Frost Skadisdottir

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❝A storm is coming on❞

Name: Frost Iclyn Skadidottir
Nickname: Frost
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alias: Frostinia
Alignment: Villain
Teams: Villains


Parents: Skadi & Njord Burison
Siblings: None
Grandparents: Buri (Deceased)
Aunts & Uncles: Borr
Cousins: Odin
Nieces & Nephews: Thor, Loki, Hela & Angela
Other family members: Belladonna, Meredith, Shyla, Shawn, Chloe, Trixie, Lukas, Blake, Lillian, Jesse, Sarah, Lorianne, Pandora, Inferno, Zenon, Nova Star & Aria
Love interest: Pele Surtrsdottir


Inherited abilities
Healing factor, Immortality, Magic, Size Manipulation, Super Strength, Ice abilities, cold resistance, frost generation, snow control, blizzard manipulation, Ice manipulation, snow manipulation, telekinesis, telepathy

Race: white
Species: Jotun, God
Hair: Platinum blonde fading to light blue
Hair style: down
Eyes: icy blue
Height: 6'3 at Min, 12'0 at Max
Piercings: ears are pierced
Weapons: long sword
Other: none

Everyday clothes

Super suit

❝I'm headed straight for the castle, They wanna make me their queen. And there's an old man sitting on the throne, That's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean. I'm headed straight for the castle, They've got the kingdom locked up. And there's an old man sitting on the throne, That's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut- Straight for the castle.❞

Backstory Info
I'm from the cold northern mountains of Niffelheim, where my mother is from. She is a kind Giantess, allowing for safe travels though her mountains to all who come through. She is a neutral third party, and has gained love from the asgardians, granting her a godly status over winter. It helped that her husband is both the Som of the First Aesir, Brother to the First Asgardian King, and Uncle to Odin. I do not engage much with that side of my family, since my father had been scorned by my uncle Borr. He stole away his kingdom to combine into Asgard, and left. I'm not hatful to the aesir, though I do wish to burn out my rage for them and what they had done to my father first, then I can spend the rest of my life with my Queen. Pele is my beautiful girlfriend, fiery as the sun, wrathful as the fires of muspelheim. She one day will take Rein of her kingdom, and plans to have me alongside her in doing so. I want to adopt as many Jotuns as I can, I hope to have some of many different kinds. Pele probably would believe I'm thinking too far ahead, but I would love that. I am an advisor to Lucian, and sees my insight as a more neutral party in Niffelheim to the Aesir as a good common ground. I'm not exactly hatful, more resentful, my insight is for keeping watch of their passages through my home realm.

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