a small society on jupiter's moon, we in some regards where similar to what those humans call mermaids. In the water we gain tails, we are from an ice ocean world moon, after all. I was an outcast, for being different. My world was falling apart at the seams into factions, and eventually, they all fell away. Thanos took the final blow, even though my family was horrible, I was devastated still watching him tear through our homes. I managed to be the last one left, even though there weren't many of us to begin with. If there are more, they have to be deep within the seas of the world. I chose to remain mainly on the icy surface, in a base I call my own. I've designed lots of technology to enhanced my capabilities, and capture those stones. Those stones are what the universe strives for, the power stone is the reason my world was brought into calamity. Once I get all of them, I will return to hiding and keep them hidden forever. I don't care who I have to stop that gets in my way, I will take what's mine. Earth seems to be the main hiding place for these stones, and I will take them by force.
This is the only reason I continue on. I've nothing else to motivate me, other than the idea no other world will fall to the hands of this power. There's no room for love in my heart, emotions are a waste of time. Even then, they play cruel tricks on you. My heart has put me in a bind, I've fallen for someone. She doesn't even exist, and I've been bewitched by her beauty. I've only seen her from far away, even then, her sightings are Rare. Gemini isn't even a person, but she's stolen the last bit left of me. She's five girls in one, and they all go their separate ways. I just want the emotions I feel to stop, it's not even feasible... why do I still hurt? I have nothing left to loose, everything I have is gone. I do not want to kill anyone, if I did, I'd be beside myself, I'd be no better than them... I'm not villain, I'm not hero, I'm just tired, so very tired... of war, of existence...

❝Get me the stones. Now.❞

Name: Bailey Avery White
Nickname: Bailey
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: N/A
Alias: White Knight
Alignment: Villain
Teams: Loner


No family applicable


Flight, dark vision, shape shifting, power mimicry, Energy Blasts, Energy Absorption, Energy Based Constructs, Energy Manipulation, Energy-Enhanced Strike, Psychic abilities, telekinesis, telepathy, mind control, mind warping, Telepathic Cloak, Psionic Shield, Telepathic Camouflage, Mind Alteration, Telepathic Illusions, Mental Paralysis, Mental Amnesia, Psionic Blasts, Mind Transferal, Mental Detection, Astral Projection

Race: White
Species: Super Human
Hair: Blonde
Hair style: short
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'0
Piercings: None
Weapons: Swords
Other: none

Everyday clothes

Super suit


❝You drew an arrow and pulled it, burned like a bullet, It was love, it was heat, it was true. We were called into battle and all of it shattered, But I'm aiming high not to lose you. I know, it's not easy or that simplified, no, But you and I are on each others side, So take my hand and we will march to the front lines.❞

Backstory Info
I chose the generic white male as my alter ego. They seem to be what holds the most power in human society, so I decided that's what my persona would be. Bailey is... Fake. He is something I created, someone so generic... I'd fit in.

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