Pele Surtrsdottir

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❝let's burn this place to the ground❞

Name: Pele Valeri Surtrsdottir
Nickname: Pele
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alias: Brimstone, Princess of Muspelheim
Alignment: Villain
Teams: Villains


Parents: Surtr & Sinmara
Siblings: None
Grandparents: None
Aunts & Uncles: None
Cousins: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: None
Love interest: Frost Skadisdottir


Inherited abilities
Astral Projection, Energy Absorption, Energy Manipulation, Energy-Enhanced Strike, Fire Control, Flame Breath, heat resistance, Flight, Healing, Heat Generation, Heat Vision, Levitation, Immortality, Magic, Shape Shifting, Size Manipulation, Soul Absorption, Super Speed, Super Strength, Telekinesis

Race: Black
Species: Jotun
Hair: White
Hair style: pulled back into a tight ponytail
Eyes: Red
Height: 6'9 at min, 14'0 at max
Piercings: ears, nose, bridge and eyebrow are pierced
Weapons: dual swords
Other: has horns

Everyday clothes

Super suit

❝Our paper faces flood the streets. And if the heat comes close enough to burn, Then we'll play with fire 'cause- You'll never takes us alive. We swore that death will do us part, They'll call our crimes a work of art. You'll never takes us alive, We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners, Partners in crime.❞

Backstory Info
I am the daughter of surtr. I am not allowed to step foot in Asgard, for the soul fact my father is who is written into prophecy to bring about ragnarok. Am I bitter towards the Aesir? Yes, yes I am. Frost is more lenient, since her father is one, though he also shares the same sentiment from being betrayed by his brother, Borr. I am the Future Queen of Muspelheim, though my father wishes to remain on the throne for as long as he can. I am an advisor to Lucian, since my realm holds the fire giants, and as far as I'm aware, I'm one if two fire giants present as an advisor. Most tend to be frost or Ice giants, though I'm curious as to why there is No Storm or Rock Jotun among our ranks. I do hope for that to change, though Lucian as far as I'm aware, hasn't found any influential figures up to his impossible standards quite yet. Like cliche would, I am dating an Ice Giant. We tend to live on Jotunheim together, since Niffelheim is far too cold for me, while Muspelheim is too hot for her. I intend to find a way to bring her there safely without making her feel Ill. I love my queen, a goddess and giantess. She's more god that Jotun I should say, her mother being a goddess too. Her father is the god of the seas, while her mother of winter. Her smile lights up any room she's in, and she knows how to quell my temperament.

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