Dove Darkholme

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❝No, I'm not turning into Dove Cameron, it's not funny, Syria❞

Name: Dove Diana Darkholme
Nickname: Dove
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her, changes dependent on the person she is impersonating
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alias: masquerade
Alignment: villain
Teams: Villains, Brotherhood

(Hunan form)

(Mutant form)

Parents: Raven Darkholme, Mystique, & TBD, Stepmother Irene Alder, Destiny
Siblings: Erika, Half Siblings with Kurt, Step-siblings with Fate, Adoptive Siblings with Anna Marie
Grandparents: None Named
Aunts & Uncles: None
Cousins: None
Nieces & Nephews: Nari, Genesis, Ramona & Giana
Other family members: None
Love interest: Karter Wilson


Shape shifting, mimicry, voice altering

Race: Black
Species: Mutant
Hair: Black, ginger in mutant shifter form
Hair style: frizzy hair tightly pulled into two Pom Pom pigtails, while mutant form is short strait half up half down hair
Eyes:  lime green eyes, while mutant form is golden
Height: 5'5
Piercings: ears are pierced
Weapons: guns, daggers
Other: she could shift if she wanted to and could look anyway she wanted, but prefers her original form since it feels like it represents her changing form, has vitiligo

Everyday clothes

Super suit

❝You're dripping like a saturated sunrise, And you're spilling like an overflowing sink. You're ripped at every edge But you're a masterpiece, And now you're tearing through the pages and the ink.❞

Backstory Info
I didn't have an eventful childhood, but did have an identity crisis when my powers emerged. I ended up gaining the same mutation as my mother. it's just when it awakened, since I can be anyone I every wanted to be, I felt like I'd loose myself. Overtime I understood where I was at, and accepted who I am. I've made the original dove someone who stands out and is not defined by her powers, as is nobody would recognize her outside of our hero-villain circle. Our parents divorced when we where young, and almost ten years ago our mom remarried to Irene. We got a stepbrother named Fate, and he's kinda a pain in the ass. Erika and I aren't the closest, but she does call every other day, so I'd say we're getting there.
I do have a boyfriend, who does love me for who I am. I makes me feel good I don't have to change myself for someone. I could if I ever so wanted to, but I don't need to. Karter loves me for me, and makes me feel good in my skin. I adore his kindness and sweet words, he's super cute. We aren't the most eventful or out there couple, we just like to lounge about and relax with one another. I feel secure with him, I'm glad he fell in love with me, I could just relax against him for hours.

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