Phoenix Galaxy

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❝I'm pretty sure saying 'I'll rise from the ashes' is too stereotypical of a catchphrase for me to use.❞

Name: Phoenix Starfire Galaxy
Nickname: Phoenix
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Strait
Alias: Firebird
Alignment: Villain
Teams: Villains


Parents: The Phoenix Force & TBD
Siblings: None
Grandparents: None
Aunts & Uncles: None
Cousins: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Other family members: Step Family TBD
Love interest: Neona Vision


Fire wings, Fire Control, Heat Resistance, Heat Generation, Fire manipulation, Flight, Super flight Speed, Healing factor

Gifted powers
telepathy, mind control, telekinesis, Psychic, Cosmic Phoenix, Cosmic energy, Phoenix Force Blast Power, Energy Absorption, Energy Manipulation, Matter Absorption, Concussive Force Blasts, Quantum Singularity, Life-Force Control, Matter Transmutation, Cosmic Teleportation, Disintegration Waves, Resurrection Force, Cosmic Pyrokinesis, Temporal Manipulation, Atmokinesis

Race: White
Species: Mutant
Hair: deep ginger red that fades to a light orange
Hair style: shirt but soft and fluffy brushed to the side
Eyes: red
Height: 5'7
Piercings: ears and nose are pierced
Weapons: fire swords
Other: he was gifted powers by the Phoenix force, has a pair of red wings

Everyday clothes

Super suit


❝You got me thinking that I was too mean. Well, everything that I say I believe, Tuck a knife with my heart up my sleeve and Change like a season, Reason for nothing, I am disruptive, I've been corrupted, And by now I don't need a fucking introduction❞

Backstory Info
I was an orphan. When my mutant powers developed, let's just say there was only one survivor of the house fire. I was born with my wings, but the fire didn't come til later. Now on my own, in my youth I befriended Jennifer, who helped me greatly. The Phoenix force came down one day, looking for the descendants of Jean grey to give them an offer. I was also given the offer, which accepting gave me powers of the Phoenix force. I was taken in by the force, since I was on my own, and it made me loved. It was difficult at first figuring out telepathy, but over time I managed it. I eventually learned the truth. The Phoenix force is my mother, she left me with my father. I killed my family when my powers emerged, since I was an uncontrolled Phoenix. The powers I where gifted, where actually my mother awakening my Phoenix abilities, gifting me control over it. I was not supposed to be left alone, but I was. I don't talk about my home life, and nobody needs to know what happened.
I have a sweet Girlfriend. She's extremely shy and timid, though that changes once we're alone. She desperately wants my attention quite often, and I won't ever refuse. I'm glad I have her, I just wish she wouldn't be as shy with me. She deserves the world, and I hope to give it to her. Shes everything to me, she's all I have left. I'm not all too connected to my mom, so being with Neona is important to me, she's the closest that I have to a family. I love her very much, and hope to help her get better in her shy manner. I can't help but get butterflies when she smiles or laughs, I feel elated being in her presence. That probably sounds dumb, but my god, she's perfect.

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